Played about two hours on the PS3 SKU.
Wow. The game looks absolutely fantastic. I was expecting just rudimentary things like 16:9 support and 720p. They really went to town on the textures. Is it just me, or did they also redo the mesh on a few monsters? Some of them look pretty high-poly for a PS2 game.
Does this game support surround sound at all? I figured out the game doesn't support DTS, but when I play in DD I'm getting nothing out of the rear channels.
Also, is it just me, or is loading slower than the PS2 game? It seems like I'm hitting a 6-8 seconds load every two screens I cross...
Searched the thread and couldn't find this:
Is it possible to enable the Japanese voice track with subtitles?
I thought they are bundled only for sales purpose and you can download them separately.
The Vita loading is not 6-8 seconds, but it does seem like load screens are more noticeable than when I originally played it. Don't have the original game to compare too right now though.
Searched the thread and couldn't find this:
Is it possible to enable the Japanese voice track with subtitles?
Yeah, load times do seem fairly noticeable.
I haven't timed the load times myself to say for sure, but from the little time I've spent with the PS3 and Vita versions, it feels like Vita's load times are more noticeable (i.e. a little longer, but not by much). Has anyone else felt this is the case?
Yes.Would you describe this game on the OLED screen as orgasmic?
Wandering Flame is definitely not an improvement.
Is there still a chance they will offer the games separately on PSN?
I don't want FF X-2 but would be happy to pay 20 bucks for FFX.
Not on PS3. One giant file. They couldn't even bother naming it correctly either. It's just called X-2 HD Remaster once it's downloaded.
Having a blast with the game. I remember owning my first ps2 and renting this game. Never really got too far, and never got into it as much as I am now. So I can consider this my forst time with the game. Are there some things I should look out? I know getting every characters ultimate weapon is hard and tedious. But any other secrets?
Yea they're maybe a second or two longer on Vita than PS3.
who the hell reset these temple puzzles when I only entered a few minutes after Yuna and company?
My digital copy on the vita seems quick...1-2 second loads... But then again I haven't left Besaid yet.
This expert sphere grid is confusing me. I feel like with one wrong turn I'll have two characters being exactly the same too early.
Got a little carried away.
Time to jump in the PS3 version! I haven't touched this game since I put over 220 hours into the PS2 original. I can't wait to make my chars clear the sphere grid entirely to beat the monsters from the monster arena.
Does this game have on-screen enemies or random battles? I can't seem to remember.
Agreed, and thankfully the missable primers are obvious if you've played that part of the game before.God bless this game for only having 1 missable trophy and of course I already knew what it was and where you miss it (the Al-behd primers).
I hate feeling like I have to use a walkthrough the first time I play because you'll never find everything without one. I'm just going to play the game and worry about that crap later (if I feel like it)
Agreed, and thankfully the missable primers are obvious if you've played that part of the game before.
If I could've picked one to be spared, it would've been that. :/
If you miss the primers would it be pretty easy to get them on a second playthrough? Is that how the trophies work or do you have to do it all in one playthrough?
Sigh. OT's never have the one piece of information I'm looking for.
In this case, when is the release date? (I now know the release date via googling, just asking because it really should be in the OP.)
If you miss the primers would it be pretty easy to get them on a second playthrough? Is that how the trophies work or do you have to do it all in one playthrough?
I think Kimahri went from being the worst looking character model of original ps2 version to the best looking model in the remaster. I love how crisp and colorful he looks, he's so smooth.
He is certainly up there but Lulu's updated character model looks so good...
Not sure we are looking at the same OT, but it's in there... towards the bottom of the picture. It's March 18th for NA, March 21st for EU.
I put in a good 90 minutes into this game last night before falling asleep. The remaster was so well done, and I really really hope we see XII HD. Please please please please!
Are the artbooks the same in content?Got a little carried away.
Time to jump in the PS3 version! I haven't touched this game since I put over 220 hours into the PS2 original. I can't wait to make my chars clear the sphere grid entirely to beat the monsters from the monster arena.
Are the artbooks the same in content?
so i was watching my friend play FFX HD on his PS3. is it bad that the first thing that came to my mind is that even though its in HD, i kinda wish they just waited longer and completely remade the game so it would actually look like an HD final fantasy game, rather than just a remaster(keeping the battle systems intact though)?
i just keep watching and seeing that the game could have looked soo much better if it was remade from the ground up. kinda like if they went the Wind Waker HD route.
I put in a good 90 minutes into this game last night before falling asleep. The remaster was so well done, and I really really hope we see XII HD. Please please please please!
so i was watching my friend play FFX HD on his PS3. is it bad that the first thing that came to my mind is that even though its in HD, i kinda wish they just waited longer and completely remade the game so it would actually look like an HD final fantasy game, rather than just a remaster(keeping the battle systems intact though)?
i just keep watching and seeing that the game could have looked soo much better if it was remade from the ground up. kinda like if they went the Wind Waker HD route.