lol if you kinda dig blitzball, you really should give inazuma 11 a shot 
I call him Teedor. Everyone wins.
Lol, that's ok, your rant is fine with me.
Although i'm more interested in how Aerith's weapon was in the top 20, i'm going to have to look this up. I'm going to guess the the Buster Sword is number 1?
Edit: I think I found it, she was talking about the Masamune, not Aerith's Staff thankfully.
I've always been partial to Edgar's chainsaw myself.
I started with the expert sphere grid. Is it weird that I'm considering restarting because the expert sphere grid color looks horrible?
Just bought this since I never had a chance to play the PS2 versions (not that I remember anyway), but what the hell is happening? Story seems totally crazy from the beginning and the fact that Tidus doesn't ask himself what the hell is going on and why he's on another dimension or something really bothers me. Does the game explains all this nonsense in the next coming hours?
Is that the 3D grid from the international version? I always hated that perspective...
Those are the two you need to level though.Yuna has her fights with Belgemine and Issaru - and as far as I know, her aeons level with her. I forget with Kimahri but I think Biran and Yenke are fixed to so it can get a little bit difficult. Just make sure to use his lancet as much as you can on the fights that give him an overdrive and you should be good.
You can change the perspective of both grids although I agree it doesn't look right
Uhh no it's not really sloppy, because unless they were told otherwise then Aeris is just as logical a translation of her Japanese name as Aerith considering in Japanese her name is written as Earisu (Pronounced closer to Aerisu エアリスNo, I wager that one was just the sloppy translation of FF7. Aerith is supposed to, obviously, reference her Earthy nature and such.
Aeris...doesn't. I guess you could argue it sounds like Air, but, again, that wasn't the intent.
It's a bit of an oddity in the FF community; people will feverishly defend the messages and themes and stories and imagery that the original artists had...but names? Forget whatever the writers intended, we go with what names sound better in our heads/we were used to as kids.
Weird, that.
I completely forgot about those two fights. Meh, I'll just bring them up to speed during certain points in the story where I feel like I'm at a good spot to grind with them.
Would you recommend the expert grid? I haven't played this game in like 10 years or whenever it came out.
Uhh no it's not really sloppy, because unless they were told otherwise then Aeris is just as logical a translation of her Japanese name as Aerith considering in Japanese her name is written as Earisu (エアリスsince Japanese doesn't even have a "th" sound.
Yes but that name translation itself is not a result of sloppy translation.FF7's entire translation was done sloppily. Not that this is the fault of the poor workers here in the US, they had to use emails back and forth to Square-Enix Japan employees to translate as best they could.
If anything, it's amazing FF7 turned out coherent at all.
I completely forgot about those two fights. Meh, I'll just bring them up to speed during certain points in the story where I feel like I'm at a good spot to grind with them.
I hear most people bring him through Rikku's path, but I've always liked doing Wakka's instead. Having a second Dark/Sleep/Silence attacker with pierce came in handy. Also, Mighty Guard is nice. I'm actually going to veer him towards Rikku's this time to see how it is.That is wrong. Their Level scales with Kimahris. You dont have and shouldnt Kimahri at all. He is only useful for early stealing...but Rikku is of course better. Kimahri is the most useless character in a final fantasy
OK, I just watched the video on Squares site about the collectors edition, and she pronounced Tidus as 'Teedus'
Is this right? Please tell me its not. I mean I always said 'Tie-dus' like an ocean tide. It sounded better and made more sense.
I know it seems late, but I have never heard his name pronounced I guess. Still I hate 'Teedus'
I'd say no. There's not a whole lot of 'good' character customization to be had with the Expert Grid and it might be a bit confusing for someone unfamiliar with the game.
The Standard Sphere Grid has every character follow their canonical path. Rikku is a speedy thief. Auron is a strong, but slow heavy-hitter. Lulu is a black mage. There is the ability to cross paths and dip into each other's grids for customization, but usually you won't do that until endgame due to constraints.
The Expert Sphere Grid has every character start pretty much in the middle. There are far fewer constraints and the paths crisscross much more often. That said, it is still possible for every character to contain themselves to their own "job", but it is less straightforward on how to do this. The Expert Grid is best used with some pre-planning. This grid has slightly less nodes overall, but if you min-max to the very limit, you don't need those nodes anyway, so don't worry when people bring that up.
If you like the idea of having a well-defined class structure (I want a white mage, a black mage, a thief, etc) and don't care for much else, go for Standard.
If the Sphere Grid looks intimidating and you're worried about screwing up your characters, go for Standard.
If you're very familiar with the Standard Grid and want something new, go for Expert.
If you like the idea of your characters being a little of column A, B, C, and D, go for Expert.
If you like the idea of molding your characters wherever the wind brings you, go for Expert.
OK, I just watched the video on Squares site about the collectors edition, and she pronounced Tidus as 'Teedus'
Is this right? Please tell me its not. I mean I always said 'Tie-dus' like an ocean tide. It sounded better and made more sense.
I know it seems late, but I have never heard his name pronounced I guess. Still I hate 'Teedus'
What is expert sphere grid?
The Standard Sphere Grid has every character follow their canonical path. Rikku is a speedy thief. Auron is a strong, but slow heavy-hitter. Lulu is a black mage. There is the ability to cross paths and dip into each other's grids for customization, but usually you won't do that until endgame due to constraints.
The Expert Sphere Grid has every character start pretty much in the middle. There are far fewer constraints and the paths crisscross much more often. That said, it is still possible for every character to contain themselves to their own "job", but it is less straightforward on how to do this. The Expert Grid is best used with some pre-planning. This grid has slightly less nodes overall, but if you min-max to the very limit, you don't need those nodes anyway, so don't worry when people bring that up.
If you like the idea of having a well-defined class structure (I want a white mage, a black mage, a thief, etc) and don't care for much else, go for Standard.
If the Sphere Grid looks intimidating and you're worried about screwing up your characters, go for Standard.
If you're very familiar with the Standard Grid and want something new, go for Expert.
If you like the idea of your characters being a little of column A, B, C, and D, go for Expert.
If you like the idea of molding your characters wherever the wind brings you, go for Expert.
Why can't you pause all cutscenes? I know some you can, but not others. Not even hitting the PS button pauses them. Kinda sucks when you have to go to the bathroom mid cutscene. lol
The game has towns, explorable interiors, more varied map layout, npcs to talk to and can actually reward you for looking closely for hidden items.There are also puzzle filled temples that are pretty fun.
The areas never drag either.They are extremely well paced imo.
No, you can get max HP with both grids. You take the difference out of Agility. You get 170 Agility instead of the max. Agility after 170 only affects how many turns you get at the very beginning of the battle. To remedy this, you just need a weapon with First Strike and it gives you the same result.That depends what you mean by to the limit. If you want to have the most powerful HP when using Break HP limit armor, as well as optimizing all other stats , then obviously Expert can't do that. But even against the Dark Aeons you never need over 9999 HP , so expert gives you plenty of nodes to get the stats needed for the monster arena/ dark aeons, Basically there is a numerical disadvantage but its not one that makes anything more difficult in practice (except Dark Yojimbo, he's still doable without Break HP limit but it is significantly harder to pull off, if you don't know the strategy).
Would you recommend the expert grid? I haven't played this game in like 10 years or whenever it came out.
plus the story is about 1000x better than FF13 which is half the reason people play FF games.
I love XIII and totally agree. X's story grabs you right away and keeps you engaged from beginning to end. XIII had some cool world mythos and stuff, but the emotional connection just wasn't there. X's story is probably one of the most emotionally engaging things FF has ever done. It's also pretty well paced and keeps the twists coming without going too far off the rails.
No, you can get max HP with both grids. You take the difference out of Agility. You get 170 Agility instead of the max. Agility after 170 only affects how many turns you get at the very beginning of the battle. To remedy this, you just need a weapon with First Strike and it gives you the same result.
Both those fights can be won without every touching either character's Sphere Grid. Kimahri's is actually quite a bit harder if you've leveled him inefficiently.
Just power button it into standby.
Also, IIRC if you max out Luck (I did! fighting Earth Eater a bazillion times was horrible), you don't need any Evasion or Accuracy whatsoever. Is that true?
Is that a Vita thing? I'm playing the PS3 version.
Possibly a controversial opinion here, but am I the only one who vehemently disliked blitzball back in FFX? For me, it was a combination of blitzball being too hard directly followed by being too easy, since the game was entirely based off your players stats. So initially, your team is garbage and you either lose or cheat. Then once you have good players with tons of skills, you dominate the other team.
Cheating, also a big problem I had with it. You could swim behind your own goal and if done correctly, no defenders would ever come after you, so you could run out the clock. Worked every time. You could also swim in circles on one side with an attacker then pass cross court for an open shot about 75% of the time. Between these two "strategies", I would win every game, but it made blitzball very tedious and boring to me.
The final straw was the two times blitzball was "required". My sixth grade self reset the game probably 30 times to get Wakka that final victory because I didn't get the damn Ject shot right before. And next, getting Wakka's overdrives and celestial weapon from the tournaments took altogether too many games. They never showed up as prizes. I think I did some soft reset trick and it STILL took forever.
Always see people talking about how awesome blitzball was, and always confuses me. I think it had the potential to be awesome, but was implemented really poorly, and I hated it so hard as a kid. I would dodge lighting all day and do ten 0 second chocobo races before I would do another blitzball tournament.
I've heard so many Square employees refer to him as Teedus in press/media related events that I took it upon myself to do the same and I honestly quite like it, but considering you name him yourself in-game and never hear the name spoken form the characters, it doesn't really matter.
Even James Arnold Taylor says Teedus, and this was from way back when the PAL version of FFX released.
It's surprising that Tiedus still seems so common.
So, this is a bit of a spoiler, but since this will be a lot of US players' first time playing the International version of the game, I'd like to give out a quick tip or two. Only read this if you already beat the standard Final Fantasy X as it'll be quite spoilerish.
1. (Mid-game)2. (Late-game)When you reach the Calm Lands, head back to Besaid to get the Jecht Spehere immediately. Do not wait until you get the airship as accessing Besaid will be... difficult after that.After defeating Yunalesca, remember to go down the stairs in the background to get the Sun... something for Tidus' Celestial Weapon. Trying to do so after that fight will also be... difficult. Only much more so than entering Besaid.
As you can probably guess, the reason for this isSo do yourself a favor and do this right the first time.that each area will be guarded by a Dark Aeon. Dark Valefor, who is not too bad to fight, and Dark Bahamut who... is.
Wakka says "Teedus" in Kingdom Hearts, which came out only a few months after FFX.