Soo despite me having spend too much on gaming already in March I decided to trade in some of my old 360 games at Gamestop last Friday to get the Vita version of FFX/2 HD and dear god that was one of the best gaming purchases I made in recent memory!
I still have my original PS2 copies of both here and played them alot during the time the games got released but for some reason they were both games I never replayed and only after starting FFX HD I suddenly began to realize how much I missed playing that game and I won't even deny that a ton of nostalgia might be involved

But seriously as soon as I stepped onto Besaid Island and heard the glorious rearrange of the theme I simply felt happy
Apparently especially this track has alot of controversy going around it by people claiming it ruined the original rendition but I for myself like both equally. Yes the violins might cause some throwbacks to FFXIII but I feel that the original is a nice upbeat song that fits the mood of Besaid while the new one is tranquil and makes me want to lie down on a beach under palms which also fits the mood.
At first I was a bit thorn between the Vita and PS3 version but playing it on the actual hardware with the OLED I don't feel like playing a gimped version at all, everything is crisp and nice even with the lower-res textures and the FMVs pop nicely. Also I'm simply having fun triggering every line of dialog and speaking with every NPC exploring every nook and cranny, heck FFX might be the first game I platinum who knows
Though one decision I regret a bit at the moment is picking the Expert Sphere Grid this time around. I thought being 10 years older by now I finally could wrap my head around it but what the heck should I do with Kimahri? He seems so lost on the Sphere Grid so I guess I have to make him go along with one of the other characters?
EDIT: The only thing I'm really bummed about is that X-2 is a 3.4GB download, my poor Vita only has 8GB. I really feel that Square should have gone out their way and produce two Vita game-cards in one box though I guess it would have been expensive :/