New Two Hours
Are 90% terrible.
New Two Hours
Are 90% terrible.
wooo. Now BST will have another useless 2-hour.
edit: PUP's looks pretty powerful.
PUP one is kinda trashy.
I already got Reknoc last night.
PUP one is kinda trashy.
I already got Reknoc last night.
I was thinking Chainspell might be nice, but I read that it might just decrease the cast time and not the delay between casts, which would definitely make it crap. If it allowed the automaton to cast back-to-back until it ran out of MP, it could be decent. Assuming it's smart enough not to start spamming aspir once it gets a little low.
I will be able to come to more events soon. I run Nyzul: U every Tues, Weds and Fri at 9 pm est. Besides that and work I am up to help anyone with anything.
Also if any of you guys would like some nyzul gear and play scholar with 400+ enhancing let me know. We need a scholar with Vent.
Tons of Info!!
So apparently I shouldn't kill every mob I can? Which of course I don't find out until after I do it and look to see what Stygian Ash is worth (still not sure on that).
I don't think I'll ever stop learning something about this. It's pretty cool.
Six and Chief, you should both have the sanguine spike from gukumatz. Use it for this quest.
Can you both point out which "stone production" abyssite you're missing? <-- buy this asap if you have not yet
People link to the BG wiki? That's interesting.
People link to the BG wiki? That's interesting.
The other one is full of annoying ads, even if it's a lot more complete for some issues, so for more focused information on endgame-ish stuff, the BG one now at least has a clean design it its favor.
I guess that can be a problem with this new style of leveling of up. You can take a character to 75 relatively easily, but they'll only have fighting skills of a 40 or 50 character. :/
Worms dies so fast, though. Not necessarily by your gimp melee skills, but by other alliance members. I hit 95 cap on NIN and MNK on Trimmers in Dangruf Wadi much, much, much faster than I was skilling in worm exp.
This is how I skill up Melee combat skills.
1-100 Qufim Island
Use the stronger monsters on the side, and an elemental is always the best choice for skill ups since they can take tons of hits.
Skill-Up Food Saltena
100-180-190 Xarcabard
It's almost always ice weather there, and you know what that means? Ice Elementals.
Depending on your job and level, you can leave it auto attacking an elemental and go do something else because it will take a bit for you to kill it.
Just be sure to check on the first two to see if your character is capable of surviving easily for periods of time without you doing anything.
Skill-Up Food Saltena
180-230 The Boyhda Tree (Kuftal Tunnel and Cape Terrigan are alternatives)
I first start up with a few spiders, then I'll work on crabs. If my character is 90-99, I'll skill up on Goobues as they tend to give me more skill ups.
Skill-Up Food Elshena
230+ Easiest way is Abyssea La Thiene worm parties as you can stack on TP atmas and double attack atmas and not really worry about healing too much.
Skill-Up Food Montagna
Thanks a ton. This will definitely help. You know what I've noticed though, I've been leveling up in Bost. Ob., under Sandy, and I've seen that I tend to get a lot of skill-ups when the mob is focused on me. Obviously I'm going to get evasion and parry skill, but I've seen my weapon skill-ups seem to occur more that way as well. Also, I've done some soloing on EP mobs for coffer keys and I got crazy weapon skill-ups that way as well, much more so than when I'm leveling up on EP mobs. I assume that has to be by design.
The higher difficulty mobs have higher skill up rates. DC+ are best for capping skills. You used to have to cap skills in a party because it was only possible on EM+ mobs.
Quick tip, if you're skilling up Polearm or Katana, the occasionally attack weapons are easy to obtain. Polearm is on the AH for cheap, while the Katana can be gotten solo.
Yeah, I remember skilling up before. The nice thing was that you could skill-up so quickly. You'd level up on VT-IT mobs and cap out your weapon before the second kill.
Oh and I leveled in Abyssea for the first time last night. I got invited to a La Theinne worm party. All I can say is wow. I went from 87 to maxed out on 90 (didn't have G9 completed) and got 25 merits in a few hours. Now I can see why leveling up is an issue of the past.
There's an occasionally attack Katana?
Anyone interested in doing normal Nyzul? I'm interested in unlocking some weapon skills. It shouldn't be too difficult to complete these days.
I just resubbed for the first time in a couple years. I've been hearing some sweet things over the time and I've finally been pushed back. Last time I was on was right after CoP came out. So from the sound of things the game is a lot more approachable and time efficient.
Also did a world transfer to Sylph so I can play with you kids. Let's see if I remember how to use my Paladin.
Edit: Christ, 9 hours to download updates. Then I'm guessing another several to get them installed.![]()
Has anyone did any Voidwatch quests? I got on today looking for something, anything to do and there was a person doing /shouts for tier 1 Zilart Voidwatch. I thought sweet, no one ever does any early voidwatch/abyssea quests or missions. I was able to start and finish VW1 Zilart and get the ring that sells for 1 mil+ out of it. I think another person got the Sava boots and the Prolix ring out of it. Anyways, there's some interesting items out of VW and they seem to be fairly "easy" to do. We did wipe a on some of the fights, but for the most part it wasn't too bad. Anyone ever get anything good from some of the later battles? I see the tier 3's and 4's offer some sweet items.
You can participate, and gain spoils from any voidwatch fight, regardless of your own progress, except for the final Providence fights. In order to participate in Providence, you need to clear all 4 tiers of each city, then the 6 tiers of Jeuno. Zilart, and ToAU are their own thing.