Okay guys, anyone here getting framerate problems with DVI ?
I'm wondering if it could be related to HDMI...
I'm wondering if it could be related to HDMI...
Okay guys, anyone here getting framerate problems with DVI ?
I'm wondering if it could be related to HDMI...
DVI 3750k @ 4.4 and a 970.
I'm trying these settings now but I have something weird going on that I didn't experience before. The gameplay is 30fps but menus/loading screens are 60fps. I turned off RivaTuner so I don't know wtf?
EDIT: nvm I figured it out but I can't maintain 60fps. It dive bombs when turning the camera outside.
Seriously, what did I even do to you? And I've only been here since October.Yeah, it's also the reason why gaf is rather infuriating sometimes...
I guess some people have nothing better to do than hate. It's nice being dismissed as a crazy person like what you just did.This is the greatest thing I have ever read and sums up GAF perfectly.
Is your GPU OCed at all? I have the same specs, and FF13, while mostly 60, tends to vary in battle.
Actually hyperbole is what sums up GAF perfectly. Case in point, kupo.
For those that are having a difficult time getting the game to stay at 60fps, try these settings:
Game Settings:
Shadow Resolution: 4096x4096
Anti-aliasing: x16
Nvidia Control Panel Settings:
Anisotropic filtering: x16
Maximum pre-rendered frames: 1
Multi-display/mixed-GPU acceleration: Single display performance mode
Power management mode: Prefer maximum performance
Triple buffering: On
Vertical sync: On
These are the settings that helped me achieve 60fps in battles, and in closed areas during the open world gameplay. If you are not able to get 60 fps with the settings that I provided above, try reducing the Shadow Resolution to 1024x1024, and see if that helps.
Where do I find the "maximum pre-rendered frames" option in AMD Catalyst?
The Steam page says this has full Japanese language support (interface, audio, subtitles). I think the original FFXIII PC release also claimed this, but actually had only voice support.
Would anyone be able to confirm the extent of the Japanese support for me? You may have to right click on the game in Steam, select properties, and check the language tab to be sure if the settings can't be changed inside of the game.
edit: OK, it appears that I need to buy the game with a Japanese IP address to get the Japanese version. Need to find some safe proxy to do this... might not be worth the trouble.
I knew that was coming. So predictable. You have nothing so you played the "she's not real" card. Hate is still hate whether the person in question is real or not.
There are many real girls with Lightning and Serah's personality. When you insult them you're indirectly insulting girls like them. Many times I've seen a fictional character get insulted only to have it offend a real person because they have a lot in common with that character.
People can develop a strong emotional attachment to fictional characters. People like you tend to think that's weird and stupid, but it's not. You demonstrate a complete lack of understanding when your response is basically "she's not real, you're stupid."
If someone identifies so closely with a fictional character that insulting that fictional character is like insulting them, someone's opinion of that fictional character should probably be the least of their worries.
People can develop a strong emotional attachment to fictional characters.
Yes it does. You can't have it both ways. There are 2 options. These personality traits make a person "worse than shit" or they don't. Whether the person in question is real or not is irrelevant. If Lightning was real would she suddenly become not "worse than shit?"
You people truly don't get it. So much hate and intolerance. I guess it's much easier to dismiss people as crazy instead of trying to understand them.If someone identifies so closely with a fictional character that insulting that fictional character is like insulting them, someone's opinion of that fictional character should probably be the least of their worries.
You seem like a friendly she'd still be shit, even if she manifested in the physical, thankfully she can't
You people truly don't get it. So much hate and intolerance. I guess it's much easier to dismiss people as crazy instead of trying to understand them.
*sigh*Why bother trying to understand the person when you can just understand the flimsy character they're emulating?
I want to punch this face so hard
You people truly don't get it. So much hate and intolerance. I guess it's much easier to dismiss people as crazy instead of trying to understand them.
My goodness it's beautiful. So how's the framerate in Academia city? For consoles it was really awful, so I assume you're able to at least keep it stable 30fps?
My goodness it's beautiful. So how's the framerate in Academia city? For consoles it was really awful, so I assume you're able to at least keep it stable 30fps?
I have two questions.
Can you go back to different times after a while and something changed? I finished the second time and there are still areas I cant go to.
And are the battles randomly generated? Or does it follow some kind of pattern where and when the enemies appear?
Seriously, what did I even do to you? And I've only been here since October.
How would I seem less than objective? The character in question in this conversation is Lightning. I don't have the same emotional attachment to Lightning as I do Serah.Though you seem less than objective when you put your username/avatar and opinion together with this topic.
How would I seem less than objective? The character in question in this conversation is Lightning. I don't have the same emotional attachment to Lightning as I do Serah.
Why does she need to exist for it to be hateful? What if someone has a personality similar to the fictional character that you just called "worse than shit"? Fictional characters can represent many different things to many different people. Try not to be so quick to dismiss theses things.
Yes, I would. I tend to avoid people like that. Serah would be like the nicest person in the world if she was real, so it definitely rubs me the wrong way when somebody says they dislike her.So if someone called Serah an annoying, shitty character, you'd take it personally?
Yes, I would. I tend to avoid people like that. Serah would be like the nicest person in the world if she was real, so it definitely rubs me the wrong way when somebody says they dislike her.
#1 - Sort of. It depends on the area but in order to get all the fragments and unlock all the gates/times/endings, certain conditions have to be met. For example, later in the game you get the ability to seal a timeline and make different choices, like roflstomping that previously unbeatable boss that one shotted your entire party. There's a ton of side content and hidden things to find in this game.
How straightforward is XIII-2 regarding gameplay and story compared to XIII? I didn't mind the automatic gameplay too much, but the story and busywork to get items really did me in.
I'm hoping that being a sequel/spinoff means a lot of the chaff is cut away. Please advise as i might buy for christmas![]()
So I can miss certain fragments?
Please someone answer this man. I also just want to fight stuff without too many cutscenes and am not sure if to get it.
2014. Everybody loves FFXIII and XIII-2 now.
I knew I wasn't wrong years ago!
There's plenty of cutscenes in XIII-2 but they're better spaced out than the ones in XIII (IMO). Plus, they're more tolerable because of the characters involved. Noel is genuinely interesting and while Sarah is boring, she's at least not actively irritating like a lot of XIII's cast was.
So I can miss certain fragments?
13-2 I thought was sorta well received? I thought it was better than 13 anyway.