Watching the stream and good lord the rain looks horrendous in motion.
is the highest shadow res setting pretty demanding? GTX 680 2gb here.
Grateful that we get to spend on a broken product that is still being advertised with functions it does not have, jesus talk about eating up whatever they shit out.
That's not unusual. Hardware MSAA is cheap (also their "16x MSAA" setting is actually 4xMSAA with 4 coverage samples each, 16xCSAA in other words, which is even cheaper).
Tell me the hashes then I don't need to do it
I'll implement multi-hashing.
Oh, and borderless FS forcing with GeDoSaTo works in FF13-2 now (and probably lots of other games where it caused crashes, was a stupid bug).
Where did you take the second screen?
EDIT: Would those who are getting consistent 60 FPS mind posting info about their setups? You must all have something in common.
Yes, but Bahamut looks totally different.
I am grateful, but jeez, couldn't Square give the trilogy to the folks who ported TR, Sleeping Dogs & DS HR to the PC.
I know Square can do PC, but obviously not their Japanese branch.
Each mainline FF game (sans XI and XIV) from them I've played on the PC had some problems.
FFIV battling speed is FFIX tier
FFVIII has butchered music
etc etc
This port is Choco-boco-lame-a.
Since Serah is the best though, that's like 10000000/10 easily.Just finished Bodhum, and wow what Ubisoft studio did Square outsource this thing to.
Crystal Tools does not work well on PC
i give this a serah/10
Wondering, are there any problem-free Japanese PC games that are not 2D Indie titles? I guess MGS5 will be pretty snappy.
Wondering, are there any problem-free Japanese PC games that are not 2D Indie titles? I guess MGS5 will be pretty snappy.
Dark Souls 2?Wondering, are there any problem-free Japanese PC games that are not 2D Indie titles?
I'll try to post some screens, video, and my specs when I get home from work in 9 hours.In Square Enix's defense, this situations isn't nearly as objectionable as a lot of the crap that people put up with from publishers/developers nowadays. There's no massive downgrade. There aren't huge features that are completely broken for most/all of the users. There's just several technical issues.
"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
Hope they fix things up!
EDIT: Would those who are getting consistent 60 FPS mind posting info about their setups? You must all have something in common.
Since Serah is the best though, that's like 10000000/10 easily.
Wondering, are there any problem-free Japanese PC games that are not 2D Indie titles? I guess MGS5 will be pretty snappy.
Ever? The Last Remnant runs great with lots of options. Binary Domain is great, too.Wondering, are there any problem-free Japanese PC games that are not 2D Indie titles? I guess MGS5 will be pretty snappy.
Wondering, are there any problem-free Japanese PC games that are not 2D Indie titles? I guess MGS5 will be pretty snappy.
sorry brah, but the only thing good to come out of Serah is her theme
But I can also credit that to lord hamauzu
Ever? The Last Remnant runs great with lots of options. Binary Domain is great, too.
Wondering, are there any problem-free Japanese PC games that are not 2D Indie titles? I guess MGS5 will be pretty snappy.
Both this and FF13 never ever dropped below 30 FPS for me, even at 4k with 8xAA, so if that's all you want you should be fine.
Hmm, 1329c9bf is what I found for the field UI.Hahaha well sods law I've lost the one I had for the Cinematic Events clearing out the 50 or so set of logs and tmp directories but here's the rest.
Though the first 2 don't work very well on disabling the hud in situations the listed element isn't present. For example the hash for Live Trigger events will either leave a black screen or a previously rendered frame (though to be fair they're not exactly exciting opportunities when the HUD is on screen). HUDless screenshots also sometime comeback as just fullscreen, well so says the dialog prompt which sort of makes sense.
- Field - 94108431
- Live Trigger - 450d7e1a
- Battle - 1329c9bf
I'll start up a new save and grab the hash for Cinematic Events in a sec.
Guys you just got a 2nd mainline, single player Final Fantasy on the PC in like 12 years. I think you should be more grateful instead of focusing on 2560x1440 resolution and 29.9 fps.... just my opinion.
1/5th of what it costed me to buy this game on PS3. I think grateful is the proper word, yes.
C'mon, 4k support was announced a long time ago and they even showed the graphical settings window a few days ago with a weird resolution 3000x2000 something.The true test will be Metal Gear Solid 5/Ground Zeroes next week and seeing if Kojima heard the backlash over locked resolutions from Revengence (which wasn't really his fault, but Platinums).
And spoiler: I'm going to say the same shit happens with FF13-3.
That's not unusual. Hardware MSAA is cheap (also their "16x MSAA" setting is actually 4xMSAA with 4 coverage samples each, 16xCSAA in other words, which is even cheaper).
You're a hater. No, seriously, you're a hater. It's not healthy to hate.sorry brah, but the only thing good to come out of Serah is her theme
But I can also credit that to lord hamauzu
Gameplay wise it's a lot better than XIII IMO. I think XIII's story is superior outside of a few major points of XIII-2 though.is this game better than FF XIII?
You're a hater. No, seriously, you're a hater. It's not healthy to hate.
I'm using borderless FS with an as-yet-unreleased version of GeDoSaTo. No framecapping.
Hmm, 1329c9bf is what I found for the field UI.
Some people say 1 hater = 10 fansYou're a hater. No, seriously, you're a hater. It's not healthy to hate.
What are you talking about? I'm not sure I get what you're saying.Also, and I post this NOW, Lightning Returns is 21 NEW now, it will probably get cheaper under Steam version will be released, so as soon you will see a similar pricetag on Steam, please don't say "Oh, nice, good price, thanks SE", because really, SE is not gifting ANYTHING at all. If they are releasing those poor ports on PC, is just because their life on console is finished, while on PC is totally new and they can make some more money with a minimum effort.
Didn't Revengeance came out pretty bad and then a patch fixed it or something like that?DMC4.
Revengeance also? Can't recall if it had resolution options...
Not trying to defend the port, but advertising a 30+FPS game as 60FPS is not a new thing or a SE thing, does it hit 60fps? Is it always above 30? One of the features is 60FPS.It's an old game. It's also a PC game. I think it's also digital only. It should cost less. A lot less.
Advertising it as 60 FPS when it's not 60 FPS? Right after the last game was also advertised as being 60 FPS? Then they said they'll improve on the issues the game had and didn't and now we have the sequel more than two months later with the same issues which remain in the first game?
I can't agree that 'grateful' is an appropriate word.
The fact "You should be grateful SE ported this on PC", their pricing policies and they awful ports![]()
C'mon, 4k support was announced a long time ago and they even showed the graphical settings window a few days ago with a weird resolution 3000x2000 something.
I have 60fps.Not trying to defend the port, but advertising a 30+FPS game as 60FPS is not a new thing or a SE thing, does it hit 60fps? Is it always above 30? One of the features is 60FPS.
I only played for an hour or so before work, but all the costume DLC was accessible the second I could control Serah.As I linked, they should be here but users are claiming DLCs not unlocking when they need . It's not clear if SE changed the unlocking time (maybe they will unlock after game completition), or if this is just another bug.
Like I mentioned, I only played a little bit before work. I didn't get Crux access yet to check for the rest :/Costumes are, story DLC not. Check steam community hub, there's a related thread.
This game manages to perform worse and look worse then FFXIII for me. Amazing.
I can't remember if it was the DL or install size, but I remember the numbers 27GB and 18GB. Definitely no more than 30.Anyone know the download size before I begin downloading this and going over my bandwidth cap like last time?