DodgerSan said:I'm in the same minority, loved them both![]()
dustytruly said:so it's released... tomorrow right?
i wonder if i can still pre-order it lol
dustytruly said:so it's released... tomorrow right?
i wonder if i can still pre-order it lol
ACE 1991 said:Yeah, I know you can at least with Amazon, They don't ship until Monday.
Castor Krieg said:I kinda had it figured that (HUGE SPOILER)but I was really surprised with how they handled this i.e. (HUGE SPOILER AGAIN)Fang and Vanille are from Gran Pulse. Good story twist there, Square-Enix. Maybe you're not as hopeless as I thought.they completed their Focus, went to sleep, and then bang - they woke up in Cocoon
edgefusion said:Oh god, it feels like time has actually slowed down. I went to my local supermarket today in the hope they would have it (they broke the Bioshock 2 release date). I ended up coming home with a bunch of sweets and a pizza. Damn you impulse buys!
$5 shipping without prime will get it to you on Tuesday also..demosthenes said:Amazon Prime gets it to your house on Tuesday. So when I get home from work I get to play![]()
dramatis said:You're kidding, right?
7Th said:So, huh. There was one relatively major change in the American script, apparently. Lightning's real name is now.Claire instead of Eclair
Vanille said:...
No, you're kidding.
entrement said:Anyone double dipping and getting both versions? I might just because I'm such an achievements whore.
7Th said:So, huh. There was one relatively major change in the American script, apparently. Lightning's real name is now.Claire instead of Eclair
7Th said:So, huh. There was one relatively major change in the American script, apparently. Lightning's real name is now.Claire instead of Eclair
Kagari said:The fuck.
Why would they do that...
DarkAngelYuna said:$5 shipping without prime will get it to you on Tuesday also..
ULTROS! said:I wanted Eclair, she doesn't look like a Claire to me.
Not western enough.
deathberry said:For those who've finished the game or gone past thepart, any tips on defeatingPalamecia (Airship)? Any help will be muchBarthandelus
I keep on attacking one of it'sbut it just starts spamming this area wide flame/ electricity attack that leaves my party at 20% health.heads
I'm using Lightning/ Hope/ Vanille. All have HP over 1k and using Light as Commando, Hope as Ravager/ Medic and Vanille as Ravager/ Medic.
ElyrionX said:Read a few reviews. I'm buying it I guess. Though I have no idea where I'm going to find the time to play it.
Adamm said:Anyone else in the UK pre-ordered from
I never seem to have much luck with pre-orders as i always get them a few days after release
Says it shipped on friday 5th but im still worried i wont get it on time
Adamm said:Anyone else in the UK pre-ordered from
I never seem to have much luck with pre-orders as i always get them a few days after release
Says it shipped on friday 5th but im still worried i wont get it on time
7Th said:So, huh. There was one relatively major change in the American script, apparently. Lightning's real name is now.Claire instead of Eclair
dramatis said:You're kidding, right?
Lyonaz said:My impressions so far.
Played about 6 hours, 4th chapter I think.
The voice-acting isn't that bad. I was a bit sceptical after seeing the trailers, but they are actually pretty decent. Although I hate Vanille's voice. Good god man.
The combat is just awesome. Sure it's limited in the beginning, but the further you progress the more options you get and then it's just awesome.
At the start it's just auto-battle and repeat. Way too easy, but then you get more enemies and some are tougher. Preemptive strikes really help during those.
Also the Paradigm Shifts work pretty well. Not to the mention the fights are all fast-paced, the way fights always should be in RPGs. =P
The combat makes this game already great in my eyes.
The CGI cutscene are all holy shit awesome. 1080p ftw!
Game looks amazing.
Adamm said:Anyone else in the UK pre-ordered from
I never seem to have much luck with pre-orders as i always get them a few days after release
Says it shipped on friday 5th but im still worried i wont get it on time
BocoDragon said:I love the soundtrack.. I've spoiled myself silly on it, honestly.
I'd say that the orchestral-techno-vocal thing it does it "radical".. except I always thought that FF would go in that direction eventually anyway. FFX and X-2 hinted at certain electronic elements being meshed with orchestral and new agey music, so ten years down the line I fully expected FF to develop that further. Much praise to Hamauzu for realizing this!
dramatis said:You need debuffing and buffing. Buffing will lessen damage and debuffing will help you deal more. (I can't remember the English names of the roles you need! D: ) If you plan on sticking with the party you have, have a Medic/Medic/Medic Paradigm for quick recovery. Check your accessories to see if you can equip stuff that increases magic defense. Sell your chips and level up your weapons, extra Attack/Magic helps.
If I remember correctly,on the left as you see it are fire/lightning,headson the right are water/ice. Casting elemental magic on them will help (depending on which character you are using).heads
If you're ever at low health and no one is going to be fast enough to heal, either use a potion or bust out your summon (if your character has). Summon is easy heal for your characters.
chicken_ramen said:The thing here though is that it's probably not necessary to min max to use the upgrade system effectively. I didn't follow any charts but I found that I was able to upgrade the right sorts of weapons well enough, by buying a different types of mechanical parts for points and natural components to get bonuses. The game explains enough to you for you to use the system to grow your character's stats in the direction you want. It's obviously mathematically exploitable, but exploiting it is not necessary to use the system to your advantage. I think this is probably one of the best weapon systems in a JRPG. It's very flexible.
Yes, if you wait till the end of the game to use it, you wont have any 'wastage' but there is, as far as I know, nothing to be worried wasting if you have any common sense. The best items are very obvious and good enough items are easily obtainable. Also - low levels are cheap and tooling around with upgrading the weapons is in no way going to hurt you. You will probably find weapons with extra bonuses later on that you will like but it shouldn't be too hard to switch around. It won't be optimally efficient, but as far as I know, optimum efficiency is not required.
Castor said:they completed their Focus, went to sleep, and then bang