About the beta/item code, does it come with the European version as well?
Lightning said:Vanille is awesome and in battle she rocks.
For me though it's Lightning>>>>>>Vanille>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Everyone else, except Snow>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Snow.
Snow sucks...
Visually I think she's great, but there's something about the actress' delivery that just seems off. Could be because I'm Australian, but I udnno, it just irks me.Vanille said:
HEROES NEED SUPPORTI am guessing that you are right about Snow, though. What with the inexplicable lace bra and all.
:O!!! Which website?omg rite said:Are you sure about that? My brother's friend is getting two outfits or something according to the website.
Is it different for the 360 and PS3 versions?
Big Papa Husker said:are you saying that there is a beta code in the US version as well?
Kagari said:Code is for PS3 FFXIV beta chance?
IonicSnake said:About the beta/item code, does it come with the European version as well?
I agree with you on the accent issue. They really should have gotten Laura Bailey for Vanille instead of wasting her on Serah.icarus-daedelus said:Only if you back me up, I can't possibly handle the onslaught of Vanille hate alone. But I think I'm probably going to stay away from here until Amazon decides to be merciful and super saver-ship a copy to my cheap ass.
I can handle shifty accents in a fictional world; however, when your characters are supposed to be American and are the children of American characters, but sound like they are from a country thousands of miles across an ocean, well, that is harder for me to accept.
He meant the voice actor, because Yuri is vastly superior to Snow. Troy Baker or something, I think, I might be wrong.Dark Octave said:Yuri was a pretty likeable character.
I guess I won't mind that. Or do you mean the voice actor? I guess I won't mind that either.![]()
$10 from Best Buydesu said:Nice Shadow, did you buy the faceplate for 50$ or did you find a cheaper place?
Absoludacrous said:Any word on what avatar items come with the special FFXIII 360 console?
I'm reading that the 360 version comes with avatar stuff instead of a FFXVI beta code. Does anyone know yet if the console comes with more avatar stuff, or was that what they were referring to in the marketing?
belvedere said:Fucking hell SE, this shit is as bad as PlayOnline.
Kagari said:Jihl and Yaag avatar outfits as well as the chocobo pet.
fernoca said::O!!! Which website?
Absoludacrous said:Is that what comes packaged in the game too? Or just the console?
IonicSnake said:So the code doesn't give you any higher chance of getting in the beta than just applying from their website?
If some Gamestop peon was harassing me when I was looking forward to some alone time with virtual characters, I'd be angry too.Urban Scholar said:It was a nice turn out at work and lasted up until 12:30 a.m. Before hand, it was interesting to get the opinions and thoughts from some FF fans.
mentioned only liking 12 and people looked like the wanted to shoot me :/
jiggle said:it doesn't increase your chance with PC version
but it does increase the PS3 version chance from 0% to ??%
Dresden said:If some Gamestop peon was harassing me when I was looking forward to some alone time with virtual characters, I'd be angry too.Joking.
IonicSnake said:Sounds like a FFXI item with hidden stats when you put it like that. :lol
Duki said:also lightning is a bitch, hope is a whiny pussy, vanille is a piece of shit and snow is almost tolerable but just left the party do dig through some fucking crystals.
sazh is great so far, just because he's a normal, competent, non-insane and functioning human being. breath of fresh air so far.
feels weird playing a game before americans, totally not used to it.
Awesome!omg rite said:(1:34:37 AM) me: oh wtf they're not in-game?
(1:34:53 AM) Punt a Baby 26: You are eligible to receive two FINAL FANTASY XIII PSICOM Soldier uniforms for your Xbox Live® avatars because you registered FINAL FANTASY XIII for Xbox 360®!
Okay, so that's obviously a 360-only item. The beta must be PS3-only.
To the above poster: I don't think you get extras with the console but I could be wrong.
That was Japan no?Zoe said:Whatever happened to costumes for Home?
That's a relief. It sucks that Hope has apparently gotten a better English VA than Japanese, while we're stuck with a poor botching of Australian bubblyness, or somesuch. Oh well, at least I'm not on Team Snow.Dresden said:They really should have gotten Laura Bailey for Vanille instead of wasting her on Serah.
And I got your back.
Has a 360 release of FFXIV even been announced yet? I don't think it has, although given that SE ported FFXI to the 360 I'm guessing there will be one.omg rite said:Okay, so that's obviously a 360-only item. The beta must be PS3-only.
expy said:That was Japan no?
Nope. MS was apparently in discussions with Square-Enix, guess that didn't fall through.icarus-daedelus said:Has a 360 release of FFXIV even been announced yet? I don't think it has, although given that SE ported FFXI to the 360 I'm guessing there will be one.
True, true. Just wait until people find out that this game is 3/4 tubular and 1/4 pulse, albeit with the tube being the prettiest, most awesome tube ever made.Undubbed said:You gotta give a few days. 1st hour impressions seem to always be positive even for mediocre games.
If the vaguely creepy pedobait actually turns out to be a good character, maybe. No one can save bad writing though.icarus-daedelus said:I'm not really familiar with Laura Bailey, but she was in Valkyria Chronicles, according to imdb, so I assume she's great by association. Who knows, maybe she'll make Serah (SEEERRRAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!) more tolerable?
ULTROS! said:Isn't Snow's voice Kanji's voice? (Persona 4)
Yeah, that and Yuri. Troy Baker.ULTROS! said:Isn't Snow's voice Kanji's voice? (Persona 4)