not yet, you're not too far off though i believezewone said:How do you change party members when you have more than three?
Is it possible yet? I'm only on Chapter 9.
not yet, you're not too far off though i believezewone said:How do you change party members when you have more than three?
Is it possible yet? I'm only on Chapter 9.
Yeah, I always get scared when it comes to upgrading weapons in these games thinking I made the wrong choice. A guide or some tips would be nice.Truelize said:Anyone have a link to a good weapon and item upgrade guide? I just opened up the options and it seems pretty deep.
Would like to not waste a bunch of rare items.
Wait till chapterzewone said:How do you change party members when you have more than three?
Is it possible yet? I'm only on Chapter 9.
TP points refill your TP gauge. Score affects the item drop.Thrakier said:What do highscores and TP points do?
BigJonsson said:The dialog is sooo corny after playing for one hour........good thing its so pretty to look at
Why oh why did you not include an option for BGM/SE/Voice volume, Square-Enix?!CcrooK said:The first hour.....?:lol
Prepare yourself.
hirokazu said:TP points refill your TP gauge. Score affects the item drop.
"Lightning?"BigJonsson said:The dialog is sooo corny after playing for one hour........good thing its so pretty to look at
hirokazu said:Wait till chaptereleven
Techniques aka Summons, Libra, etcThrakier said:What does the TP gauge do?
It's a time penalty for changing Optimas (Paradigms?)Coxswain said:I'm a few hours into this now (maybe half an hour after you get the ability to upgrade your shit), and I'm liking it about as much as I expected to (ie: I am definitely not the Final Fantasy target audience, but it's the first decent one since I was, like nine years ago). It's a lot of fun, which is kind of a relief because every previous Final Fantasy game that tried to blend menu-based and realtime combat has been an unmitigated disaster of a game.
There's a few total amateur problems with the UI that prevent it from being as fun as it should be, though. Mostly - who the fuck decided that it would be a good idea for there to be an unskippable, 1/2~1 second long animation of the menu items spinning around and shit in combat when you select Abilities (or move between any other two levels of menu)? That shit should be completely instant, so you don't have to worry about whether you can mash X quickly enough to keep your attack chain going, and can devote your time to thinking and queueing up the right actions.
Similarly, why do you have to watch a shitty animation of everybody posing and being surrounded by colours whenever you change everybody's class? It's a system that's this close to working perfectly, except you can't smoothly transition from selecting commands with one class set to another. What's worse is, it seems like sometimes it just takes longer than usual for no reason; the first time I really made use of it in a boss fight, I swear it was working perfectly without any delay, and now, most of the time I've gotta watch the party leader being a Power Ranger for a second before I can do anything, and every now and again I have to wait even longer while they show every single party member doing it before giving my control back.
It's frustrating as hell, because it is a really fun system that allows for a lot more nuance in combat than probably any other game in the series (FFX being the only other one in the running), and these are such obvious mistakes that somebody must have noticed in the eon or so it spent in development. They hardly ruin my enjoyment of the game, but it would be nice if I didn't have to add a "but..." to the end of "This is a really fun game".
Amir0x said:No, it's different because in one game I have to learn a job system, and in another I have to learn the intricacies of drawing and equiping these magics on my character. And in another still yet, I have to learn the details of materia and how it effects my stats. The utilization of this materia literally fundamentally changes all strategy in this "typical" ATB system, as does the utilization of summons in FFVIII or draw equips in the same title.
The subsystems define the battle system. It's a little bizarre to me that there's anyone who thinks otherwise but opinions and all that. They are what they are.
Yeah, initially annoying but I realize it's in there for game balance.hirokazu said:It's a time penalty.![]()
DigitalDevil said:after reviewing the strategy guide, I just dumped every component I had into Lightning's. It seems like the best all around weapon for my play style.... was that a bad decision? :lolGladius
also, I just now got the ability to upgrade.
That decision was pretty popular in the import threadDigitalDevil said:anybody? I can still turn back if I've made a dire mistake.
Praying for #2RurouniZel said:Okay, I'm ready to kill Vanille. She's horrible. I thought Saki from Ar Tonelico 3 was fucking annoying as shit but Vanille takes the goddamn cake!!
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARG! Please, someone, anyone, tell me she either
1) Gets better
2) Pulls an Aerith
Relix said:Vanille is not THAT bad guys.... guess none of you played Star Ocean 4, must be the reason I can stand her :lol
RurouniZel said:Okay, I'm ready to kill Vanille. She's horrible. I thought Saki from Ar Tonelico 3 was fucking annoying as shit but Vanille takes the goddamn cake!!
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARG! Please, someone, anyone, tell me she either
1) Gets better
2) Pulls an Aerith
Gattsu25 said:Praying for #2
Most annoying fucking character >_<
Relix said:Vanille is not THAT bad guys.... guess none of you played Star Ocean 4, must be the reason I can stand her :lol
CcrooK said:Pleeeeease let's not go there. For the love that is all mighty and powerful, 'kay?
Yep, he's my favorite character in the game so far.Alex said:Sahz is easily one of the best characters in the entire series, guy is great.
Lightning said:The Vanille hate here is absurd. She is not anywhere near that bad.
Lightning said:The Vanille hate here is absurd. She is not anywhere near that bad.
Agreed.Lightning said:The Vanille hate here is absurd. She is not anywhere near that bad.
No she's not. All the complaints about the VA i don't get at all. There is nothing wrong with it.Alex said:Yes she is. In fact, she's probably worse.
Eh. Personal opinion I guess.Shouta said:No, she's pretty bad. It's worse because she's paired with Sazh, the best character in the game early on. You get awesome and then you get Vanille. It also feels so goddamn forced which makes it even more grating.
She's still not as bad as Feng though.
Shouta said:She's still not as bad as Feng though.
qcf x2 said:I'm still waiting for anyone to tell me if you eventually gain XP or if "CP" is all you get...
Chamber said:Vanille's VA is pretty bad. Kind of sounds like she's speaking through a fake orgasm.
Hope still annoys me more.
Hope is annoying but Snow's hero shit really irks me.Chamber said:Vanille's VA is pretty bad. Kind of sounds like she's speaking through a fake orgasm.
Hope still annoys me more.
Awesome. Can't wait for that! I really want to like Hope. HisShouta said:Hope is really annoying early on but after a certain scene with a certain dudebro later, he's not bad. He's the only character in the game to get proper development IMO. His scene with said dudebro is very good as well.
7Th said:becoming somewhat lovey-dovey with Fang once they are reunited.