bdizzle said:And is there no limit breaks in the game? I thought every FF game had limit breaks.
1 ultimate attack per character near the end of the game.
bdizzle said:And is there no limit breaks in the game? I thought every FF game had limit breaks.
Makes sense to me. He's attracted to her ability to beat the crap out of Snowe.Firestorm said:Damn this is long. 4.5 hours and just hit beginning of Chapter 4 I think. Controlling. Really makes no sense howSazh and Vanille.Hope went off with Lightning. "Yeah, I'll ditch the girl I was with this whole time and old cool-headed dude to go off with the one who doesn't give a damn about me."
slasher_thrasher21 said:These are JRPGs and I'd be hard pressed to pick any that have a perfect cast of characters.
painey said:I just got to Gran Pulse plains and the frame rate is abysmal.. its not frame rate drops, its a constantly awful frame rate...![]()
Even that is pushing it, but I do agree that I highly enjoyed the characters for the most part in that entry.Aretak said:
avatar299 said:The best thing about the reaction to Vanille and other jrpg cliches is many of the people here bitching were talking up tri-aces resonance of fate like there won't be atleast 3 versions of her in that game.
Yep go to the paradigms section of the menu to see the preconfigured paradigms and what class is set up in each one. You can set up your own groups there too. You can also see that info when you move your cursor over the paradigm name during battle (read fast though).The Hug Dog said:Massive RPG noob here (this is the first one I have played since FF X). Can't work out how to change my characters roles from Ravager to medic to commando etc. How do I do this?
edit, is it all done through paradigms?
what are you talking abo....avatar299 said:It feels like every time we have a FF game, there has to be ... at least 5 " I don't mean to troll because I love FF, but I don't care this time. I've moved on" posts.
ooohhh....Dr Bad Dude PHD said:Not too come in here and shit on the game, but I am completely appalled at how much I do not care to play this. Over two generations of consoles this series has become one of my favourites, and now here we are a few days after release and I doubt I could even be bothered asking my friend if I can borrow his copy when he is done with it.
Slacker said:Yep go to the paradigms section of the menu to see the preconfigured paradigms and what class is set up in each one. You can set up your own groups there too. You can also see that info when you move your cursor over the paradigm name during battle (read fast though).
Scythesurge said:Got through a good amount of chapter 4 last night...man is it tough to fight with.Sahz and Vanille
Sarye said:I'm on Chapter 5 and am loving the game. The battle system at this point is awesome! I really had to think about how to beat (Chapter 4 spoilers)Odin ughh who would have thought to use two medics!?
Oh man, the music gets better and better. This game has some of the best dungeon music. It never gets old or repetitive. Really glad I got the LE OST, gonna be lstening to that alot once I finish the gameJtyettis said:6 hours in as of last night. Bit slow to this point to say the least. Still incredible looking and I'm digging most of the characters. Story is not too bad so far. The soundtrack however is probably top 5+ plus for me this gen Id say already.
thefil said:I'm wondering, what does everyone think of jazzy Sahzy? It seems a little awkward that every time Sahz is onscreen the music stops trying to be atmospheric and just goes for smooth rhythm instead... especially in.the Enki boss fight
Aretak said:
Zoe said:1 ultimate attack per character near the end of the game.
Two medics?Sarye said:I'm on Chapter 5 and am loving the game. The battle system at this point is awesome! I really had to think about how to beat (Chapter 4 spoilers)Odin ughh who would have thought to use two medics!?
Quick questions about the battle system.
For the class "Com" you want to equip a weapon with +attack?
and for all the other classes you want to equip a weapon with +magic?
Am I understanding this correctly?
I'm stuck at work now and every passing minute is torture.
BluWacky said:Have you set up the SAB/RAV paradigm? SAB fulfils a similar role to COM in slowing the decrease of the Stagger gauge. Switch from that to RAV/RAV once Vanille's fired off some debuffs and you make very short work of most enemies.
I'm up to chapter 6 myself now. Still finding things to be a bit on the easy side (not to say I haven't died, but they've been due to stupid mistakes) but I love the battle system to bits. Story's fine too but not much to say so far - I'm a little surprised how over-the-top some peoples' responses are to the characters as none of them have bothered me in the slightest.
I used Libra on him twice, it told me that healing charged his Gestalt gauge... Bob's your uncle. Did you use Libra at all?
SUPARSTARX said:Two medics?
I went Commando/Synergist and had Hope buff Lightning then switched Ravager/Medic and I just stated spamming strikes on him lol
Cirekiller said:The story's not really grabbing me yet, but that could be due to the horrible characters. I've never seen any game with such an unlikeable cast. I mean theres not a single person I've seen yet that I do not hate. From emo as hell Lightning, or the kid who hates Snow (didn't ever bother to look at his name). Snow might be an interesting character if he didn't have really stupid lines like "heroes don't run from fights". Hopefully it gets a bit better.
The "leveling" system is too streamlined for me atm. It's basically one straight path that your character can go, I vastly prefer FFX's sphere system where I have more of a choice in how my character progresses..
A friend who played and beat the Japanese version said that alot of the best "sphere" (Don't really know a better term atm) levels open up later in the game, this conversation was a while back so I may not remeber correctly, but he told me to basically wait til these better levels comes out before leveling, is this true?thefil said:The story will not pick up for a long time (possibly ever).
As for the levelling system, I also found it hyper restricted at first. I'm about 16 hours in and and it's finally started to "branch out" a bit. It's still no Sphere Grid, but maybe by the time I unlock all the levels it will be comparable.
Cirekiller said:A friend who played and beat the Japanese version said that alot of the best "sphere" (Don't really know a better term atm) levels open up later in the game, this conversation was a while back so I may not remeber correctly, but he told me to basically wait til these better levels comes out before leveling, is this true?
Cirekiller said:I've never seen any game with such an unlikeable cast.
Cirekiller said:A friend who played and beat the Japanese version said that alot of the best "sphere" (Don't really know a better term atm) levels open up later in the game, this conversation was a while back so I may not remeber correctly, but he told me to basically wait til these better levels comes out before leveling, is this true?
Zoe said:Level as you receive CP, there's no reason to wait.
However, don't waste CP on any non-default roles. Not only does it make it harder for when level 5 opens up, it's also annoying because the party set-up page will automatically make groups where your characters can be placed in level 1 roles.
Misterinenja said:Can I change party leader in Chapter 4? I don't wanna control Sazh.
Zoe said:Level as you receive CP, there's no reason to wait.
However, don't waste CP on any non-default roles. Not only does it make it harder for when level 5 opens up, it's also annoying because the party set-up page will automatically make groups where your characters can be placed in level 1 roles.
gkrykewy said:What do you mean by "non-default roles"? Wouldn't I want characters to be advanced in multiple roles so that they still perform competently when I paradigm shift?
gkrykewy said:What do you mean by "non-default roles"? Wouldn't I want characters to be advanced in multiple roles so that they still perform competently when I paradigm shift?
So I'm in chapter 4, and taking Vanille as an example, I maxed out her lvl 1 ravager. Would it be a mistake to put points into medic for her?painey said:everyone has 3 set roles, near the end you can put points in to ANY role, but the "new" roles need lots and lots of CP for little reward. If you try to turn your Snow into a medic, he will need lots of CP to be a weak medic, and when you add him to your battle party the AI might auto assign him to be a medic, which isnt very useful.
Misterinenja said:Can I change party leader in Chapter 4? I don't wanna control Sazh.