Im so burned out on myth grinding. I have ~1800 myth to full i90 and I just don't know if I can do it anymore lol.
Then move onto soldiery and just use the excess myth.
Give up the myth farming like I did and never look back.
If you're trying to get your animus, then lol.
man whats the point of doing pvp now if morale has no effect in frontlines. so dumb
Anybody get in the Destiny Alpha? Let's farm with our guns!
Anybody get in the Destiny Alpha? Let's farm with our guns!
I am, send me a friend invite
DL'ing as I type this, @85%, I'll be your Warlock!
Never mind, I'm good to go, that speed picked up hella fucking fast at the end, fuck me
25MB per second!
Going to murder Ketsen to keep the market clear brb
Anybody get in the Destiny Alpha? Let's farm with our guns!
Gear normalization was essential to balance Frontline. I'm glad they didn't give the wintraders free Frontline wins.
It's still good to do PvP now because you need ranks to buy PvP skill upgrades and that will be more important than ever now with gear normalization removing gear advantages.
Also doing PvP now will actually teach you how to play.
Alucrid do u hav job
Getting Tiv petrified
How well does it pay?
Also doing PvP now will actually teach you how to play.
Alucrid do u hav job
Yoshi says win trading is shamefur.
just got booted out of ultros ? am i alone in this situation ? garuda was near death ;-; ....
I went splat as well. Seem to be back in now.
This picture is the best
I don't see Kagari there.
I have a pic of just me and Yoshi.I don't see Kagari there.
Q36: For the new Crystal Tower, will you be able to form a pre-made alliance?
A36: Sorry, but due to Frontline adjustments we are making large scale changes to the Duty Finder and we'll be doing our best to implement this in patch 2.35.
It's Scylla.So that's Hein, Zande and... whoever the hell is that with the five heads? All looking very Allagan.
I know I'm new to the game, but I find the amount of content they release at fairly regular intervals overwhelming.I think people expected a little too much...
Yup! Played a little last night, got hunter to 5.Anybody get in the Destiny Alpha? Let's farm with our guns!
Dude on the left looks murderous.This picture is the best
Is Xande that freaking awesome looking pirate?
This is honestly why I stopped playing.
I made it to Titan Hard Mode for the relic weapon quest. Took many public runs but I finally won. About after 5 tries though I had the realization that "this is how the game is going to be" and it was not fun anymore for me. As much as I enjoyed everything up to that point that prospective gameplay was not what I was looking for in endgame.
I like playing the game but the reasons for failing coming from lag and or frame drops just killed my personal interest. Having to watch a friend who already has crappy internet and playing the PS3 version get mauled by tremors over and over and knowing there was nothing she could do about it -shakes head- nope.
Keep wanting to play and almost resub a few times a week but the thought of all the content post Titan HM in terms of fights and items just makes me mad. Maybe something significant will change or I something cool will change my mind in the future.
CT 2 Bosses,
This....This is photoshopped right? Lol What the hell
Number 2. Started about a week ago. {Embrace} {Hopelessness}
Haven't even finished the books for number 1 yet. I got the Bravura Atma about 2.5 months ago and I've only been casually collecting myth (I don't even do all the roulettes, mainly just Expert when it refreshes), so I guess, unscientifically, it takes about 3 months to upgrade to Animus if you take it easy? I might try to go a little faster for the Rod though. Just doing roulettes, I don't ever want to start farming Brayflox for myth because I see enough of it in roulette as it is.
I think the Zodiac weapon quest gets a lot of flak, but I actually quite like the books (in general). I don't need a Stardust Rod Animus anytime soon since I expect I'll be getting a Laevateinn well, well before I can hope to finish the Animus anyway, but I do like having a background long-term project to keep me occupied. I'll be getting the mythology the books need anyway, and it's nice to every so often have the bit of variety that the book quests throw up - there's been a few times when I've felt bored and didn't really know what to do, and then realised that I could work on a book. I suppose the only thing that I really don't like about the books is that waiting for slow, slow FATEs that require gold participation is a dreadful experience, and the hunting log for each book can be a bit of a chore, but I like how they can send you to out-of-the-way places you rarely visit sometimes.
Number 2. Started about a week ago. {Embrace} {Hopelessness}
I concur, aside from the Fates, I really enjoy doing the books. If I want working on my Novus is be grabbing Atma's for my Gae Bolg, just so I could do the books again.
Though, 1500 Myth per book is, too much.
I would be lion if I said I weren't initially bullish about fishing up atma a second time round, but the scales fell from my eyes once it took me hours to get my maiden atma for this set and it was like ramming my head into a wall. I got pretty crabby about seeing crazy screenshots of things like people getting twins in a row. (Probably shouldn't have been looking at the official forums anyway, they're a real scorpion's nest and it really gets my goat how people can be so awful there). I just queued up some old Archer on Netflix, and settled down for a dreadful grind. It was ridiculously hot while I was doing it, about 30 degrees in my flat, and it would have really helped to have some kind of water-bearer there to keep me hydrated through the ordeal.
I hope you feel bad.
Atma? I hardly knew 'er!