Wait what
i can assure you the lag is from wireless. i did the same test 2-3 weeks ago on the PS4 for the first time. the results were unpleasant.
Wait what
3 stacks is the safe switch point, but 5 stacks is when you take about 14k damage, so you can still switch at 4 if you forget. If you're the OT, it falls on you to LB3 with the last set of balls - and that's about it for tanking Ultima HM.The pressure on the 3 tanks will be really high. ._.
In Ultimate's Bane fight tanks only need to switch after 3 (or 2 stacks) nothing else?
3 stacks is the safe switch point, but 5 stacks is when you take about 14k damage, so you can still switch at 4 if you forget. If you're the OT, it falls on you to LB3 with the last set of balls - and that's about it for tanking Ultima HM.
Wait what
3 stacks is the safe switch point, but 5 stacks is when you take about 14k damage, so you can still switch at 4 if you forget. If you're the OT, it falls on you to LB3 with the last set of balls - and that's about it for tanking Ultima HM.
In the quoted image above? It says Syrcus Tower.Isn't he queueing for frontlines there
In the quoted image above? It says Syrcus Tower.
I was wondering if someone could help me. After playing in the PS3 beta of FFXIV I decided to hold off on immediately jumping ship to the PS4 version. I decided to take the plunge yesterday and after hours of anxiously waiting for the download to complete. I ran into a brick wall that I can't seem to overcome.
When you log in for the first time it asks you for your Squeenix id and password. My ID wont change from AdgeSexLocation my old PS3 beta ID and I cant backspace or delete the text. My Squeenix id that Im actively using is actually TorontozVeryOwn but I cant change the username part of the login screen.
Im really livid right now as I bought the Digital Downloadable version. Please help me GAF I want to join the fun![]()
I think they took out the restriction in 2.2.Have they changed the looting system for CT?
From what I read online, I was under the impression you can only get 1 drop per week, I did CT for the first time last night and came out with 2 pieces of tank gear, not that I'm complaining![]()
T4 is hard for a tank. T_T
Tried it today for the 1st time and it's hard, my il is 86.
T4 is hard for a tank. T_T
Tried it today for the 1st time and it's hard, my il is 86.
Yeah I went today as the OT, you do many things. T_TWhat's exactly the problem?, are you OT in that fight? being MT is quite easy.
Almost all of my items are lvl 90 except for the body it's 100, what should I spend my sol. points now? The Weathered Noct Hoplon is worth it or not? @@
When should a Bard learn Invigorate? Obviously I'll need it for endgame stuff but is it necessary before that? I'm level 49 and I'm at Mor Dhona in the storyline. But I just had a ridiculous Haukke Manor run via duty finder. The tank didn't tell us he was planning on doing huge floor-wide pulls so the rest of us were unprepared and we all ended up dying. So when we try again we're all doing our AOEs and pretty soon I'm struggling to keep up because I've run out of TP. Is it worth getting now, before the endgame content? I don't know if I'm looking forward to levelling lancer just yet...
When should a Bard learn Invigorate? Obviously I'll need it for endgame stuff but is it necessary before that? I'm level 49 and I'm at Mor Dhona in the storyline. But I just had a ridiculous Haukke Manor run via duty finder. The tank didn't tell us he was planning on doing huge floor-wide pulls so the rest of us were unprepared and we all ended up dying. So when we try again we're all doing our AOEs and pretty soon I'm struggling to keep up because I've run out of TP. Is it worth getting now, before the endgame content? I don't know if I'm looking forward to levelling lancer just yet...
Also, if so, itd be nice if they made Alexandrite or Mysterious Maps sellable. That'd be a great way to nerf the Novus quest later on actually. XD
Since you're close, you might as well just hit 50 first. You can use Army's Paeon for now when you get low tp.
I tried using that until I realised the level sync meant I couldn't, which was a bit irritating. Good to know for future use though of course. Yeah I think I'll get BRD to 50 then just power level LNC to 22. Oh wait, I'll eventually need Blood For Blood right? Urgh ok level 34 it is.
So where is GAF most active these days anyway? And also does your name need to change when you switch servers?
Ultros. And no, not unless someone on that server has the same exact name.
It's ring then, thank. :]Depends...are you going to get your Animus shield?, if not the shield should come handy, unless you want to get the leviathan shield.
Althought probably is not a big upgrade in terms of stats, so maybe you should get a ring first...
I felt the same way at first, but I eventually leveled it to 50 because I ended up liking the job. haha
don't forget about Atmas
No matter how hard I try with a gamepad, it just doesn't feel right to me. Select a target (two clicks), select hotbar (hold), mentally figure out which of two pads the command is on, select command. Versus just clicking what I want with the mouse and frequently used actions being bound in 1-4 range.
Atma's definitely need to be nerfed, but seeing as there's twelve of them, finding additional ways to use them might be tough. Alexandrites on the other hand, are technically already a crafting material, so, even outside of Relic-Re-Specing I could think of a couple different ways to utilize them.
I mean, seems a waste to create so many ways to farm up Alexandrite, then to only use them for a single quest line. It'd mean that most people would stop running hunts and such the moment they're done with their Novus.
After trying to dps Turn 7, I find it is much easier as a healer as opposed to dps haha.
I'm sure there will be more rewards from the different tiers of Monster Hunts then just Alexandrites.
Just finished T4.
I guess T5 will be hard on me (tank il 86). XD
I'll start working on Primals extreme and Ultima's Bane.