Just out of curiosity, do most people have one character and level up multiple jobs or do you guys have 2 or 3 characters?
I am a onemanshow so I do the first one.
Just out of curiosity, do most people have one character and level up multiple jobs or do you guys have 2 or 3 characters?
Just out of curiosity, do most people have one character and level up multiple jobs or do you guys have 2 or 3 characters?
Stop making me miss being a Lala, screenshot folder!
Just out of curiosity, do most people have one character and level up multiple jobs or do you guys have 2 or 3 characters?
You could say your Gae Bolges are touching.
Stop making me miss being a Lala, screenshot folder!
Anything got announced/shown for this at E3?
Edit: I meant job/expansion wise.
Nothing expansion wise, Yoshida claimed they planned to talk more about that during the fan festivals in October.
Class/job wise they announced Rogue (class), and Ninja (job) for release during patch 2.4.
Any PS4 players got a solution to not being able to click on links people put in the chat window?
At the moment I'm having to type them into my laptop manually which isn't ideal.
Yeah there is.
You did not clear our items in the market or items in your retainer. Most likely.
Just out of curiosity, do most people have one character and level up multiple jobs or do you guys have 2 or 3 characters?
Bravura Animus
Maelstrom Escutcheon (got this by surprise)
Level 50 Weaver
I'm on the cheap one character plan
Just out of curiosity, do most people have one character and level up multiple jobs or do you guys have 2 or 3 characters?
Any tips on not letting it frustrate you? I am being super negative about it due to the frustration and I don't think it's helping the team either.
Man, it is so demoralizing and frustrating beating your head against a Second Coil turn. At least losing to T9 constantly wouldn't be so bad as you just got 9 items for everyone that week. We're getting beat down by T7 for the last 4 weeks (3-4hrs every week between 2 days), so it's just 2 items a week. 8 items so far (T6 4 weeks in a row), at least everyone but me has gotten an item for their main and I got an item for my alt, so that's not as bad. But soo frustrating.
The other frustrating thing is I don't know how to solve it. We know the strat. Our gear / DPS is fine. It's just single mistakes occurring every single run that wipe us.
Any tips on not letting it frustrate you? I am being super negative about it due to the frustration and I don't think it's helping the team either.
Stop counting loot for a start.
Have you considered setting up a video recording program like OBS to replay failed attempts if you're not sure what's tripping you up the most?
What do you guys keep wiping to?
Same general small mistakes that are magnified on T7. Positional awareness, tabbing and hitting a renaud, not getting to add fast enough / losing hate, putting stacks on adds, shriek awareness (even when being called out), and panic at petrification. Honestly, it's all reactionary mistakes that just take practice for the team to get out. Just frustrating when we are making the same type of mistakes over and over.
Most of that shouldn't be happening anymore with the amount of time you say you put into it though. Sounds like some fundamental misunderstandings of the fight mechanics more than anything,
Dat assumption that all the loot will be useable. I would not focus too much on the loot aspect, it's not like you're a hardcore progression group going for world first, loot will come in time both from drops and soldiery. If we let lack of desired loot get us down our casters would of committed sudoku by now.Man, it is so demoralizing and frustrating beating your head against a Second Coil turn. At least losing to T9 constantly wouldn't be so bad as you just got 9 items for everyone that week. We're getting beat down by T7 for the last 4 weeks (3-4hrs every week between 2 days), so it's just 2 items a week. 8 items so far (T6 4 weeks in a row), at least everyone but me has gotten an item for their main and I got an item for my alt, so that's not as bad. But soo frustrating.
The other frustrating thing is I don't know how to solve it. We know the strat. Our gear / DPS is fine. It's just single mistakes occurring every single run that wipe us.
Any tips on not letting it frustrate you? I am being super negative about it due to the frustration and I don't think it's helping the team either.
Make them practice their reflexes with MGR:R on Revenegeance mode or some twitch shooters. Works every time.Some people don't react fast enough yet. I don't know how to solve that except just more practice. As it just takes one person making mistakes to wipe an attempt in T7.
Everyone knows the fight mechanics and how to address those. It's about reacting to the mechanic that's the issue now.
Some people don't react fast enough yet. I don't know how to solve that except just more practice. As it just takes one person making mistakes to wipe an attempt in T7.
You can usually feel out when stuff is about to occur (like with Petrifactions and shrieks) so everyone just be proactive if they can't be reactive!
Time for a break maybe, return after the update?Yeah, good tips there. We had a run today where a couple people were really having an off night and we should have just called it earlier instead of trying to force it. We actually went backwards today, as we couldn't even get to Phase 4, like the day before we did a couple times. I just hate all the weeks going by without progress.
Managed to get Garuda Ex down last night finally - that's been sitting in my quest log since March. Feels like a weight has been lifted! The best part was the random healers that we picked up actually sticking with us, and seeing the improvements each run - and then 4 of us got the achievement at the end of that run.
Now it's time to try and memorise that Titan Ex rotation - any tips?
I guess that is the most important thing, since there's no coming back from them! Though, as tank I'm gonna have to pick up adds/tank swap as well.Dodge Landslides.
Oh god, don't say that! I added the really cool people from the Garuda runs of misery, and the plan was to go straight into Titan last night - but it was getting late, and two of the DPS hadn't seen anything about the fight, so we're regrouping tonight.Whaha.. i wish you the best of luck you'll need it.
Garuda EX is a walk in the park compared to the rock turd.
My tip : get some awesome people together and put them in a linkshell and try to run it with them and only them. When it comes to Titan EX there is no room for error. Every death leads into a wipe and most deaths are the ones that you can't recover from because the bodies are down in a ditch![]()
Dodge Landslides.
Speaking of Jalzahn. I finally finish collecting those damned ATMAS and he converts my weapon and tells me to enjoy it's new power, except it's exactly the same,except for the ilvl. What the fuck? I know I can do the books to upgrade it further, but after all that talk I was expecting a little upgrade. He even has the gall of asking me how I'm liking the new power.
Oh and he forgot to bring the books, so this other chick is extorting 1500 myth out of each. I feel like strangling both right now.
I guess that is the most important thing, since there's no coming back from them! Though, as tank I'm gonna have to pick up adds/tank swap as well.
Oh god, don't say that! I added the really cool people from the Garuda runs of misery, and the plan was to go straight into Titan last night - but it was getting late, and two of the DPS hadn't seen anything about the fight, so we're regrouping tonight.
It's great that we managed to get a fair number of experienced people in the party yesterday though - even if it seems there were about 3 different strategies that we had to switch between. Party Finder really can be a tool for good.
Also, Moogle EX is the hidden hardest fight of the game. They lul you over with their cuteness and charming music and then bam, delta-meteor-rain of death.
Enjoy your Mograin of Death guys, I've got Manawall. :V
Actually I like the fight so much I stayed up until 3am because of it. Really feeling the downside of that today.
Congrats.Tomo and Chocolate get turn 5 down!
On to second coil.
Stoneskin, is it really important for Paladin in lvl 50?
I finished everything except Primals extreme and coils 5+, don't know if it's worth it to lvl up my conjurer to lvl 34.
Off topic question - Does anyone have the break down of materia required for curtana and shield scrolls? It's 13 / 9 shield and 31 / 22 curtana, but what breakdown is that for 1, 2, 3, and 4 level materia?