There's zero customization now with the class>job system.Don't really like the no base class thing since it points at them moving away from the class>multiple jobs split. There just seems to be a lot they could have done with that, using it as the only real customization of the character. Picking what split for what classes you want to focus on more.
So many possibilities for the gun class...
Gun Mage
Yeah, like I said, design alone won't convince many people to play roles they don't like. And the few that it will convince probably aren't good at that role to begin with. The amount of Blood DKs you'd see with zero concept of rune management was sad.At any rate adding a darknedgy (like my soul) two handed sword tank class didn't exactly work out well for WoW. I remember the death knight stigma got so bad at one point I had people dropping from my groups just because I was playing a tank death knight...and I can't say I blame them after having played with other DKs. Didn't fix queue times either, assuming those are still bad in FF14.
I think the point was that it provided a base that customization could of been built on, right now it's not really used as well as it could be and is there as a gimmick/hold over from 1.0There's zero customization now with the class>job system.
There's really only one correct way to allocate your points and only certain cross class skills that everyone takes.
What's the difference?
So, I'm thinking of coming back...
Do we have any idea what the secondary job for Ninja is?
Thanks! I now have a mission...
Guess samurai will be a DPS then
There's no way the gun class isint a healer
Atleast I hope not
To be fair, base classes are good for roleplayers who don't want to play the special snowflake MC shit.Also, i'm glad they're ditching the base class shit. They're pointless outside of ridiculously case specific shit like pvp. base class involved?
whaaaaaaa? base class involved?
Would they be nice to us abd give us 3 new dps jobs? long range , close range and caster? ;3
Seems to me like they are going to phase out the Armory system completely, one of the last vestiges of 1.0's class design.
They already limited in 2.0 it to the point where you are only allowed to cross-class a few things anyways, and of those choices there is always a "right" answer. I guess the writing has been on the wall this whole time, but most people (including me) failed to see it.
IIRC they said you can't start with rogue either, you have to get to level 10 first and then go to the guild like other classes. So they may very well be going that route.I'm thinking that there is a good chance that advanced jobs (AKA: Every job that is released after A Realm Reborn) will not have base classes and you won't be able to begin the game as them. Feels kind of like XI with the six original jobs and then every expansion they added more, but it wasn't like you could begin the game as Dark Knight, Bard, or Summoner.
Rogue breaks that mold in a way, so we'll have to see.
The interview I saw yesterday from YoshiP basically summated to they're aiming to give PLD even safer and more stable abilities while giving WAR more complex and robust actions.
PLD? Awesome levels? Is this real life. PLD is one of the most stale and boring classes I've ever played in any game.
At any rate adding a darknedgy (like my soul) two handed sword tank class didn't exactly work out well for WoW. I remember the death knight stigma got so bad at one point I had people dropping from my groups just because I was playing a tank death knight...and I can't say I blame them after having played with other DKs. Didn't fix queue times either, assuming those are still bad in FF14.
Guess samurai will be a DPS then
There's no way the gun class isint a healer
Atleast I hope not
T9 down!
SAM is healer
GUN is a pet class focussing on buffs and debuffs
T9 down!
SAM is healer
GUN is a pet class focussing on buffs and debuffs
T9 down!
Please tell me you guys weren't still in there since this afternoon. You may have broken the 7 hour T9 clear if so. Also, congrats![]()
no one cares ;_;
Self heal tanks are a pain in the ass to balance and we may end up with WAR 2.0, they probably want to avoid that situation. I'm sure there will be some self heals but I hope they don't base the class's tanking ability entirely around it. I played Blood DK for awhile in WoW and it was a constant rollarcoaster of being underpowered or overpowered.
Someone said they mentioned it being a parry/magic tank, right? (I don't know, I didn't watch the stream) Maybe a sizeable boost to parry chance, and perhaps an on-demand cooldown parry. Magic effects that absorb damage (like ald). Then there are the entire line of absorb skills they could work in, to keep it balanced they'd probably only effect the DRK, but you could say absorb a % of a bosses attack - lowering their damage to you alone but increasing yours. This would actually be a decent way to balance them depending on fight if they added a mechanic like that to the self heals, so you'd be getting massive self heals on a Nael-like fight to keep you alive but you'd have much lower heals on a Dark Helmet you find out in the wild.
.I don't see DRK being heavy on parry, that will probably be for a Fencer/Runefencer type job. I could see them doing some magic though