Why GAF? Why? ='(

Why GAF? Why? ='(
All those 1% wipes make me nervous, is there an attack or something near this %?
All those 1% wipes make me nervous, is there an attack or something near this %?
All those 1% wipes make me nervous, is there an attack or something near this %?
Huge congrats, Illy :> I knew you could do it!I'm really tired lol...we also pulled a 6+ hours run to finally get it down. We had a wipe at 6% before we cleared it too.
Oh man, then I'm glad I didn't try to stay up to watch.He legit crashed and next kill was the win. it was a reallllly exciting one too at the end (2-3 dead, mass para from thunder, 2-3% to go...)
Because you guys didn't listen to my sage advice. If you're being bad, just stop, and be good instead. You guys should get it soon, but try to relax and not push so hard. Don't let Eve drive you guys crazy.Why GAF? Why? ='(
I think Ken is being contested here as the master of wisdom.Because you guys didn't listen to my sage advice. If you're being bad, just stop, and be good instead.
I'm really tired lol...we also pulled a 6+ hours run to finally get it down. We had a wipe at 6% before we cleared it too.
I know it might sound stupid, especially with all the T9 1% wiping talk in the last few posts, but I finally beat T5. Did it with a group of randoms and we succeeded on our first try.
my video card crashed, i rebooted and forgot to restart the stream, and the next pull was our kill >_>
All those 1% wipes make me nervous, is there an attack or something near this %?
There you go Nin Py
There you go Nin Py
Grats you guys. And grats to Kenai for getting to pull some double 6+ hour shifts for those T9 clears :x
Well, there's also a lot of wipes in the 10-30% range but those aren't as funny. The fight is basically the same from 47% to 0% except she periodically does more damage (Bahamut's Favor). So this phase has an auto-kill mechanic (handling Fire/Ice stacks), an easy way to wipe the raid (Thunder), a huge Tank spike hit (Bahamut's Claw), big AoE damage (Thermionic Beam), and then divebombs are pretty much a wipe if someone isn't paying attention.
Basically, half the fight has a lot of "something can go very wrong" stuff.
Making it so easy for all of us to be lazy.
Also, I know where I'm logging out tonight.
Fat Chocobo Head - Head - Item Level: 1 / Equipment Level: 1
Pastel Pink Dye - Dye - A rare and expensive pink dye, used for coloring anything from cloth to metal.
Dark Red Dye - Dye - A rare and expensive red dye, used for coloring anything from cloth to metal.
Dark Brown Dye - Dye - A rare and expensive brown dye, used for coloring anything from cloth to metal.
Pastel Green Dye - Dye - A rare and expensive green dye, used for coloring anything from cloth to metal.
Dark Green Dye - Dye - A rare and expensive green dye, used for coloring anything from cloth to metal.
Pastel Blue Dye - Dye - A rare and expensive blue dye, used for coloring anything from cloth to metal.
Dark Blue Dye - Dye - A rare and expensive blue dye, used for coloring anything from cloth to metal.
Pastel Purple Dye - Dye - A rare and expensive purple dye, used for coloring anything from cloth to metal.
Dark Purple Dye - Dye - A rare and expensive purple dye, used for coloring anything from cloth to metal.
Metallic Red Dye - Dye - A rare and expensive red dye, used for coloring anything from cloth to metal.
Metallic Orange Dye - Dye - A rare and expensive orange dye, used for coloring anything from cloth to metal.
Metallic Yellow Dye - Dye - A rare and expensive yellow dye, used for coloring anything from cloth to metal.
Metallic Green Dye - Dye - A rare and expensive green dye, used for coloring anything from cloth to metal.
Metallic Sky Blue Dye - Dye - A rare and expensive blue dye, used for coloring anything from cloth to metal.
Metallic Blue Dye - Dye - A rare and expensive blue dye, used for coloring anything from cloth to metal.
Metallic Purple Dye - Dye - A rare and expensive purple dye, used for coloring anything from cloth to metal.
Wind-up Nanamo Minion - The automaton vehemently refuses to sit upon any shoulder but Raubahn's...and yours. Use item to acquire the wind-up Nanamo minion.
Wind-up Urianger Minion - When the septenary moon did wane, there sounded a garrulous and convoluted monologue. A new minion had roused, one whose identity lieth within our ken. Use item to acquire the wind-up Urianger minion.
There you go Nin Py
High-level Scholars who don't DPS during level 50+ dungeons make me physically ill.
Are people other than Nin Py allowed to use this? Also, this doesn't look like much of an upgrade over 2.3's, Drama. You're slacking off a bit.
Alright. I'll start DPSIng instead of healing. That will work out really well for undergeared tanks or tanks who are just shitty.
Too much DRK excitement ,just started leveling marauder ...its actually fun so far (never tanked before)
Frame Points said:Frame Start: 1291
Frame End: 1305
Frame Duration: 14 (Kassatsu was used to reset mudra cd's so this probably why this one is fairly different from the other uses)
Frame Start: 1342
Frame End: 1357
Frame Duration: 15
Frame Start: 2070
Frame End: 2085
Frame Duration: 15
Frame Start: 2091
Frame End: 2106
Frame Duration: 15
Frame Start: 2112
Frame End: 2127
Frame Duration: 15
Frame Start: 2897
Frame End: 2912
Frame Duration: 15
Frame Start: 2920
Frame End: 2935
Frame Duration: 15
no, just me
There are 7 mudra used (excluding the first 3 because of the above reasons)
and each had an approximate ogcd of 15 frames.
The video was encoded to 29.5 fps (effectively 30fps), which implies that mudra's have a 0.5 second ogcd.
C-can I at least have a peek at it?
Congratulations on the T9 clear. Who's in Illy's group?
Worst Coil Group T9 clear! Nael'd it!
Stop sitting around in your high end gear being elitist guys, it gets people to be like this.
congrats everyone on the T9 clears
I guess those bombs during the fanfest encouraged motivation to everyone![]()