Processing on youtube (just the cg cutscene, I can stream the rest of it if you'd like)
double edit:
We have received copyright complaint(s) regarding material you posted, as follows:
from Square Enix Co., Ltd. about FFXIV: The Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 3 - Post Kill CG Cutscene - mairutube
Video ID: Qf2w7cRkTM4
that was fast
Yeah Square has been keeping scenes like that off websites like youtube so people don't stumble on it.
So is this T12 thing for the super elite players or can it be done by less... intensive players?
If it's the former it seems kind of lame to lock story content behind something that only a small percentage of the playerbase will get to experience.
Well, you gotta get past T5... When you, somehow, get to T9, its very tough and you should run it with an experienced group. You may get lucky or you may not. Its a lot of memorization though so it'll be tough.
Overall, you're gonna get people that will tell you to 'git gud'. Its really a side story kind of thing but rewarding for those that wanna know how things go. Usually the same route is to be ilvl 105+ and look at how fights go. T9 will probably be the hardest. My group is currently working on T10 and it doesn't seem all that tough.
Just know that over time, Square does make coil content easier.
Im holding off on not wanting to see that cutscene since I know Ill be able to experience it with my group at some point.
Changing topic....
- Man i ran with a T6 farming group. We beat it 3 time but lost 6 times cause people somehow forgot how the mechanics worked. Made no sense and left that group.
- I was holding off on trying rogue but a friend of mine convinced me and decided to do it together. I actually think rogue is pretty fun. Cant wait to get further into the class.
- Today was a shitty day since the weather was too horrid (incredibly windy, rain, snow, and warnings going off) and since my halloween was shot, I decided to just dress my character, Mary, as Lightning, complete with the hair. It was a bit fun nonetheless.