You can't DF Shiva EX
BTW, I thought I heard something along these lines the other day, but never followed up...
....Did they increase the drop rate on the Ramuh weapons at all? I still need to farm out the axe there, for my collection.
Didn't see that in the patch notes.
Get ready for Ninja weekend.
All NIN all day. Here's a sample of the soundtrack for this weekend.
The dapperest
Punchi got that axe yesterday. It really reminds me of the Lightning event Axe. XD
Get ready for Ninja weekend.
All NIN all day. Here's a sample of the soundtrack for this weekend.
The DRG lance looks like a chopped down Snow axe. Hell, a lot of them look like it.
Punchi got that axe yesterday. It really reminds me of the Lightning event Axe. XD
Well some guy passed by
How much does housing adjust with each re-evaluation? I decided I'm going to buy a house in the Goblet. The one I want is next to waterfall so it's priced high, and it re-evaluates in 3hrs. So if it saves me 100k, awesome.
With the fixed tracking in ACT, Ninja DPS appears to be on par with other DPS and not too far behind Monk. This should alleviate any fears of low or underwhelming DPS. Actual raid scenarios will differ and there is no accounting for player skill and experience, but the potential is there. Gondai and company really know what they are doing in regards to job balance. Don't worry Dragoons, your chance to shine will come in 3.0!as a tank
Yea, i was pretty let down by the fishing stuff they added too. So many fish with literally no use other than filling up a slot in your log and inventory already, and they add 20-30 more that are even harder to catch with the same problem or worse. Just don't get it.
How much does housing adjust with each re-evaluation? I decided I'm going to buy a house in the Goblet. The one I want is next to waterfall so it's priced high, and it re-evaluates in 3hrs. So if it saves me 100k, awesome.
Must be nice to be on a server where the houses aren't all gone 20 seconds into the patch.
I'm guessing you're on Balmung or Excalibur?
Also the cutscene for T12 is up again.
I urge anyone who really likes the story to wait till they clear T12 themselves. It's... really something else man. Holy shit.
Fish in fish bruh
Skilled enough player?
It requires 0 skill. You just have someone jump out shortly before Typhon does his giant AoE that causes a party to ring out. This way the person gets pre-stunned and it wears off. Then he jumps back in after Typhon's move and you keep going.
It requires a bit more than zero skill...
My understanding is that you have a very small window to jump back onto the platform after jumping out early and after stun wears off. You then get knocked back (usually into the pit), but since the stun reset has a small window, you're free to still move. You then have to jump back out again quickly before everyone else touches the ground. Some people were saying that Ninja skill and Tank's no-push-back can cheese it, too.
Holmgang didn't seem to prevent that particular knock-back.
Alternative theory is you caused a pregnant fish to blow up I guess.
Holmgang nor Tempered Will stop that one.
The window of unstun isn't terribly long, that's true, but so long as you're in the air it seems to work fine. The Ring Out mechanic seems super wonky tbh, I've had seemingly everyone ring-out'd and we still made it. We've also had someone step back in the ring and lost as well though. I'd chalk it up to lag I guess.
Or you could just, do the fight properly, take most of the uncertainty out of things.
Alternative theory is you caused a pregnant fish to blow up I guess.
Holmgang nor Tempered Will stop that one.
The window of unstun isn't terribly long, that's true, but so long as you're in the air it seems to work fine. The Ring Out mechanic seems super wonky tbh, I've had seemingly everyone ring-out'd and we still made it. We've also had someone step back in the ring and lost as well though. I'd chalk it up to lag I guess.
Yea, it's pretty buggy, and given the nature of the fight (it's side-story), I doubt SE will do anything to address it. I think people will find that type of wonky mechanic can add to the fun. I'm just so annoyed at how bad the RNG has treated me with the rolls. First I couldn't roll above a 50, then 5 times in a row I was second highest roll.
Yea, it's pretty buggy, and given the nature of the fight (it's side-story), I doubt SE will do anything to address it. I think people will find that type of wonky mechanic can add to the fun. I'm just so annoyed at how bad the RNG has treated me with the rolls. First I couldn't roll above a 50, then 5 times in a row I was second highest roll.
Yea, it's pretty buggy, and given the nature of the fight (it's side-story), I doubt SE will do anything to address it. I think people will find that type of wonky mechanic can add to the fun. I'm just so annoyed at how bad the RNG has treated me with the rolls. First I couldn't roll above a 50, then 5 times in a row I was second highest roll.
Just need to get a GAF farm party going sometime. Eight runs, everyone has their minions, done.
So, maybe you guys can illuminate me one this.
What is this, "Getting Gud," thing people are always telling me about? Some sort of Soldiery Mat?
It's philo, you could have gotten good. Some of us were still gud. YoshiP took all that away from us in 2.4.
... It turned into an Ala Mighan Fighting Fish? Square jes trolling me now.
No, Get Gud comes from desynthesizing items that Imdugud drops.
But I can't desynth!
Are you telling me I can't get Get Gud! D: