Londa said:
Gameplay: can only have one job on a single character. Only job that may interest me is Rogue and it look lame imo. I know Rogue is suppose to be powerful but its not my style. The game just looks really easy and the add-ons I heard about seem really sad. The add on to tell you where to stand is just pathetic imo.
Doesn't look like there is much challenge to the game other than the raids. Seems targeted to anyone with a short attention span. Work very little for big gain.
Graphics : looks really bad. The character creation makes all females look ugly. Bad textures, mounts look out of place. Motorcycles? really now?
Story: you read most of it from a text box. CS are not interesting. Boring over all when it comes to story.
Controls: cant tell you because I didn't play it. But I did hear about how some tanks can roll their head on the keyboard and still be able to tank.
I know I will get flamed for this :lol
I'll contend with fairness.
Gameplay: Yes. You are one class. But you can have other aspects such a professions (2 total) and other types such a cooking, fishing. But you are not stuck with one talent of that class. You can obtain a second talent option (duel-spec) so for example, if you are a Druid, you can play as either a Tank, Caster, or Melee but can only pick between two. However, you are always able to respec with a small amount of gold. As for add ons, they do not point where you need to stand or anything like that. I'll give you the aspect of say Heal Bot since that allows you to point and click on your raid frames to heal people. Or Decurse with the same concept. But the rest are mostly raid warnings. How you go about where you stand and the likes is entirely up to the player. And hasn't it been said a million times from FFXIV devs that they wanted to appeal to the players only had time for a short play time as well? Sorry. Can't win that one.
Graphics: Current models are mix bag. Early game models are pretty lame. They progress through their ugly phases but in the end, the armor sets are at a high res rate and look pretty good. As for character models, yeah. They could use the update. Who knows if that would ever happen.
Story: Uh yeah. FFXIV sure has a lot of damn text to read too. As for comparing lores, XIV hasn't exactly taken off so not really fair in comparisons yet.
Controls: Alright. Since you don't know about this, I'll give you examples. When playing a Gladiator you have your taunt and at the time, several different abilities. Tank and spank method of fighting mobs. No problem. Since there isn't any boss-like fights in XIV yet it's hard to compare. Now let's look at say a Death Knight tank. They have what's called a Death and Decay which is an area of effect spell that can be used for the pull. They also have other types of area of effect tool to keep group mobs together on the tank as well. Oh. Someone took agro on one mob? No problem. Death Knights can use their Death Grip which targets the said mob and pull them back to the tank to keep away from group members.
Fairly simple mechanics for a 5 man instance run. As for raids, 10 to 25, there are a lot of elements to consider though it'd turn into a essay so I'll withdraw from going over those types of raids. But I'll assure, you rolling your face on your keyboard is not only bad for your face, but a bad method of tanking.