Check this out for the endgame thing:
I saved for when I beat chapter 14 as well.
Hmm, that might be a better idea, yeah. I might still end up being overleveled at parts before endgame though, but I guess there's not much I can do about that in the end.Ahh, I see. Hmm, maybe play until you're around level 45-50 in chapter 9 and then use the item to stay on that level for the rest of the game. I think that level is enough not to be too overpowered for the second half and not too low to do most of the quests and hunts.
You bought the import version just to change x and o?
Go to the patch thread, its related to the overscan fix
And they show you how to fix it.
How does the shield factor into it, and what's the location people are using?Guys,
It's just the three canyons AP trick but with the Blitzer's Fanfare + Warriors Fanfare items from the DLC. It gives you 3AP extra if you get A+ grade on Time and Offense.
Got another 600 AP while waiting for advice on what to level up.
How does the shield factor into it, and what's the location people are using?
TIL Too Much is Never Enough is IN the game. It plays in all its glory during the Credits portion that you select from the main menu. Mind blown lol
Im ready to finish the game tonight, chapterLevel 80 across the board, safe to say im going to steamroll it. So close to that platinum.14
I have reaaaally enjoyed this game![]()
Just press attack. He will fly around automatically and attack a target until it's dead AFAIK and then switch to the next, nearest one. I think you can change his general direction and current target with the left stick, but I can't confirm it.
No, that would only activate the Execution finisher attack (the fuller the Armiger bar the stronger this finisher is). I usually only activated it when the gauge was almost depleted, that way I could use as much of the Armiger as possible and then top it off with the Execution, which wasn't that much weaker than if you used it at full bar as far as I could tell at least.
Following on from my constant complaining about this game, I have to say that it has one of the best villains in the basically the amalgamation of the best aspects of the more notable FF villains.Ardyn
I love how Ardyn takes aspects from all of the previous villains in the series. He hates mankind like Zemus, he ultimately wants to die like Exdeath, he's the lunatic right arm of an emperor like Kefka, he's a former hero like Sephiroth, he wants revenge like Ultimecia, he dresses fancily like Kuja, he's a parent of the protagonist like Jecht, he was manipulated by supernatural beings like the Shadow Lord, he thought he was the good guy like Vayne, he barely has any character development, and he is immortal like Lahabrea.
Quoting myself from another thread:
Part breaking food
Target the head
Warp strike
Got it on my 2nd try super early in the game.
Uhh I'm on chapter 5 about toand the environments randomly decided to have this weird pulsing red light on them every few seconds. Is this a bug?steal back the Regalia
Uhh I'm on chapter 5 about toand the environments randomly decided to have this weird pulsing red light on them every few seconds. Is this a bug?steal back the Regalia
I'm going to ask again: did anyone win anything besides the Store points and DLC code for the Carbuncle Surprise sweepstakes? Because the fine print said emails would go out around the 12th and I won an iPad Pro but I've been getting nervous because December is almost over and no email or anything on Google. Anybody else win anything big and still waiting?
Ah ok thanks. Just wanted to make sure it wasn't messed up.Yeah that's normal. It's related to the mission your own and will go away after
Quoting myself from another thread:
Yes.Simple yes or no: do you ever get the chance to make the car go faster?
Simple yes or no: do you ever get the chance to make the car go faster?
I finished chapter 13, went toand freaked out by the enemies, immediatelythe dark world. What should I do before proceding with the next chapter, which I think is the final one.went back to the past
Wait a minute homeslice!! You didn't dig the fade quest in Origins??Feel the hate on chapter 13 is way too high.
Then again after The Fade quest on Dragon Age Origins, if this is the worst quest in FF history then we are in good hands.
Simple yes or no: do you ever get the chance to make the car go faster?
I'm at Chapter 14 and at lvl 62. Should I take the time to go into the past to farm AP at the blockade near Ostium Gorge (and get Airstep for 333), then finally beat Costlemark for that sweet weapon, or just finish the damn game already?
You are overleveled already.
Finish the game and then go back to do extra quests.
I don't know if it's because the game being a Japanese one or my region 3 copy of the game, but why is it that the confirm and cancel button prompts allocated at O and X? Can I switch them?
It's so trivial yet it's kinda driving me crazy.
Ok, I'm starting to really enjoy this game now. Got hang of the combat. Despite all its flaws, I cant stop playing. In my last post, I said this game felt like a 6.5/10 after 8 hours of play time. Now this is turning into a 8/10 after about 13 hours. Love running around in this world.
After 3 hours of playing the game, I don't really understand the praise for the exploration aspect of the game. So far it's basically Ubisoft-esque open world design where you can 'scan' points of interest in the vicinity by talking to the bar/diner guy. The diners are basically the towers. Also, Regalia is so restrictive. I can't wait to finally get my hands on chocobos.
I'm at Chapter 14 and at lvl 62. Should I take the time to go into the past to farm AP at the blockade near Ostium Gorge (and get Airstep for 333), then finally beat Costlemark for that sweet weapon, or just finish the damn game already?
OK I finally got to the point where I can tackle thesealed and secret dungeons. I'm at level 99 with all characters.
How long will it take me to finish them all? Is it worth it as far as the funfactor and gear I'll get?
The exploration loop is what it is, but I found it very enjoyable as the game progresses. The "points of interest" - treasure, plants, metals - themselves aren't quests like Witcher or AC but they often lead you to areas that have hidden dungeons, enemies, or quests. So for me just exploring on my own was the best, the diner items it calls out were more like landmarks.
Also the first area is a boring esthetic but as the next areas open up they have some really cool design and layouts.
So if you can stick with it a few more hours I think you will be rewarded.
I finished chapter 13, went toand freaked out by the enemies, immediatelythe dark world. What should I do before proceding with the next chapter, which I think is the final one.went back to the past