According to SIEJA.
Japan is the #1 region for FF15 sales with 1.1m [ed.: shipped].
China is the #2 region for sales [ed.: several hundreds of thousands], more than any other country in Asia.
Pretty surprising to see China pick up Japan's slack.
According to SIEJA.
Japan is the #1 region for FF15 sales with 1.1m [ed.: shipped].
China is the #2 region for sales [ed.: several hundreds of thousands], more than any other country in Asia.
Pretty surprising to see China pick up Japan's slack.
Hironobu Sakaguchi, CEO of Mistwalker Corporation
Known for: Terra Battle
Favorite title of 2016: Final Fantasy XV
“We plan to announce a new game in 2017. Please look forward to it!”
Is this proof the game did worse in NA than expected or im reading it wrong ? 😕Glad to see the game doing well!![]()
if Japans number 1 at only 1.1 mil.....I really don't want to know what the rest of the world is like.....this seems kind of low,
I think SIEJA only counts sales in Asia? It means that Japan leads sales in Asia, not worldwide.
Oh, should add that it's #1 in Asia only, not WW.if Japans number 1 at only 1.1 mil.....I really don't want to know what the rest of the world is like.....this seems kind of low,
especially since its shipped copies and not sold through. They could have 5.5 mil shipped sitting there for a long time for all it comes to be lol
eiterh way I own both the PS4 and xbox one version.
Hoping to see mainline games from square stay on xbox for awhile at least. I am looking forward to the scorpio and future installments.
Glad to see the game doing well!![]()
The new dlc items, are they a separate download or did they come with the latest patch?
Why do some people use l1 for block and others use square?
Needing to do the maze inagain for the hunt is some top tier amateur garbage.Costlemark
Different button configurations. See the controller settings within the game menu for the different options - A, B, & C.
That moment when you summon a god just to kill a rhino.
Ohhh, thanks! There are a lot of options I completely missed. Also totally missed the different distance options before seeing it mentioned in this thread, and now I know I much prefer far.
Finished it. Loved it in spite of the story making almost no sense
I suspect this will be a horrible question that's been discussed to death but I'm just about to start the game on a Pro with a 1080p tv so should I use "lite" or "high" resilient mode? I'm assuming it downscales, and I'm not normally very fussy about frame rate as long as it's decent
Ohhh, thanks! There are a lot of options I completely missed. Also totally missed the different distance options before seeing it mentioned in this thread, and now I know I much prefer far.
First thing I do in any game is going into the options, lol. FFXV has several bad default settings, imo. E.g. the camera switching to party members who are dying or using items (who thought this was fun in real-time combat), the Type A control scheme, the wonky ratio between music and sound effects/voices volume that doesn't let you hear the music clearly, or Sprinting not being on L2 instead of Summon, which you don't need as often anyway and could easily be pushed to the Items or Techniques menu.I don't even want to think about how many options I've overlooked. I wasn't aware of the different button configurations, nor the option that removes the character animations when using potions, until I asked for tips/help prior to starting the game.
I can't remember the exact name of the 2nd thing I mentioned, but, IMO, it definitely helps the flow of battle & seems smoother overall. Can someone help me with the name of what I'm describing? I feel like my description is not helping anything, lol.
read the story on a wiki.....have your mind blown by how good it actually is as you piece everything you saw together and then replay with what you know......makes it more enjoyable the second time around
if framepacing annoys you then do lite......if not do high as ti also improves graphical qualities as well as downscaling.
you can freely switch anytime while playing to even see the difference and "stutter" known as frame pacing yourself.
Thanks, that explains it :lolSeperate
if framepacing annoys you then do lite......if not do high as ti also improves graphical qualities as well as downscaling.
you can freely switch anytime while playing to even see the difference and "stutter" known as frame pacing yourself.
What the fuck is wrong with Coeurls. Tanky, fast, heals, insta-gibs. I know not to attack them when they're sitting as they counter you but they're still bullshit. Haven't taken down a single one and then some joker offers me a hunt to take down 5.
Catoplepas fight was awesome besides brain dead AI dying constantly.
And why the hell is Prompto permanently in melee range when he has a gun?
I feel like I'm playing another game when people mentioned Coeurls. I've been taking them down without issue all game. Here's a later level fight in one of the challenge rooms that's pretty typical.
They've never been on my radar aside from the cool designs. Not a brag post or anything, just confused.
I think I'm wrapping up chapter 9 just past theleviathan fight
How much is left ?
I think I wore myself out grinding side quests. Already completed all related trophies to it ( 80 + completed )
4,5h left if you just do the story I'd say.
Great, do you get a lot of exp from doing the story ? I'm lv 43. Can I beat the game at this level ?
What's a good wiki?
It's tough when there's like 3-5 and they all start doing the death whisker charge
Even then I've not experienced it. I must be incredibly lucky, I can imagine they could stun lock the shit out of you.
Dumb question: are the stat boosts obtained from camp/restaurant meals permanent or temporary?
they also have insta death if your not careful.....so yes you have been lucky lol
Just a quick Libra question to make sure...I rarely pay attention to it because I didnt really have to so far,chapter 7,but I just tried to fight a Couerls(sp?) and I think they counter attack on warp strike or something...but anyway,I am guessing the icons that are highlighted in the bar are the stuff they are weak to...? like if Blizzard is highlighted,dont use Fire...? or is it the opposite...
Highlighted = weak to.
Anyone know when more updates are coming to plug the hole in the story and add scenes?
Thanks.Temporary. Bottom centre of screen after a meal, you'll see a meter.
Or careful.![]()
I've been playing this for the past week or two and while it's enjoyable, it's really making me want to replay Xenoblade Chronicles X. It does similar things better.
Anyone know when more updates are coming to plug the hole in the story and add scenes?