The Hamburglar
Is cid bugged out for me? I gave him a bunch of stuff beforechapter 9 now in chapter 14 past he just keeps sitting there saying come back later or sumit. I've done about 20 hunts and a few side quests since then.
Only took 3 minutes![]()
They could cut out a floor or two of 13 and it would be fine. Also de-emphasizing the "hiding" since it only really serves to restore MP. Instead they could teach you how to use the ring better/make it more effective.
I guess my bigger issue with the chapter is where it takes place and how that was realized.
Yes, same way I fixed every issue. Just close / restart the game.
So that means that some fights will pretty much guarantee that you will get a D rating in Finesse because you can't actually parry anything?
Can you cancel out of attack animations into parries, or do you have to be doing nothing for it to work?
I finally finished the game two ago. There's a lot to unpack on my experience but from all impressions I read, I was looking forward to chapter 13 the most to see what all the hate was about. I wouldn't say I ran through it however I was lv74 during the whole thing so I never had any fears or hid from anything. I went through it all and I think it might be my favorite chapter of the game. It was different but reminded me of older JRPGs where you're sneaking around some industrial fortress. Atmosphere wise I think it was great and I enjoyed the pace of it. I think it's a shame there were so few different experiences to be had in the game aside the open world(while I did very much enjoy it). It helped me get over the disappointment with the train chapter.
Overall loved my time with the game, just wish the story and chapters were better planned out and....complete.
Not a trick, just for some reason that recipe gives a lot of Cooking exp points and super easy to make. Just buy luncheon meats from the vendor in Lestallum and you're good to go to grind Cooking levels if you want.
I forgot all the bad in Chapter 13 when I reached this part.
I forgot all the bad in Chapter 13 when I reached this part.
Still in the middle of Chapter 13, but ever since I got thethings have been a super cakewalk. This chapter isn't good by any means, but it's also not the dreadful horror show I'd imagined it'd be from everybody's impressions.Father's Sword
About to start this, questions.
1. I heard there was a movie or something to watch first, how necessary is that?
2. Subs or dubs?
3. Anything else I should know?
About to start this, questions.
1. I heard there was a movie or something to watch first, how necessary is that?
2. Subs or dubs?
3. Anything else I should know?
Just played another couple of hours (about 4 in total now) and getting a hang of the controls a bit better. A problem for me has been that none of the 3 control types really feel natural. So far Type C has felt the best for me. Although warp striking with L1 + triangle when you are attacking/dodging with R2/L2 is odd, and means I have to think about using warp strike every time I want to - it means I have to stop what I'm doing, take a beat to think about the button comination then do it. It's not fluid at all for me. Maybe it will get better.
I'm just running (urgh, the running!) around the map looking for enemies to practice on (not grinding as much as just getting used to the controls) but there are so few enemies around - is there anywhere on the map near the rest stop at the start where I can just grind enemies for practice without having to run around for 5-10 minutes to find another?
OK, thanks. Monster whistles summon enemies any time you like I guess? I know I'm super early in the game, I just didn't want to progress too far until I got a handle on the controls and battle system - it's taking a while!You get chocobos and monster whistles if you progress
A bit more through the main stories.
You can also train against gladio at the camps.
I'm pretty sure MoogleWizard already loved the universe and mythology of FXIII.
Uh guys is my game glitched? CID won't let me upgrade any weapons, he doesn't give me an option. I'm on chapter 6.
What would you say is overall the most difficult post-game activity? Is it the Costlemark sealed dungeon?
I am level 32 at the end of Chapter 6 at 20 hours played. Rank 3 for Hunts. Am I going very slow?
Yes, easily.
Ok good, that's going to be my final activity and "end of the game".
Does anyone know of a good way to get Zu Beaks post-patch? They don't appear to be dropping any more, either that or RNG has been seriously screwing with me. All I get are tenders. The beaks are supposed to be the common drop and the tenders the rare.
Do weapons matter a lot? Like is it worth it for me to run around and collect the good weapons?
Random question:
Can you go to each of the 13 sealed royal tombs before the final few chapters of the game?
There are meals that increase rare drop breaks. Hardedge has a break modifier.
Finally started the game today. Am about 2 hours in and just reached that seaside place where I'm supposed to take a ferry. So far it's a real blast! The combat is quite fun, the game looks gorgeous and I really love the banter between the four guys. I'm playing on a Pro on a 1080p HDTV but set it to Lite because the other video option seems a bit jittery/sluggish to me for some reason.
So yeah, while it's super fun so far, I still have this impending dread looming over me from all the impressions about the game that I wish I hadn't read. Mostly about how the story is super shit etc. I quite enjoyed Kingsglaive and Brotherhood and am really liking this so far, but I bet I would enjoy this even more if I didn't dread the story being bad in the long run. Someone please tell me that it's not that bad. I so desperately wanted this game to be good!
Fuck this game. No way for me to get the ultimate weapon now. Cid been sat there for days now telling me to brace for power. I've done countless quests and hunts.
Uh guys is my game glitched? CID won't let me upgrade any weapons, he doesn't give me an option. I'm on chapter 6.
Jesus. Just did the mind the trap quest. Who ever had this idea...just no lol
Is that the one withthe animal traps? The search area is very small. I think I spent around 10 minutes there?
Wooo boy, just finished Chapter 13 & gee golly at that info dump at the end of the chapter. Can someone explain/summarize for me what just happened?What/who exactly is Ardyn as the Acursed is the main one I'm still a little lost on.
It is indeed. The area is small right enough but I still had some real trouble spotting them, took me a good ten, fifteen minutes. Quests like this should just have been left out. Its just running around with the camera tracked on the floor aimlessly, nothing fun about it. All the other fetch quests have been fine for what they are but this seemed irritating for no real good reason.