Did you read the post?
Large number of enemies, barely any telegraphing, enemies designed around fast paced combat system while Noctis is designed around a slower hybrid system, crazily large sized enemies, overly animated, automated moves, no AI control, etc.
it certainly feels a little crazy at times.
Camera is not horrible (other than not having foliage disappearing when you're near it), but just ok.
It's just something you occasionally wrestle with, but it's not like I didnt have to do the same on Witcher 3.
I was like some other posters at first. "Camera is the worst thing I've ever experienced in a game but the combat can be fun at times!"
Nah. It only works when there's 3 or less enemies, if you're outside, and if there are no bushes or trees anywhere near you. Because the lock-on isn't functional at all either.
Then there's the issues the game has with party members and lack of being able to dictate their AI in any way, only being able to equip one party member technique, different abilities relegated to which direction you're holding the analog stick (?????????????????), designing the game around holding a button to attack, long, un-cancel-able animations, etc. etc.
Disagree completely, on both the bolded. Especially if you go to dungeons, where multiple enemies (heck, sometimes even a single enemy) paired with enclosed spaces make the camera spazzing all over the place. Especially so if they put a big enemy/enemies in dungeons, you can just forget about finesse or situational awareness other than occasionally push square when the game prompts you to parry or pop in an item to heal hp/cure ailment/whatever. It's not elegant in the slightest.
Really, for me the whole mechanic of the battle system itself is actually fine, enjoyable even. It's just that the camera totally drags everything down with it for me.
I can guarantee there are things you're not doing well and it isn't the system's fault.
- Large number of enemies isn't ever really a problem outside of Costlemark
I don't see the crazy in that.
If you don't think there is a problem there then nevermind.
I dunno, maybe I'd have less issue with the combat if the frame rate were doubled. The gash camera wouldn't be as jarring.
I don't get this harder ng+ crying because how on Earth would SE balance a "harder" ng+ for people who both beelined the story and completionist types. Multiple difficulties trails style sure but most of those aren't well balanced at all.
What's the consensus on Costlemark Tower? I just finished it at around lvl 64, and it was super difficult, but not really in a fun way tbh. Had I not brought an excessive amount of ellxirs, I wouldn't have made it past the ice bombs :/ Could've used magic on them but never bothered so that's on me. But overall, the design and textures were a bit repetitive, looking pretty much identical to some other places I've been to. I got most of the items, are they any good?
The Witcher 3 has a better combat system than FFXV. I'm not even joking.
I'm starting to realize that the best way to deal with the camera is to take the often told wisdom Dark Souls players provide and don't lock on. Locking on seems to be best for targeting things at a range or targeting parts since the game starts to bring the camera to the ground and even behind stuff if you let it lock onto an enemy that moves aroun a lot.
The Witcher 3 has a better combat system than FFXV. I'm not even joking.
Disagree completely, on both the bolded. Especially if you go to dungeons, where multiple enemies (heck, sometimes even a single enemy) paired with enclosed spaces make the camera spazzing all over the place. Especially so if they put a big enemy/enemies in dungeons, you can just forget about finesse or situational awareness other than occasionally push square when the game prompts you to parry or pop in an item to heal hp/cure ailment/whatever. It's not elegant in the slightest.
Really, for me the whole mechanic of the battle system itself is actually fine, enjoyable even. It's just that the camera totally drags everything down with it for me.
I felt I got off lucky with Costlemark - I did it yesterday at LVL. 69 & had little trouble with it. I ate a dish at Galdin Quay that basically made me invincible to elemental status ailments so the bombs & other monsters didn't affect me.
During the part with 3 Red Giants, Ramuh showed up & took care of things. The final battle arena was cool looking. After all the doom & gloom I'd heard about the dungeon, I sorta came away from it feeling like it wasn't remotely a big deal.
Jeez, the close up camera is pretty awe inspiring with some of the detail you see. Too bad it's not practical to fight with on.
120 hours in the game, and finished Steyliff. Got through them and the camera just fine...
...except with those Master Tonberries. Love them to bits but fuck them all the same.
If you don't think there is a problem there then nevermind.
Fighting the Iron giant is the worst and fighting multiple Iron giants is even more telling of how bad the camera is most of the time. Actually, fighting any monster that is same size or bigger just doesn't work. The camera tends to put you in a weird angle underneath the enemy and you loose any sense of your surroundings. Especially if there is a mob of smaller enemies attacking you as well. The camera when fighting the Iron giant in the platinum demo handled the Iron giant fight a lot better. Granted that was just one on one, but it felt more enjoyable than the encounter with them in the final game.
Also while I love The Witcher 3 more than FF XV. The combat in XV is a lot more fun, when the camera isn't working against you at least.
Genuinely curious, what extra stuff can the characters do once you get post game? I finished the story by timing my dodges ok and holding attack, using party attacks and arminger sometimes. Even if I got one-shotted, hi-potions were cheap so I could keep spamming them.
I was having trouble with combat initially, due to me moving the right stick to change camera view while there was a locked-on enemy meant that the lock-on target kept switching. If I don't move the camera, I couldn't see anything half the time.
So what I did was:
1) Changed combat camera option to "far"
2) Never lock on
After that, I didn't have much trouble with combat unless the area has lots of foliage. The foliage's obstruction to view is another story
I was more annoyed by the fact that if I wanted to change a party member's technique during a combat encounter I have to go into the Menu.
However, my biggest frustration so far is the frequency of the magitek army dropping in. I am not sure if I am just unlucky, but they always appear when I am in the midst of a "find a tiny sparkle on the ground" quest. The most infuriating thing is after defeating them, within 10 to 20 seconds, another reinforcement comes and interrupts the quest. A supposedly simple quest became prolonged to be disbelief.
Jeez, the close up camera is pretty awe inspiring with some of the detail you see. Too bad it's not practical to fight with on.
I don't get this harder ng+ crying because how on Earth would SE balance a "harder" ng+ for people who both beelined the story and completionist types. Multiple difficulties trails style sure but most of those aren't well balanced at all.
How long should it take to catch a fish? I'm sat here staring at the water and wondering if this is actually what was intended?
How long should it take to catch a fish? I'm sat here staring at the water and wondering if this is actually what was intended?
Electric bombs, you mean
IIRC you can actually just run past everything up until the puzzle room.
As far as I can tell not many people is a fan of Costlemark, hahahah.
I felt I got off lucky with Costlemark - I did it yesterday at LVL. 69 & had little trouble with it. I ate a dish at Galdin Quay that basically made me invincible to elemental status ailments so the bombs & other monsters didn't affect me.
During the part with 3 Red Giants, Ramuh showed up & took care of things. The final battle arena was cool looking. After all the doom & gloom I'd heard about the dungeon, I sorta came away from it feeling like it wasn't remotely a big deal.
The way to beat costlemark with ease is simply by the elemental immunity food from galdin quay.
They should probably balance it around completionists. People who rush through the story probably won't care about NG+ anyway.
Or make it so the first few chapters are manageable by people who rushed through the story, and gives them enough EXP to send them to 99, and then after a point everything is balanced around having a level 99 party.
I really enjoyed it. The game really should limit item usage in some way, though. I feel like that would actually reduce frustration by requiring strategy. For example, instead of burning through all of your elixirs, if that wasn't an option, you'd have to leave and think "what can I do to counter that?". What I did was eat at Galdin Quay, there's a food there that makes you immune to any elemental damage. Bombs were absolutely not an issue to me in Costlemark, I just hit them while I watched INVULNERABLE filling the screen.
It didn't last the whole dungeon, but by the time the buff ended, there was only one bomb encounter left.
I went to a different spot and immediately got a fish interested, it took a couple of tries to get one though. At the first location (which is the first place I came across to fish) I was sat there for 10 minutes with nothing happening. I didn't realise it would tell you a fish was interested - there's that at least I suppose.
Also unrelated to fishing a couple of other things that puzzle me:
1. When you camp and the guy in glasses cooks up a meal. What does that do/cost? It seems to give a boost to stats? How long does that boost last? Do the meals cost anything?
2. Why can't I drive? When I first got the car there was all this information about how you can drive manually or let one of the others do it but since then I've never been allowed to drive, it's been be a passenger or nothing. I don't get it.
I went to a different spot and immediately got a fish interested, it took a couple of tries to get one though. At the first location (which is the first place I came across to fish) I was sat there for 10 minutes with nothing happening. I didn't realise it would tell you a fish was interested - there's that at least I suppose.
Also unrelated to fishing a couple of other things that puzzle me:
1. When you camp and the guy in glasses cooks up a meal. What does that do/cost? It seems to give a boost to stats? How long does that boost last? Do the meals cost anything?
2. Why can't I drive? When I first got the car there was all this information about how you can drive manually or let one of the others do it but since then I've never been allowed to drive, it's been be a passenger or nothing. I don't get it.
OK thanks. I'm kind of demoralized with this game atm - everything seems a huge annoyance and effort. I haven't felt like this, this early in a game since Ni No Kuni and I did go on to platinum that so I'm hoping this game clicks soon, but I'm not sure I see it.
The combat is just awful. It pivots between so easy it's nothing but holding attack to win and then the next encounter is not being able to do a single thing because every time I get up I'm immediately knocked back down again and waiting for one of the meathead team members to revive me. I'm 4 hours in, all I can see ahead is dozens of hours of frustration.
How long should it take to catch a fish? I'm sat here staring at the water and wondering if this is actually what was intended?
Why not get 500k and do it? You would have reached level 90.
OK thanks. I'm kind of demoralized with this game atm - everything seems a huge annoyance and effort. I haven't felt like this, this early in a game since Ni No Kuni and I did go on to platinum that so I'm hoping this game clicks soon, but I'm not sure I see it.
The combat is just awful. It pivots between so easy it's nothing but holding attack to win and then the next encounter is not being able to do a single thing because every time I get up I'm immediately knocked back down again and waiting for one of the meathead team members to revive me. I'm 4 hours in, all I can see ahead is dozens of hours of frustration.
Is the anime and movie worth seeing?
What's the most efficient way to get to fishing level 10? This trophy will be the death of me.
What's the most efficient way to get to fishing level 10? This trophy will be the death of me.
Too late for that. I didn't think it would be this slow.Catch like 5 fish every time you see a fishing spot throughout the course of the game so you don't burden yourself with 100+ fishes in a row at end game![]()
Where? I've been fishing at the vesperpool for a while now and I'm only at level 5 and it's only gonna get a lot harder.catch lots of good fish, eat Noctis' favorite food at camp.
lol, I'm done for then!You're doing the combat system wrong. You have a warp button for a reason.
General rule of thumb:
If there are more than 3 enemies close together, use a powerful spell to burn them down. Then warp in to hit any survivors.
If there are fewer, you're okay to charge in, but be prepared to block/parry.
For boss fights, learn the warp mechanics and use them properly. Charge in, hit, fly to warp points, etc.
And those are just the first steps.
Too late for that. I didn't think it would be this slow.
Where? I've been fishing at the vesperpool and it's still too damn slow.
lol, I'm done for then!
I don't even know how to use the warp points. I press triangle and I just warp to some random point in the field, not the specific scenery with the warp marker on it. I can warp strike enemies fine now but just ignore the warp points on the scenery because it never works.
I'm only holding attack because it said that's how you chain attacks in the tutorial. Honestly I'm just bewildered by every fight, I have no idea what's going on! This combat system is too fast for me I think, when there are 6 or 7 enemies, I need a moment to look at which one needs to be picked off first but I can never work out where the lifebars are, or who I'm hitting or how I change targets. I just hold/mash and hope for the end!
Too late for that. I didn't think it would be this slow.
Where? I've been fishing at the vesperpool and it's still too damn slow.