So I got to Chapter 6 in a great hurry because I wanted to push the story forward and unveil as much map as possible due to pure curiosity. I had this thing going (LVL26) that I enter each dungeon and see how far can I go inside - what are the monsters, the blue treasures etc. By pure luck I happened to enter Malmalam Thicket, I think at LVL20 and found THUNDERBOLT (Greatsword). It has like 343 ATK rating.
Fast forward to this week and I restarted the game from scratch - due to many reasons - and am now doing every sidequest, reading every poster etc.
I am just at the very beginning of Chapter 3 and the first thing I did? I went for that fucking sword

I avoided all enemies on the way to the entrance and inside I had only to kill 3 Mandragoras (LVL 32?). They were a pain but Gladio's special (Dawnhammer) made it possible.
Now I can start Chapter 3 for real with that sword

It feels so good, to disover all of this on my own. The upcoming hunts will be much easier now!