CH13 was just boring, repetitive, and tedious to play through. It went on for far too long imo.
When's the carnival again so I don't miss it
Thanks. It showed up when I went in again.You have to walk very close to one of them to see the press X notice pop up.
One thing I will say, I really miss having the super sprint from Xenoblade X. Noctis is so goddamn slow.
or O
We can make Noctis sprint, it's just a lot slower than Xenoblade X's. Plus you have a stamina meter, so it's not endless, and in Xenoblade you can actually do autorun to the next objective which is extremely handy.
If you release the sprint button just before stamina runs out it will fully refill the bar.
Ah, that's good to know - how obtrusive is the stamina bar? I think we've got it turned off from the HUD at the moment.
It's fairly unobtrusive and small but it is in the centre of the screen just above Noctis' head.
So I'm playing the post-game "sealed" dungeons. So far I have done the first two (in the order the game suggests them). And I have to say, these are a joke. I have not seen "level design" this bad since Bloodborne's random gerenated chalice dungeons.
Do these get any better? I understand that it's extra content. I have enjoyed the game so far (for 70 hours or so). But at this point, I think I'm about to just quit.
A fan created a new intro to the game using Kingsglaive and Omen footage and did a pretty good job. I know it's just largely scenes from the movie but it still works.
Chapter 10and now I'm off to a dungeon and I have no idea why? It's ok guys just make it up as you go a long, it's not like I was hoping for an engaging story.
It's explicitly stated thatCor told them that a royal arm was hidden within the mines.
Oh, you haven't seen chapter 13 and 14 yet. At first it was frustating to witness such a mess of a story. If you embrace it it just gets funnier with every new story info thrown at your face.What a ridiculous fucking game. Rundown of today's play session from Chapter 9 on:
- Go to deliberate with the leader of Altissia. She asks me to explain why I want to resurrector whatever. Lady, I don't fucking know. This game doesn't tell me shit. I choose all the glaringly obvious diplomatic dialogue options and the game tells me I've secured her trust. I presume I will never see her again for the rest of the game.Leviathan
- FightLeviathan. Literally have to check the internet to see if I'm doing the right thing, because shit is so poorly designed and gives so little feedback I honestly thought the game might have been bugged. I warp strike at him, watch as I do like 12 damage or something and his healthbar doesn't budge, internet tells me that, no, that's what you're supposed to do. Just keep at it. What fun. Second half of the fight is like someone tried to be Platinum Games without even 1/100th of the talent. Just utter trash.
- At least I finally get to meet Luna, at least, right? Been waiting this whole game for her to explain just what exactly I'm supposed to be doing.Oh she gives a friendship speech and dies. Fuck me.
- Ignis'seyes are all fucked up. How? Don't know, happened off screen. Oh by the way there's a Royal Tomb nearby. How do we know? Someone told us off-screen. Between all the happy pictures Prompto takes off-screen and all the storytelling that happens off-screen, it feels like there's a whole world of stuff here that only happens when I'm not around.
- FightMalboro, it keeps regenerating, kills all my NPCs instantly over and over. Tooltip tells me to leave the combat area, so I do, and the fight resets. Off to Google again. Turns out you're not supposed to leave the combat area like IT FUCKING SAYS TO DO, but rather walk over to a red arrow that has suddenly appeared, the likes of which have never been seen in the game so far and is not marked on the map. Because Ignis, who IS FUCKING BLIND, remember, has thought of a plan, that involves him throwing some shit at a monster HE CAN'T SEE.
I'm at the point now where I'm just going to stop if the game throws any more trash my way. Basically the only thing keeping me going at this point is that I've never finished a Final Fantasy game before and it'd be nice to tick one off, but life's too short for this rubbish.
What a ridiculous fucking game. Rundown of today's play session from Chapter 9 on:
why am I searching for royal arms? Are they important to the main story? who the hell is Cor?
I get that the story is a lil wacky but some of you aren't even tryingI don't know what to tell you. This was all explained in Chapter 2.
I don't know what to tell you. This was all explained in Chapter 2.
I found a discussion of the glitch.
Apparently using a potion can fix the camera.
I'm also playing on Pro, and I've noticed that after suspending and resuming it several times, I'll eventually start to see graphical corruption (like artefacts appearing when using techs, for example). Closing and restarting the application usually resolves it.I am playing on a PS4 Pro. It's the only game in my library that is constantly making the console run hot.
This is normal I'm assuming? Too many polygons and an overwhelming lighting system?
I don't expect a patch to fix this, is just weird to go from whisper quiet to full loudness when looking the FFXV disk in. Heh. I'm loving the game though, I went in with zero expectations so the fact that I've put 20 hours in it so far is telling.![]()
Also loved the little exchange between Noctis and Gladiolus:
Noctis: "It's so hot."
Gladiolus: "Then lose the jacket."
Believe me, it won't feel as fresh the 500th time you've heard it. This game has a big issue with repeating banter.
Tip for chapter 13 if you haven't done it yet:When you get to the part where you're supposed to use stealth, just get spotted by a soldier, run to the end of the hallway, and holy dodge to kill them.
I like most of chapter 13, but the first part is extremely tedious.
That line changes, depending on what outfit you wear, by the way. For me, since I'm going jacket-less, it went more like this:
N: It's so hot.
G: Then take your shirt off.
N: Like you? Pass.
G: There's nothing to show off anyway.
N: I have muscles! You...just can't see them.
I get that while wearing the jacket. Gladio really wants Noctis to lose some items of clothing, is what I'm taking away from the situation.
Believe me, it won't feel as fresh the 500th time you've heard it. This game has a big issue with repeating banter.
The dubtitles at times take me out of the game lol
I know enough Japanese to know when the subtitles are much different than the spoken Japanese.
There's nothing more obvious though when you got off your chocobo. Apparently in the English version Prompto says "Thanks buddy", but in the Japanese version Prompto says "Arigato Chocoboooo" in the most affectionate sounding way.
The dubtitles at times take me out of the game lol
I know enough Japanese to know when the subtitles are much different than the spoken Japanese.
There's nothing more obvious though when you got off your chocobo. Apparently in the English version Prompto says "Thanks buddy", but in the Japanese version Prompto says "Arigato Chocoboooo" in the most affectionate sounding way.
Believe me, it won't feel as fresh the 500th time you've heard it. This game has a big issue with repeating banter.
Yeah, but think back to the older games, where that would play after every fight (minus the ones you lose).*Prompto hums the fanfare*
Gladio: "Sounds like you're having fun."
This is the only one that actually got to me. I noticed others repeating, but this was the one were I was like "Come on, again!?" I loved all of the little interactions though, wouldn't trade them for anything.