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Final Fantasy XV |OT2| For Jared!


Another question: is there a way to get
Gladios sister on your team again after beating the game and going back?
if not that sucks.
She was a great healer and made for some fun battles.


No there isn't. You can easily farm AP later (300 per 30 mins for me) so don't overthink it and pick what you enjoy. I think the combat perks are among the most useful along with increasing the number of accessories you can carry. Also Ignis' regroup skill helps.
Mind sharing your AP farming techniques? :)
Dam double post sorry.


Just got the Platinum tonight, and it's the first game I've ever Platinumed or got 1000 GS in so I'm stoked. That's how much I liked it despite the flaws. I might do a write-up in the morning talking about what I liked and didn't like in-depth. GOTY contender for me, and I wasn't even going to buy it!
Just got the Platinum tonight, and it's the first game I've ever Platinumed or got 1000 GS in so I'm stoked. That's how much I liked it despite the flaws. I might do a write-up in the morning talking about what I liked and didn't like in-depth. GOTY contender for me, and I wasn't even going to buy it!

Yeah, the game is incredibly fun. Good gameplay can neutralize narrative flaws with ease as shown again. Dragon's Dogma was the same.

Honestly, I think I have more fun with FFXV than I had with Dark Souls 3 (not by much though) and I thought that game was really good. Dragon's Dogma: DA on Steam was a little better than FFXV though. I think these three games will be on my top 3 this year for sure.

They don't.


Another question: is there a way to get
Gladios sister on your team again after beating the game and going back?
if not that sucks.
She was a great healer and made for some fun battles.
They mentioned "more playable characters" for future updates, so I'd imagine that we'll be able to take guest characters with us as we please. I really hope so because I really liked


WOHOOO the game finally arrived :D


A bit late and I was wondering if it will ever come but here it is, I'm so excited...I JUST MIGHT SCREAM!!!


They have a few standouts, for sure. I remember a quest on Oblivion that locked you up in a house with a bunch of strangers and you had to kill them one by one without letting them figure it out. It was a pretty cool concept but the design itself was nothing to write home about (iirc you could be really obvious with your kills and they still wouldn't figure out it was you who did it).

XV does have a few well designed side quests, like the Dead Eye hunt, but they're a minority. Still, I guess I can't complain much when the locations with actual design put into them (like the Rock of Ravatough) and the dungeons are so well done, and most of those are optional content too. What they're lacking is precisely contextualization.

Completely agree. The fetch quests aren't particularly well designed, but the world is, in my opinion. And there is a lot of meaningful optional content, that I can't ignore when discussing side quests. They might not be the usual quest you pick up from an NPC, but it's still side content and there's rarely equivalents as well designed as the ones here in other games.

It really lacks contextualization, but every now and then it has the endearing banter to go with the blatant fetch quest that makes it a bit more fun. For example, last night I was doing this quest for a kid and his granddad in Lestallum to find a hunter they hired. It was a very standard "find me X thing in this blue dot", but both when I took the quest and then when I delivered it, the party had unique dialogue commenting on it, and they started teasing Ignis, saying he was probably just like that annoying kid when he was younger. Noct said he doesn't even remember how Ignis was before, and Prompto answers that he was probably like this since always.

It didn't have a standalone narrative where we found out more about that kid and his family or the kind of thing you'd expect from Witcher 3, but there is some exposition relating to the main characters and their relationship, which is pretty much the core of the game. Their friendship and the roadtrip. It wasn't a lot for this specific quest, and I wish there was more, but every time I play this game I'm amazed by the amount of unique voiced dialogue it has, and with such fantastic japanese voice actors, too! It must've been expensive as fuck.

Happens for most FF games too...

FFVII: "A meteor is coming to end the world... but hold on lets grind here real quick before we start. Maybe go to the Gold Saucer."

FFVIII: "Let's play some Triple Triad for a bit here. I know time is being kompressed but..."

FFXIV: "Empire/Primal/Religion going to enslave all of humanity...but I gotta go deliver this piece of bread to this woman down the street real quick because NO ONE IN THIS WORLD IS SELF SUFFICIENT."

Seeing people get weirded out by FFXV doing it is weird.

I actually think FFXV did a somewhat decent job with its long-term goals. Not to justify the quests themselves, some of them are weird and not the kind of thing you'd expect them to do, but as far as urgency goes? I think it's fine.

You won't take down the world's biggest empire overnight, or heal the star of its plague for that matter. As Chapter 0 shows us right at first, he'll be fighting for quite a while. Might as well sit back and enjoy the trip. A few weeks of doing random crap won't make that much of a difference when the very first scene in the game shows you that it's been 10 years and the situation is still not solved.

K' Dash

Today I'll finish the story. I do not understand why they insisted on this linear rushed second part when they couldve easily used all of the open world itself to drive the story further just in a slightly different way. The solution was easier and the results would've been better.

They pulled a reverse Final Fantasy XIII, put the open world first and linearity later in the game :(


Was listening to PS I Love you this morning and they quoted regarding the release of more content coming that will "fix" chapter 13. I'm only on chapter 3, is 13 that bad?


Game is growing on me and like it for the most part. Currently att chapter 4 I Think
just did the Ramuh dungeon
, and lvl 26.
Have no problem with the combat in large areas but struggling in dungeons. Usually because my party members die all the time and after like 1/3 through they have like 200hp left...


Was listening to PS I Love you this morning and they quoted regarding the release of more content coming that will "fix" chapter 13. I'm only on chapter 3, is 13 that bad?

Well, many people think it's the worst thing to ever happen in the gaming world. But tbh I've also seen many people who liked it so I guess it's more divisive than absolutely terrible.


I just did a hunt where you have to kill 5 Coeurls in an area surrounded by lots of bushes and trees. It was the single most infuriating experience of my gaming life.

The camera kept getting caught on bushes and trees so you couldn't see shit. All of the Coeurls locked in on Noctis and attacked so much that he was just being knocked down whenever I tried to perform any action, all of my allies kept dying to Blaster (Noctis had the Safety Bit equipped), they took fucking forever to kill, they kept taking turns knocking me down and activating the QTE where you have to tap circle...

I was a good 50 levels higher than them. 50! They today ruined my day. Fucking awful enemy.


Magic is game breakingly strong early on
But it's presented in such an unexciting way

Yeah, I agree. People saying the magic in this game is weak are out of their minds.

It is super boring, for sure, and I'm not a fan at all.

The best thing about magic in this game is that equipping it will give you access to a super fast short warp that's fully invincible. Some trickster-style bullshit.

DMC4 Dante would probably one-shot any of the Astrals in this game

And Dante is practically immortal, so

I take damage if I fall off a tall ledge in FFXV, so Noctis stands no chance bro

You can actually cancel any fall damage by pressing block as you hit the ground. Similar to the way you can negate battle damage with Impervious, but you don't need to unlock anything for fall damage.
I finished Chapter 13 last night and during the last scene the audio mix was terrible. I could barely hear what the characters were saying. I didn't have that problem the rest of the game.

Was listening to PS I Love you this morning and they quoted regarding the release of more content coming that will "fix" chapter 13. I'm only on chapter 3, is 13 that bad?

From a story telling perspective I didn't think it was that bad. It's a slog though. I'm not sure how you fix it with more cutscenes. Game design is the issue.


I finished Chapter 13 last night and during the last scene the audio mix was terrible. I could barely hear what the characters were saying. I didn't have that problem the rest of the game.

From a story telling perspective I didn't think it was that bad. It's a slog though.

English or japanese voices?
English or japanese voices?

English. During CHAPTER 13 SPOILERS
Noctis getting sucked into the Crystal and Ardyn basically revealing important plot details. I missed due to the music overtaking the dialogue. Now I'm not too sure why Noctis was sucked into the Crystal and who Ardyn is.
English. During CHAPTER 13 SPOILERS
Noctis getting sucked into the Crystal and Ardyn basically revealing important plot details. I missed due to the music overtaking the dialogue. Now I'm not too sure why Noctis was sucked into the Crystal and who Ardyn is.

Neither do I and I had subtitles. Don't think too much about this game's plot, I can't stress it enough.
Last night I wad attacked by a lvl 99 magitek Robot out of the blue. At first I didn't even realize most of my attacks only did like 20 damage with damage in the low hundreds while attacking some limbs. Took like three ingame days to kill that bugger with this insane defence.
Got a Magitek suit from it though, which is pretty nice.


Nah repeating old ones does not give you more rank. New ones appear... to be honest with you I don't know how they appear. Beating dungeons, getting further in the story seems to make newer ones appear.

Make sure to visit all the places that gives out hunts. And if no new ones appeared, check back later.

There's 2 guys that give them out in Lestallium just so you know + one exclusive to Chapter 9

Some of them appear after you reach a certain Chapter (Most after Chapter 8 ) others after starting certain quests. In Altissia for example, you need to do all 4 hunts to get the fifth, and do that hunt to geth the remaining hunts.
Really only have the sealed dungeons and secret one to do (and a few more hunts). Did keykatrich (sp?) last night. Is that seriously what all of these are? All 8? Christ......


I would still like to know what they said.

Basically Ardyn was good once (2000 years ago) and healed people to prevent the Starscourge by absorbing it. He was then deamed unclean by the astrals and was demonized by the reigning king ( Noctis ancestor ). Since then he seeks revenge and tries to kill the one True King. That's why he lets Noctis in the crystal to finally become the chosen King. Only by killing the true king, Ardyn gets peace.

That's what i understood


I finally completed
Steyliffe Grove's sealed
dungeon. It took me just under 5 hours to beat it.

It literally felt endless for a moment there but regardless it was a very fun dungeon.


I would still like to know what they said.

Basically Ardyn was good once (2000 years ago) and healed people to prevent the Starscourge by absorbing it. He was then deamed unclean by the astrals and was demonized by the reigning king ( Noctis ancestor ). Since then he seeks revenge and tries to kill the one True King. That's why he lets Noctis in the crystal to finally become the chosen King. Only by killing the true king, Ardyn gets peace.

That's what i understood

Pretty much. From the fan wiki.

2,000 years ago, Ardyn Lucis Caelum was a Lucian resident chosen by the Astrals to save Eos from the Starscourge, a malady that transformed people into daemons. Ardyn absorbed countless daemons to save thousands across the world yet is denounced by the Astrals as unclean, denied entry to the Astral Realm demonized by a jealous king (Noctis' ancestor) who later becomes chosen by the crystal. As his transition rendered him immortal, Ardyn took the surname of "Izunia" and vowed to one day have his revenge on the True King's descendants and the Crystal. Ardyn bided his time for millennia before establishing himself as chancellor to Iedolas Aldercapt, providing his knowledge to the Niflheim army to begin his plan for revenge. It is hinted that "Izunia" was originally the name of the king who banished Ardyn.


I've been avoiding threads even remotely related to the game since the launch, but wanted to bitch a little on the Castlemark Tower dungeon. That boss fight apparently has a rather high chance of being bugged and it happened to me as well. Finally reached the boss after a 3rd run in the labyrinth (those fucking big-ass Goblin-kin once again stole all my Catoblebas meat, the fuckers), I kill him dead and..... nothing. Poked around a bit first, then checked online and sure enough, it has bugged out on quite a few people. So fine, I'll leave the dungeon and go back to the boss room after repeating the damn 3rd labyrinth section, my only apparent way of reaching the boss room again.

So this time the cutscene for beating the boss plays, but it also immediately starts a repeat of the boss fight concurrently with the scene. I actually see it stomping around and fighting the rest of the gang while Noctis is getting his new toy. Then the scene ends and I get full control back... and while everything else is "normal" for the combat that is going on, the game refuses to believe Noctis is in combat. No lock on, attack button only does the 'swing at empty air' versions of the attacks, I can actually Block and Parry my way to the Counter option but trying to use that also gets Noctis swinging at the air instead of giving the bastard a dose of Fira(ga). I could actually hurt the boss with the swings at air and sword-warping through him, but nothing else. No techniques, no combos, no locked-on sword warps, no spells. A good while into the fight I get the music indicating Summoning is possible... but even that option doesn't actually activate (I tried plenty). This goes on for 10-15 minutes and suddenly, with no other noticeable differences to before, it actually gives me the button prompt (heh) for summoning, so I hit that sucker and voilá, Old Man Zappy ends it all with some precision striking whoopee and I finally get to GTFO from that particular ordeal.

As a side note, I'm hilariously OP for most things. I still haven't taken the boat ride to Altissia, while my peeps are Lv low 70s, I have done all the weapon upgrades with Cid and completed every single available Hunt from Hunter levels 1-7. I've currently found 4/5
(Vesperpool, Alstor Slough, West and East banks of Wenneath river)
rainbow frogs with absolutely zero help from anywhere. The boat ride is next though, since I need to confirm a few things before I start trying to deduce the location of that last elusive frog. Those scraps of paper doe... I'm pretty sure I'll have to look up those online at some point.
Basically Ardyn was good once (2000 years ago) and healed people to prevent the Starscourge by absorbing it. He was then deamed unclean by the astrals and was demonized by the reigning king ( Noctis ancestor ). Since then he seeks revenge and tries to kill the one True King. That's why he lets Noctis in the crystal to finally become the chosen King. Only by killing the true king, Ardyn gets peace.

That's what i understood


Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member

Sturdy Helixhorn, how long did it take you guys to get one to drop?

About 10 attempts. Just did the last spiracorn hunt, killed the three spiracorns, left the area and saved and then just reloaded the save and broke the horns on the other two beasts until it dropped.

I didn't have the drop rate boosting food though. It doesn't make a gigantic difference anyway. Drop rate is 10% so the 50% food moves it to 15% and the 100% to 20%. Didn't seem worth it to me to leave the area and look up where to get the recipe. But with using if you have them of course.


Yeah, not much. They keep spoiling all other FF games too so that thread is pretty useless.

Have you been to chapter 7 yet where
Gladius fucks off for an entire chapter and returns a chapter later with facial scars
? Wanna know what the explanation for that is? Here you go:

Amazing, eh? I rate the game's story telling 1/10. One out of ten. No hyperbole.

Yeah I found that weird

I'm 99% sure the character DLC will be like this

When he was AFK from the party
When he fell off the train to when he was rescued
When he was helping the evacuation during the Leviathan battle and how he lost his eyes
im on chapter 6.

characters talk about going places and doing things, and ive been trying to pay close as fuck attention, and half the time, i have no goddamn idea what they are talking about.

the storytelling in this is god awful.
Completely agree. The fetch quests aren't particularly well designed, but the world is, in my opinion. And there is a lot of meaningful optional content, that I can't ignore when discussing side quests. They might not be the usual quest you pick up from an NPC, but it's still side content and there's rarely equivalents as well designed as the ones here in other games.

It really lacks contextualization, but every now and then it has the endearing banter to go with the blatant fetch quest that makes it a bit more fun. For example, last night I was doing this quest for a kid and his granddad in Lestallum to find a hunter they hired. It was a very standard "find me X thing in this blue dot", but both when I took the quest and then when I delivered it, the party had unique dialogue commenting on it, and they started teasing Ignis, saying he was probably just like that annoying kid when he was younger. Noct said he doesn't even remember how Ignis was before, and Prompto answers that he was probably like this since always.

One of Tabata's quests (the diner guy who has you go get ingredients for him) is like this. One of them has you running down a missing shipment of beans, and it has a TON of ancillary dialogue in it you can't hear anywhere else. Like how much Noctis apparently hates beans and what amounts to a never ending font of bean puns from the other three during the fight to rescue them. Or The haunted painting hunt which has its own cutscene and unique dialogue.

It's a shame most of the quests couldn't have had writing like this. It would have helped alleviate the fact that most of them are pretty generic fetch quests.


Made it to chapter 8 and finished the
noodle quest
Most cringe-worthy shit I think I've ever seen in a game because of its
blatant noodle cup advertising. "No way to improve on an already great thing" or some such bullshit.
Fucking hell.

The previous chapter's dungeon was quite good tho, even if
Aranea's turn felt super weird, completely unexpected, and felt grounded in next to nothing. The last being that you only ever interacted with her once before. Totally expected a bit more than mercenary for the mysterious dragoon lady.
I hope there is actually a bit more to it than just that, otherwise that's real disappointing.
Made it to chapter 8 and finished the
noodle quest
Most cringe-worthy shit I think I've ever seen in a game because of its
blatant noodle cup advertising. "No way to improve on an already great thing" or some such bullshit.
Fucking hell

That quest is amazing and some of the best, most legit writing in the game. I'm not even joking.
Though I've got a huge soft spot for campy, self-referential stuff.
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