Yea, I just suggested that to him. Hopefully this fix it or he's screwed.
He should rest and see if non-existent Prompto is still taking pictures!
Yea, I just suggested that to him. Hopefully this fix it or he's screwed.
You can switch between Easy and Normal modes whenever you want, I think. You can play on Easy for some time and try to summon it, and then go back to Normal if you wish.
Arrright, I might try it eventually. Will anything happen if I switch difficulties? Trophies disabling, content locking, etc.?
This reminds me that I'm still experiencing the glitch where the game no longer allows me to summon or ride chocobos aside from the racing minigame. It never fixed itself![]()
Trying to dig through 2 OTs worth of content and I'm having problems finding it, where was the spot to farm for coins? And the general max out XP strat? Also, I'm in the middle of chapter 10 and maybe I'm being dumb do I get back to altissa for hotel and food?
So I get that apparently Iris becomes annoying or something, but she really fits in with this cast. Would have been cool if she joined the party almost permanently at the moment she rides along with you.
He should rest and see if non-existent Prompto is still taking pictures!
I guess I got lucky as I never encountered any glitches like this. Hopefully they patch it by the time I decided to play it again next year (just got the platinum trophy on Sunday, so it's break time).
Who cooked that toast?I'll ask him again as the only pic he sent me after this glitch happened when camping is this. And he said they aren't receiving any EXP. Hopefully they show up as he tries to do more story missions that require them to show up for cutscenes and stuff.
To get back toAltissa, you call Umbra when at a lodging spot.
Who cooked that toast?
Story related question.. SPOILERS possibly?
Does Noct ever stop complaining about his headache? When I'm doing side quests, I keep hearing him say "ahhhh, make it stop" or something along those lines.
Certainly not game breaking for me, but if I didn't hear it again I wouldn't be upset.
You can return and do quests in any chapter, don't worry about that.I'm level 39 at the end of chapter 8. There are a ton of sidequests and dungeons marked on my map. Should I go do them before I move on to the next chapter?It tells me I won't be able to return to the open world for a while when I talk to Cid.
I only have 4 or 5 of the royal arms so far. To be honest I rarely use them because of the health drain, but some of them are really cool. I think I have the 4 from the story so far, and the mace from thevolcano. I made a huge mistake in that dungeon by checking what quests and hunts are available before going. The IGN wiki said "Take the hunt for a Zu before going". Big mistake, that thing was level 67 and oneshot everyone. I had to panic to run by it to get the royal arm and to exit. Very scary.
Also I feel like I do very little damage to some monsters, they don't resist my damage type but take forever to kill. Last night I took a hunt for 5 of the grey-colored Dhalmels - they were level 28, and at level 39 with fairly up-to-date weapons it took me at least 6-7 minutes of straight fighting to kill all 5 of them.
BTW, driving around listening to the FFXI Gustaberg or Ronfaure songs is pure bliss. Love it.
One thing to keep in mind is that the royal arms have some insane passive stat boosts. You are best off equipping 3 of them for stats + one regular weapon that you actually intend to use. Ultima blade is actually pretty easy to get, and is the best weapon until postgame.
HOLD UP. I still get the stat boosts from non-active weapons? Oh my god, game changer.
It went on far too long with the same rehashed shit till it got nuked.
You can return and do quests in any chapter, don't worry about that.
You get a few more royal arms as part of the story. You might as well get all of them except the one in Costlemark (maybe best saved for postgame) and perhaps the one in the mine (recommended level 50).
One thing to keep in mind is that the royal arms have some insane passive stat boosts. You are best off equipping 3 of them for stats + one regular weapon that you actually intend to use. Ultima blade is actually pretty easy to get, and is the best weapon until postgame.
Ignis' enhancement ability is very useful for increasing damage.
Finally got Gladio to survival level 9. The jump from this to 10 is going to be hella tedious.
Still got 4 levels worth of fishing to do D:
I'm at level 42. Should I do quests or hunts to level up faster? are there specific quests/hunts that grant big exp?
I'm at level 42. Should I do quests or hunts to level up faster? are there specific quests/hunts that grant big exp?
Easiest way to level: lasagna, expericast, bandersnatch, high Xp hotel. Went from 60 to 90 in one fight with about ten minutes prep.
Easiest way to level: lasagna, expericast, bandersnatch, high Xp hotel. Went from 60 to 90 in one fight with about ten minutes prep.
why do I lose maximum hp even if I do not 'die' and go into recovery mode?
Easiest way to level: lasagna, expericast, bandersnatch, high Xp hotel. Went from 60 to 90 in one fight with about ten minutes prep.
Haven't finished the game yet. I'm on the final chapter but I felt the previous chapter fights were taking too long so I figured I'd level up a bit.If you haven't finished the game, you should be good until the end.
If you are in post game, just do some sidequests and hunts and then sleep at Galdin or Altissia.
Or that
Yeah, it's serious business. Even in chapter 1, with no lasagna and just using the Debased Coins I pick up off the ground, I got 5-figure EXP that way.Easiest way to level: lasagna, expericast, bandersnatch, high Xp hotel. Went from 60 to 90 in one fight with about ten minutes prep.
It's not a quest or hunt; it's just roaming around there. The easiest way to find it is to talk to the guy at the diner at Hammerhead and put a marker on the Eos Green Peas slightly to the northeast. If you pick up the peas, there's another low-value food item--potatoes or something--nearby that's right around there, too.So bandersnatch is in the thicket quest only or is their a repeatable hunt?
Prompto and Ignis finally gave them the alone time they needed to work out all that aggression. <3
So bandersnatch is in the thicket quest only or is their a repeatable hunt?
Is there some awesome reward tied to fishing? I'm over 90 hours with one dungeon and a few hunts left to do and that's it. Noct is at fishing lvl 3 and I wasn't really intending to get him any higher.
There's one that spawns just north of Hammerhead, in the little crater area on the map.
Most people are just doing it for the trophy. There's a trophy for getting each of the bros skills to level 10. If you aren't going for the platinum, and dislike fishing, you can ignore.
It's a bummer that there don't seem to be any character skills, no matter how high-level, that are capable of healing your maximum HP - you *need* items to do that.
Don't get me wrong, I really love the return to the oldschool dungeon-crawl feel of really needing to budget what you've got before you return to a safe spot to save and heal up, but in the postgame it'd be nice for there to be a way to do away with the majority of that.
Bandersnatch is an amazing name
Im about 7 hrs in, I thought I wasnt going to like the battle system but I really like it, Im guessing theres no way to use libra without going into wait mode, correct, I play in active mode.