Seriously, that bitch almost ruined the movie for me. I'm bummed she's back. She should've been turned to bantha poo doo.It does look nice, visually. The lightsaber fight in Oceanland may just feel like a rip off of the lightsaber fight in Lavaland from Episode 3, but it sure does look pretty!
On an unrelated note (unrelated to things that are pretty), it looks like they changed Rose's hair. I wonder if it's a way to distance themselves from the abomination that was her character in the last one. Now they can have her act any way they want since she looks different.
One of the things that I feel has really hurt this trilogy has been Rey's progression arc as a jedi. From the very get go she's kicking the balls off of a very well-trained jedi and so there wasn't that sense of progression like there was with Luke, she's literally the SAME fucking character she was from the first shot in the first film. Luke began as a farm boy with tingly feelings every once in a while and in the final film in that trilogy he shows up all dressed in black like fucking jedi Johnny Cash and we see he's almost completed his journey. In this trailer I was like, "Oh look it's Kylo and Rey fighting again, wonder how this is gonna turn out NOM NOM NOM." We never get that sense of progress with Rey, and she feels very one-note-ish as a result. Totally agreed that the rest of the characters are essentially throwaways at this point.It’s hard to explain my feelings on this trailer. I mean, it seems exciting and some of the shots look really cool. I just can’t muster up any hype for this movie. The Last Jedi firmly established how comically bad the villains and the heroes act. I can’t take any of this seriously. The new characters don’t have any story or build up behind them. I don’t care about them at all. I’m just very disappointed.
They've probably all got contracts Disney made them sign in blood that they'll at least cameo in any upcoming side stories, so they're all screwed lol.I honestly think that almost everyone involved in making this movie is going like ”*sigh* thank god I done with this shit” and then move away for the franchise as much as possible. What a clusterfuck this whole new trilogy and everything has been...
not gonna see this movie in the theater, if at all. i still have yet to see Solo.
it looks very drab. you know the 90s straight to video sequels like Aladdin 2 and The Lion King 3? this is like that but for now. sub animation for desaturated prestigue tv style sci fi.
wow Kylo/Rey gonna fight again. wow Emperor is gonna show up and get killed again. wow Death Star again, only now its in the water and it's hard to see anything. wow a screen full of spaceships, impossibly stacked into the screen to the point of ridiculousness. I mean why on Earth would you fly that close together, it looks like someone just threw a bucket of toy spaceships at a screen.
this movie looks generic af. they are trying so hard and they are out of ideas. $5 says we get a screen full of Death Stars. IMO they really are this desperate.
It does look nice, visually. The lightsaber fight in Oceanland may just feel like a rip off of the lightsaber fight in Lavaland from Episode 3, but it sure does look pretty!
On an unrelated note (unrelated to things that are pretty), it looks like they changed Rose's hair. I wonder if it's a way to distance themselves from the abomination that was her character in the last one. Now they can have her act any way they want since she looks different.
I had no idea that Rose was a Hutt but this trailer confirmed it.
I'm SURE wookiepedia will have an article on thisWhat is Palpatine's tax policy?
Looks amazing. Here's my reaction