anybody else get Suikoden IV vibes from this last battle track?
If you get a bit farther, you'll be able to buy Dragonstone+s and Beaststone+s from a store. Chapter 23, specifically.
Actually you can get dragon stone+ waaaay early in the game. Spotpass tiki sells them![]()
Thank goodness I chose her for my 1st walkthrough then
Only one downside however: it will be hard not to pick her again even if it's just because of me missing how she reacts in that one scene *sigh*[img]
Hnnng I love my wife and boy.[/QUOTE]
When/where do additional Beaststones become available? Panne (sp) is lvl 13 for me but I have like 12 attacks left.. (Edit: I see reference to Chapter 23 above so never mind!)
I'm completely unaware about any sort of marriage/offspring system so I guess I have that to look forward to at some point!
When/where do additional Beaststones become available? Panne (sp) is lvl 13 for me but I have like 12 attacks left.. (Edit: I see reference to Chapter 23 above so never mind!)
I'm completely unaware about any sort of marriage/offspring system so I guess I have that to look forward to at some point!
Ok, im finally at the endgame level. Sorry if its been asked before, but yes or no, if I beat this level can I keep playing, or is it really over?
To answer this in a generally non-spoilery manner, marriage/children branch out of the Support System. As characters fight along side other characters they build up support rankings. An S support ranking between characters (who aren't related) results in a marriage and eventually children.I'm completely unaware about any sort of marriage/offspring system so I guess I have that to look forward to at some point!
Ike has the worst new art.
Am I the only one who dislikes DLC Roy's art? I mean, I love the artstyle when it was used in The Last Story (DLC Roy shares the same artist) but it's so jarring next to the other characters.
Also he looks too dang old. Roy's only 15 years old. I'm most likely going to use his SpotPass version over his DLC version just because of the art. I don't really care for Dual Attack+, I'm just gonna give him Ignis so it's like he's got the Sword of Seals.
Why is Yarne wearing pants.
Anyone?Another related question:
How useful are Taguels? If it is worth investing time in Panne and/or Yarne, what are good class progressions for them?
Another related question:
How useful are Taguels? If it is worth investing time in Panne and/or Yarne, what are good class progressions for them?
More or less out-classed by Manaketes in every single way. That being said, Yarne can have some pretty bitching stats with the right father.
I haven't used them, but Lancebreaker wouldn't be a bad skill to reduce the threat of beast killers.
Not a lot of great options. Might consider Pass and Quick Burn. For Yarne it depends on who the father is since that will open up more options.
Thanks. I guess I should have just taken the lack on info online about them as evidence that they aren't useful.Depends on how are you playing the game.
Regular campaing? Not really, you have better options early.
No grind playthrough? I think so, the extra damage to mounted units is nice, she evades a lot but will need a high defense pair up anyways.
Thanks. I guess I should have just taken the lack on info online about them as evidence that they aren't useful.
He isn't objectionable.
There are far worse than Ike IMO, especially among girls.
The Taguel's Beastbane ability is pretty useful, especially on the calavery-thick Valm maps.
The only reason I used her on my no gridn playthourgh is that she joins early, so you have more time to train her. Nowi joins one or two chapters later so you can use her too, but I thought Panne would be more usefull for a while (plus she got some nice level ups in the chapter she joined).
Thanks guys.The Taguel's Beastbane ability is pretty useful, especially on the calavery-thick Valm maps.
I just beat it yesterday! Love it. I beat it on normal and casual and I'm thinking of playing it again sometime on normal (maybe hard if I'm feeling crazy) and classic. I had trouble on the settings I played so I think it would be a challenge.
Am I able to load a save file that takes place after I've beaten the game? I saved during the last map and the only options it is giving me to load are the saves I have on that map.
Thanks guys.
One more question (I have been thinking about this game a lot today). What are the best skills in the game? Are there any ones that clearly stand out?
It seems like there would be, but can anyone confirm if there is a benefit to waiting to use the item to unlock the sub-classes once my guys have hit level 10? If I do right away, am I missing out on some stat and/or skill-ups? I know I get quite a few upon using it.
It seems like there would be, but can anyone confirm if there is a benefit to waiting to use the item to unlock the sub-classes once my guys have hit level 10? If I do right away, am I missing out on some stat and/or skill-ups? I know I get quite a few upon using it.
So I'm on Paralogue 2, and I'm trying my hardest to save Anna (don't really care about the village), yet it seems that I'm always one or two turns too late, even with my fastest mounted giving chase (Frederick).
Any advice?![]()
So I'm on Paralogue 2, and I'm trying my hardest to save Anna (don't really care about the village), yet it seems that I'm always one or two turns too late, even with my fastest mounted giving chase (Frederick).
Any advice?![]()
It's funny because you don't need to care about Anna and the item you get is only from the village. :x
You only need to save Anna in Paralogue 4
The village is actually more important since you get nothing for saving Anna there, and the village gives you a useful physic staff.
Assuming you're not on lunatic, it shouldn't be that hard to get a mounted unit or two up there. Kill the two barbarians at the bridge ASAP and run Sully/Stahl/Frederick up there, paired with another unit ideally so you can split them to take out the enemies up there.
I've always been able to lure the archer that comes from the right side to attack the unit I send up (Sully on both playthroughs), and that makes saving Anna a lot easier since the archers are the primary threat unless you get unlucky.
Rescue Staff is your best friend, I'd say. If you don't have one, I'd say to pair up, say, Chrom and Sumia, and when you get as close as you can with Sumia, swap to Chrom. Otherwise the myriad of Archers gunning for Anna will take a turn to prioritize (and utterly demolish) Sumia. Make sure Lissa is as close as possible as well (but keep her out of range of the enemy, obviously), possibly paired up with Frederick to fluff up her defense stat a bit, and make sure to heal Anna as soon as possible.
It takes a bit of luck, too. Honestly, I never had much trouble keeping Anna alive in both instances, because the RNG was almost always on her side. It's probably what caught my attention, really.
Don't listen to people who tell you that the village is more important. No Anna left behind.
Are there chances to sit and do random battles to level up before I promote and such?
Here's a handy table, via Serene's Forest. Price mostly seems to float around $2.50 USD for episodes, with packs mostly coming in $6.00 dollars USD.So how much does DLC go for? I mean, I'm not sure if I really should bother getting it if its too expensive, but I could see going down for a character or two.
Plenty of ways to grind. In Normal, you can buy Reeking Boxes to summon teams of Risen to the map (scaled depending on what point of the world map you summon them on), you can fight against other player-teams via StreetPass, play DLC maps via the Outrealm Gate, or summon SpotPass teams sourced from older FE games via the Bonus Box. The only real ceiling for grinding in Awakening is weapon durability and how much gold you have. On Normal, this is barely a problem because you're usually guaranteed at least one small sack of Bullion (1000 gold) for each time you fight against Risen summoned via a Reeking Box, and the Boxes cost around 550 gold, but on Hard, they cost 2800 gold and so your only viable option comes from SpotPass or StreetPass teams, who will never give you gold or replacement weapons. The most you get is Renown, which you can trade in once for some Bullion and weapons.Is there a way to grind?
In a male Avatar game, you will wind up with one first generation male getting absolutely no one (this is Kellam), and one second generation girl getting no one (this will probably be Kjelle).Are there even characters to pair them all off, or will some unlucky chunky axe wielder wind up friendzoned?
The guides saying saving her in Paralogue 2 is necessary are wrong. Anna will still be available for Paralogue 4 regardless of its' outcome.Okay, a lot of FAQs either say that not saving her doesn't let you recruit her in Para 4 and others say that saving her does nothing but reduce merchant prices or something.
To my understanding, it just raises your caps. You'll still need to grind up again to meet them.So does Limit Breaker raise just the caps, or your actual stats as well?
Meaning, will I have to grind again after getting it?
Okay, a lot of FAQs either say that not saving her doesn't let you recruit her in Para 4 and others say that saving her does nothing but reduce merchant prices or something.
Here's a handy table, via Serene's Forest. Price mostly seems to float around $2.50 USD for episodes, with packs mostly coming in $6.00 dollars USD.
Tree Branch is great for grinding.