Send a paired Chrom with someone who can take a decent form of punishment (unequip too!) and switch on next round. Cynthia get!
Do you need to play the first two Rogues and Redeemers maps to play the third one or can I just get that for the Limit Break skill? I thought I saw that some had to be played in order but I don't remember which.
That conversation at the beginning of SB3 felt quite unnatural.Mia calls Ike "Boss", not "Sir"!
That was just for the Spirit Talisman (Champions of Yore) series in Japan. You don't need either of the first two Rogues and Redeemers maps to play the third, but if you want to skip those two, you're going to have to wait until RaR3 releases.
Wasn't a new spotpass map supposed to be out today?
Wasn't a new spotpass map supposed to be out today?
That conversation at the beginning of SB3 felt quite unnatural.Mia calls Ike "Boss", not "Sir"!
Like most of the characters in the game Cordelia and her defining trait basically exist in an isolated vacuum in relation to the world around her. She's Catria 2.0, but where Catria was a soldier in an opposing army and would have gotten her knees smashed in by Caeda if she went anywhere near Marth, Cordelia is playing "Please Fuck Me Chrom" songs with her violin or whatever at his birthday parties and Chrom has a huge bachelor sign hanging around his neck, yet the two never so much as utter a word to each other.
It's really really dumb
Rogues and Redeemers 1 is finally putting up a fight! None of the other maps have actually caused any serious harm to my units, even Smash Brethren 3 was easy sailing. Actually had some of my Max stats characters die on me! Looks like no more autobattle for me, finally.
Edit: I totally just noticed that the SpotPass map from today has a Sol Katti drop. On the same day Lyn was released. It's probably just a coincidence, but that is kinda cool and funny.
No way that's a coincidence. Is it a guaranteed drop?
Lyn has to be my favorite Fire Emblem character throughout the series, I'm excited.
No way that's a coincidence. Is it a guaranteed drop?
Lyn has to be my favorite Fire Emblem character throughout the series, I'm excited.
Lunatic was pretty tough, I've read that you get access to DLC after chapter 4, does this mean that Frederick's silver lance will run out before I reach the DLC if I clear chapters 1, 2, and 3 primarily using Frederick and the silver lance?
Female Avatar > Male Avatar; except for the lack of waifu marriage, the character feels a lot more natural as a female.
Being a Female Avatar also adds one more Galeforce user to your team.
I think Lucina's support with a Female Avatar who's not her mom is hilarious. Like, she wants some action happening with you and Chrom but at the same time is super protective of him
I think Lucina's support with a Female Avatar who's not her mom is hilarious. Like, she wants some action happening with you and Chrom but at the same time is super protective of him
That sounds hilarious, any link to it?
Male Robin has the better Morgan.![]()
Why/how is Walhart so high? o_o
Guys remember that facebook poll? It came to an end and the Top 10 who will be featured on the facebook cover are:
1. Marth (1820 votes)
2. Walhart (1508 votes)
3. Henry (1482 votes)
4. Tharja (908 votes)
5. Chrom (665 votes)
6. Anna (653 votes)
7. Lon'qu (599 votes)
8. Gaius (595 votes)
9. Cordelia (574 votes)
10. Stahl (558 votes)
Everyone's else outside the 10, can be seen here:
And while I'd rather not question how Walhart got up there, I'm at least satisfied that all the best waifu's (excluding Tiki/Olivia) made the top 10 and the fact that Tharja got more votes than Chrom.
That is a fact
Guys remember that facebook poll? It came to an end and the Top 10 who will be featured on the facebook cover are:
1. Marth (1820 votes)
2. Walhart (1508 votes)
3. Henry (1482 votes)
4. Tharja (908 votes)
5. Chrom (665 votes)
6. Anna (653 votes)
7. Lon'qu (599 votes)
8. Gaius (595 votes)
9. Cordelia (574 votes)
10. Stahl (558 votes)
Everyone's else outside the 10, can be seen here:
And while I'd rather not question how Walhart got up there, I'm at least satisfied that all the best waifu's (excluding Tiki/Olivia) made the top 10 and the fact that Tharja got more votes than Chrom.
Who the heck voted for Stahl?
Why/how is Walhart so high? o_o
Surprised to see Walmart there.
I cannot fathom how Walhart got so high. Like, at all.Who the heck voted for Stahl?
I think Lucina's support with a Female Avatar who's not her mom is hilarious. Like, she wants some action happening with you and Chrom but at the same time is super protective of him
I don't like what you're implying :U
I think Lucina's support with a Female Avatar who's not her mom is hilarious. Like, she wants some action happening with you and Chrom but at the same time is super protective of him
I agree.
What do you mean you won't date him! But, how could you date him!