I have all the dlc released so far.
*stops everyone else from stopping you*
what's the reason you got the DLC? do you believe it enriched your experience with the game?
and don't stop them omg
I have all the dlc released so far.
*stops everyone else from stopping you*
I just began the game and I was thinking of getting all the DLC because I'm crazy, any way I can know when I should challenge the maps aside of the difficulty stars?
And can someone stop me from doing this? I'll need to buy a 50 dollar card just for this
I know what you're saying, but this sounds so messed up. :lolShe looks more happy than how she did in FE10. But at least it isn't as happy as her FE9 artwork.
I've played all the localized ones and I know some backstory because of the internet, but I'm not sure if I want the old characters considering I'm mostly into the character interaction.So far the DLC has been like 70% fan service for old FE fans, 15% cheat engine and 15% new cool stuff such as the Dread Fighter and Bride classes.
If you want detailed information about the available/upcoming DLC, Nintendo released a trailer dedicated to the DLC which you might find handy.
She looks more happy than how she did in FE10. But at least it isn't as happy as her FE9 artwork.
what's the reason you got the DLC? do you believe it enriched your experience with the game?
and don't stop them omg
1) I like CoY1, so I figured I should buy the others. (plus discount on the pack at the time)
2) The cheat map trio will make training faster for later dlcs
3) I wanted to try the next trio of map so I bought it anyways. I was going to buy II and III (for Paragon skill and Dread Fighter class) and I figured I should just buy the whole pack.
4) Again, for the Smash Brethen trio, I wanted the class (Bride) and skill (Iote Shield, though I wasn't sure about this one), and Elinicia in map one made me go "why not?" again.
5)Since the last trio was getting hard, I though Rogues and Redeemers should be even harder so I just bought it. Also I was going to buy III for limit break.
I don't get it.
Can someone tell me how strong I need to be before I can attempt the Smash Brethern levels? Because I know that where I am now (ch4-5, just barely unlocked the Outrealm Gate) is obviously not it, but I'd like to get my Waifu Class and Lyn as soon as I can.
The Smash Brethren maps are probably for when your team's about lvl. 6-12 promoted. Anything less and you'll run a real risk of losing units.
what's the reason you got the DLC? do you believe it enriched your experience with the game?
and don't stop them omg
FE: Awakening is my first game in the series. I purchased the EXPonential Growth DLC and now I have $7.50 left over. What's the best DLC to get? All my units are around 8-12.
I bought them all.
Because I am powerless against the might of more Fire Emblem
The whole set of DLCs cost more than the game itself, hahaha....
Why don't you just by the package instead individual stuff? Much cheaper that way.
Also, what's the earliest chapter you can recruit extra spotpass character?
I was just thinking, if the next FE had a bonus box, it'd probably be something like this for Fire Emblem Awakening:
Lissa - Cleric
Frederick - Great Knight
Sumia - Pegasus Knight
Cordelia - Pegasus Knight
Tharja - Dark Mage
Anna - Trickster
Frederick - Great Knight
Validar - Sorceror
Chrom - Hero
"Marth" - Swordmaster
Honorable Mention:
Grima - Grandmaster
He is THAT awesome.Frederick gets in twice?
You mean the story characters? Their Paralogues are accessible as soon as you finish Chapter 25.
If you mean the legacy characters from the Bonus Box, I believe it's Chapter 3.
I was just thinking, if the next FE had a bonus box, it'd probably be something like this for Fire Emblem Awakening:
Lissa - Cleric
Frederick - Great Knight
Sumia - Pegasus Knight
Cordelia - Pegasus Knight
Tharja - Dark Mage
Anna - Trickster
Frederick - Great Knight
Validar - Sorceror
Chrom - Hero
"Marth" - Swordmaster
Honorable Mention:
Grima - Grandmaster
One version is a butler portrait.
Dunno about ye folks but I pray the devs never fix the audio glitch in FE Awakening. As everyone knows, game don't save preferred language setting and resets to english each reset/shutdown. Golden Gaffe is funnier thanks to it if you reset with the audio set to japanese. Victor and Vincent get better english soundbytes vs its english set version. reset english soundbytes > normal english soundbytes. "Darling" is so damn funny, why did Treehouse not go with that one?
Just a question - why MU male Japanese voice is Sugita's voice?
Yeah, I meant the extra story characters, not the Bonus Box. On my 1st walkthrough I skipped them all just to make that playthrough more "genuine."
Where's Lucina? :\\\\\
Sub Frederick out and get her in. Or Sumia, she's expendable too.Or Anna![]()
I am currently having fun leveling up and gathering skills for my folks. Posting updates as soon as I am able to see my 3DS during lunch break here (not that anyone is interested but whatever)
I thought the Marth in quotations was kinda obvious.Yes, that's Lucina obviously
Now that I think about it, what if it was a two generation thing for FE:A, like how it is for Genealogy of the Holy War.
Then we could have Cynthia mmm
lol didn't even realize I put Freddy in twice -- that's kinda ironic considering he's my least used unit (after his usefulness runs out in Lunatic mode)
I didn't know Kincaido and ohlawd were on IntSys.
imo the reset version makes the dialogue more enjoyable and makes it feel more alive. especially after you beat the golden gaffe map, . compare how the soundbytes are used. vincent actually gives off a gasp/moan at the last dialogue. having listened to the japanese version, I reckon treehouse tried to dub it close to the japanese version as the japanese dub didnt miss a soundbyte as the set english version did. why they didnt go with superior reset version is beyond me. I say it fits with victor/vincent character and the soundbytes fit the dialogue.Just tried this out. Heh, that's weird how it switches. I agree that their other voices where "darling" is used would've been preferable, if only because I think it's really funny how they speak.
Just beat chapterlooks like I'm in the endgame now. That scene where21,Lucina tries to kill Robin was great, one of my favorite segments so far. By the way, does anything change if you refuse to let her kill you? Going to assume it's just different dialog. Also, can a female avater marry Chrom? If you can, that would make things even more interesting.
Just a question - why MU male Japanese voice is Sugita's voice?
Saying no just gives different dialogue. And yes a female avatar can marry Chrom. If Robin is Lucina's husband or mother the scene is quite different and a *lot* better.
Is the scene the same between the mother and husband scenarios, or are they different? I'll definitely be doing one of these things on my next playthrough, but I'd rather have a male avatar since I have other plans.
Cordelia, Level 3 Falcom Knight
Str 39, Mag 13, Skill 42, Spd 39 (+2), Lck 28, Def 27, Res 24
Speed +2, Relief, Axebreaker, Galeforce, Sol
Possible S-Ranks: Frederick, Stahl, Lonqu, Gaius, Donnel
I knew Cordelia was awesome.
I support Cordelia x Adol.
Chrom's voice is Sugita, none of the Avatar voices are Sugita.
I wonder who are the other voices since I think there are two or three different voices per gender and there are only three voice actors credited in the Japanese credits. Or only three I seen on websites.
Chrom's english voice actor is Matthew Mercer aka the creator of "There will be brawl", the voice of fei long in street fighter IV, and kanji tatsumi from persona 4(anime only, latter half)
i wanted to point this out because I KNEW I heard chrom's voice before, but I couldn't put my finger on it. That guy is actually a bro irl.
Just beat chapterlooks like I'm in the endgame now. That scene where21,Lucina tries to kill Robin was great, one of my favorite segments so far. By the way, does anything change if you refuse to let her kill you? Going to assume it's just different dialog. Also, can a female avater marry Chrom? If you can, that would make things even more interesting.
The scene is about the samealthough the stuff she says is different.
Personally, I prefer the husband scenario. The avatar's response to her and her response to him was very touching.
Not so sure about requiring spoiler tag for this response, but eh.
I dunno, her face is kinda wonked out.
Chrom's english voice actor is Matthew Mercer aka the creator of "There will be brawl", the voice of fei long in street fighter IV, and kanji tatsumi from persona 4(anime only, latter half)
i wanted to point this out because I KNEW I heard chrom's voice before, but I couldn't put my finger on it. That guy is actually a bro irl.
Thanks! I think I'll get The Golden Gaffe and wait for the Ike one.Here's a list of all the DLC out.
Probably the best ones right now are Alm's and Eirika's since they give you new classes: The Dread Fighter and the Bride Class respectively.
The Golden Gaffe is your go to if your in need of some money, it's also easy but you have to be wary of the Entombed with Counter.
Infinite Regalia is nice if you want rare weapons but enemies are kinda tough so you should level up some if you want this DLC.
Ike's upcoming DLC will give you probably one of the best skills: the Limit Breaker which gives your units +10 to your max stats. Some of the others give you other useful skills as well like Micaiah with her All Stats +2, Seliph with his Paragon skill, and Lyn with her Iote's Shield. All the others just give you characters which are really not worth your money.
And if you want something challenging save your money, since the harder ones have yet to be released.
Tiki can only be paired with the Avatar.Okay, so I've got Chrom x Sumia in the works, and I'm juggling Cordelia and Tharja for Avatar, and Donny x Maribelle is going to happen because that sounds hilarious, but who do I keep as a back up husband for Tharja? And who do I put with Tiki?
Tiki can only be paired with the Avatar.