.....How the in whole bloody world can you possibly miss Kellam?
It's Kellam. Being easily missable is kinda his thing.
Oh I have gaius, because when he died I went NO! and reloaded the map. I married him to the avatar![]()
I ended up using Stahl and Kellam a lot, mainly because of Donnel. The three of them together pretty much kicked tons of ass.
The best pairing is Virion with Nowi. The two creeps belong to each other.
They're all quite precocious and darling. She's pretty charming.
Until S-rank.
Now I am not even sure whether Bladenic is serious or not, hahaha.
gaius is adorable and cute. Also he looks cuddly.
I have no idea what they were thinking with Nowi. I mean, why don't make her like Tiki? It seriously baffles me.
Are you asking why they didn't make Nowi wear a dress or give her big boobs?
Honestly I like every character. Even the ones whom I thought I would hate, like Maribelle and Vaike, ended up having some awesome dialogue which won me over. Thanks, 8-4.
...Missing Gaius I can understand...I almost did but I reset chapter 6 for some reason and the fact I saw him in a suport online. But kellam...I know his joke is powerful but chrom is in freaking walking/talking distance of him at the start of the map XD.
Didn't notice it at all. *shrugs*
For certain definitions of 'nice.'Tharja is very surprising in her supports. Secretly nice dark mage lol.
Kellam's backstory on how he gained his infamous ability is actually rather touching ;___;
As is the origin of Lon'qu's aversion towards females. Surprisingly, aside from Cherche, he also reveals it in his support with Tharja, of all people.
For certain definitions of 'nice.'Still love her, though.re: so thoroughly abusing her child with hexes and experiments that she's cripplingly frail and has split, dysfunctional personalities.
This really exemplifies why I find the characters so satisfying. As much as many of them feel like generic tropes when you first meet them -- although, that doesn't mean they're not interesting and fun throughout -- the more you actually use the characters and talk to them, you start to peel back the layers of their personalities and backgrounds. And that's exactly how it should be; it's extremely rewarding.
Severa never developed into anything better.
I mean, her entire development is supposed to be a generic stereotype, which it was.
Severa is the best child not named Lucina <3
Excuse you, you mispelled Morgan pretty badly.
For children characters: Lucina > Morgan > Nah = Noire = Cynthia > Owain > Inigo > Kjelle > Gerome > Yarne
Still haven't decided where I should put Severa.
Parent characters with specific daughters (not including children that can become Morgan's mother/father):
Lucina (hey it's Lucina so screw the above rule) > Lissa> Olivia > Cherche > Cordelia > Tharja > Panne > Nowi > Sumia > Sully.
I wouldn't use the word hate. More like Earth shattering disappointment.Are you part of The Gunloc Team that seem to hate her so much? hahaha.
Severa is my favorite.Sorry Morgan.
For me it's
Lucina > Severa > Morgan > Owain > Nah > Inigo > Brady > Gerome > Noire > Cynthia > Kjelle > Laurant >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yarne
I wouldn't use the word hate. More like Earth shattering disappointment.
Holy shit, I am so indifferent towards Laurent I forgot to put him and his mother in my list, hahaha.
They really just don't stand out at all. Not really likeable and nothing to really hate. They're kinda boring imo.
It's my feeling about all the children.
I used to like Lucina though, until I purchased the OST and artbook. She's a different person now![]()
Hmmm? Different how?
For me it's
Lucina > Severa > Morgan > Owain > Nah > Inigo > Brady > Gerome > Noire > Cynthia > Kjelle > Laurant >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yarne
2nd gens eh?
Yarne > Nah > Morgan(F) > Brady > Gerome > Owain > Laurent = Kjelle = Noire > Lucina = Cynthia > Morgan(M) > Being stabbed in the face > Severa
Kusakihara said:One thing you'll find is that in giving your troops new classes, you'll often find a surprising character/class combination that actually winds up working really well. Try looking for things like that -- classes that make characters look really cool and stuff. (laughs)
What say you thread? Any thoughts on which charcter/class combinations have the best 3D models. I remember being surprised at how cool Dollen looks as a Hero but I haven'r really had the same thought regarding other characters.
Fun fact: The Birthdays of the children (sans Morgan) are the original Japanese release dates of the previous games in the series.
Severa: January 21, 1994 (Mystery of the Emblem)
Brady: February 22, 2007 (Radiant Dawn)
Yarne: March 14, 1992 (Gaiden)
Nah: March 29, 2002 (Binding Blade)
Lucina: April 20, 1990 (Dark Dragon & Sword of Light) and 2005 (Path of Radiance)
Laurent: April 25, 2003 (Blazing Sword a.k.a. Fire Emblem in the west)
Cynthia: May 14, 1996 (Genealogy of the Holy War)
Owain: July 15, 2010 (New Mystery of the Emblem)
Inigo: August 7, 2008 (Shadow Dragon)
Gerome: September 1, 1999 (Thracia 776)
Kjelle: September 29, 1997 (BS Fire Emblem: Akaneia Senki)
Noire: October 7, 2004 (Sacred Stones)
To answer a few of your questions:So I got the game a few days ago and although I've been enjoying it enormously, I still have some questions:
- I feel like I'm going too quickly through the game. I'm on chapter 9 after 5 hours. Is this ok, should I slow down? It's a great game and I want it to last.
- I know the challenges and the paralogues that appear from time to time, but is there any more non-story material I can play? What do I do if I want to play but not advance through the story if there's no challenge activated at the time? I see all of you pouring hours upon hours into the game. Is it because you play through it multiple times? Is there post-game content? I just feel like I'm going to fast and I haven't even touched the marriage system, changing classes, etc...
- The bonus box thing is a mistery to me. I got some free items, and it seems like I can summon "teams" to the map? And missions? No idea what's going on there.
- Why is the manual a fold-out pamphlet?
1.- That's pretty par for the course, I think. Play at a pace you feel comfortable with. There's no right or wrong way to do so.So I got the game a few days ago and although I've been enjoying it enormously, I still have some questions:
- I feel like I'm going too quickly through the game. I'm on chapter 9 after 5 hours. Is this ok, should I slow down? It's a great game and I want it to last.
- I know the challenges and the paralogues that appear from time to time, but is there any more non-story material I can play? What do I do if I want to play but not advance through the story if there's no challenge activated at the time? I see all of you pouring hours upon hours into the game. Is it because you play through it multiple times? Is there post-game content? I just feel like I'm going to fast and I haven't even touched the marriage system, changing classes, etc...
- The bonus box thing is a mistery to me. I got some free items, and it seems like I can summon "teams" to the map? And missions? No idea what's going on there.
- Why is the manual a fold-out pamphlet?
What say you thread? Any thoughts on which charcter/class combinations have the best 3D models. I remember being surprised at how cool Dollen looks as a Hero but I haven'r really had the same thought regarding other characters.
To answer a few of your questions:
- You're going at a fairly reasonable clip, but Awakening has a ton of Paralogues that the game will never really tell you about. Make sure that you've married off (and by this I mean S-Ranking a support) all the women - and yourself - before or once you hit Chapter 12. You'll more or less understand why.
To answer a few of your questions:
- You're going at a fairly reasonable clip, but Awakening has a ton of Paralogues that the game will never really tell you about. Make sure that you've married off (and by this I mean S-Ranking a support) all the women - and yourself - before or once you hit Chapter 12. You'll more or less understand why.
1.- That's pretty par for the course, I think. Play at a pace you feel comfortable with. There's no right or wrong way to do so.