Is it even possible to fix the English/Japanese voices bug? I'm not knowledgeable on patching the 3DS and stuff.
A number of 3DS games have been patched before via the eShop, including Nintendo's own Mario Kart 7 and Style Savvy, so yes, I imagine that it is.
You download a file that fixes the glitch from the eShop. Works on carts and DD copies.That's good to hear! Unfortunately I am not sure about the physical copies such as the one I own, unless it's all the same process.
Hmm, I haven't received the new stationary yet. I don't know how long I've been waiting for, maybe only a couple of minutes?
Does anyone have any tips? Or should I just keep waiting?
I checked that I'm online from the Friends List and I also checked the "Send and Receive" option in Letter Box and it says I'm ready to go.
In related news, FE4 was confirmed for Wii U VC!
Have you tried a manual search from within the app? There should be a delivery check button that allows you to do a hard check for incoming notes. That's what I usually do if I haven't automatically received the notes yet.
They should do like GungHo and put them in the NA VC import section.
I don't want to import the console to play these games again... :'(
Any inlay artwork for this game? Or has NoE stop doing it since Luigi's Mansion 2 =(?
I am one of the Fire Emblem newbs/wusses that played FE:A on Casual. FFTA pretty much forever scared me from premadeath. I saw Sacred Stones at the used game shop for $25 though.
Hmm, I haven't received the new stationary yet. I don't know how long I've been waiting for, maybe only a couple of minutes?
Does anyone have any tips? Or should I just keep waiting?
I checked that I'm online from the Friends List and I also checked the "Send and Receive" option in Letter Box and it says I'm ready to go.
Is the Special Notes Received option turned on in your settings? I remember when I was trying to get the North American note, I wasn't getting it, and that turned out to be the issue.
Yep, it's on. I received the Luigi's Mansion stationary and the Valentine's Day one a-okay.
Maybe I''ll try turning it off and back on.
If it doesn't work, could some generous person send it to me? I understand if I sound a bit impatient, but I'd like the stationary today so I can screenshot it for a news post ^^
How do you even check this stationary thing anyways?
I just beat the game. Great game. The story is nothing amazing, but it's worth paying attention to, I suppose. How can I keep using my same characters and finish up some of the side missions? The only save I have resumes the last battle, then I have to sit through the credits again.
I had no clue that they were separate. L and R were the magic buttons to switch between the two types of saves. Thanks!Battle saves and "main" saves are separate, somehow you should be able to reload your main save.
I haven't played casual mode so I'm not sure how to do it exactly though. Unless you mean you're at the start of the battle, in that case you can just select exit from the menu and return to the map.
Wait, there's permadeath in FFTA? Seriously? I've been playing that game and I had no idea. It's been a while, though... maybe I just instinctively reset whenever someone died.
Check your PM, I'll send it as soon as you add me to the list.
Swapnote (or Nintendo Letter Box) should just automatically receive the note that gives you the stationery if the note was sent out.
By the way, I believe this particular note was only sent to America, so Euro people wouldn't actually receive this. Not for a while, anyway. Regardless, if a friend gives you a note with this stationery, you should be able to get the stationery anyway.
I have a few notes that use a stationary, but I have no freakin clue how to use them. I have a USA 3DS btw.
I'd recommend playing at your own pace; try not to get influenced by too many people or you might keep regretting some of your choices X DMy first Fire Emblem game guys! Can't wait to get in bed later and fire it up ^.^
Anyone got any tips for me?
P.S - sorry for the rubbish iPhone picture.
Most of the game lacked it, but there were a handful of judgeless areas(called Jagds) where death was permanent.Wait, there's permadeath in FFTA? Seriously? I've been playing that game and I had no idea. It's been a while, though... maybe I just instinctively reset whenever someone died.
Thanks! I've got it now.
Although, for some strange reason, I can't save the stationary. Usually the game saves it for me after viewing the message, but not this time o__o
So, at the moment, I still have the Japanese stationary.
Actually, did I just make a huge misassumption? Was this new stationary sent to North Americans?
If so, I have an European 3DS, which explains why I didn't get the special note (and presumably the Japanese stationary takes priority over the North American one).
As YoshiRider pointed out, it's North American special for now. Chances are it'll be unlocked in a few days for you guys.
Okay, thanks for the info.
Annoyingly we still don't have the first FE stationary : (
Wait, which one is the first? This one?
Wait, which one is the first? This one?
Oh, I was kind of saying in general. We don't have any FE stationaries in Europe and the game's out this Friday.
Then again, I know Japan got theirs several months later and I can't remember when NA got theirs.
So in the DLC, how do I get the new music to play every time? Because on repeat playthroughs, it just plays the normal skirmish music and very rarely plays the new music.
You download a file that fixes the glitch from the eShop. Works on carts and DD copies.
I'd recommend playing at your own pace; try not to get influenced by too many people or you might keep regretting some of your choices X D
You can touch stuff on the touch screen to get more info, eg. stats for weapons.
There's no shame in playing without perma death. Basically go at your own pace.
That's a good idea. I should start keeping track of who/where/why.
Ok, so now that I'm back to my hard mode file, how does this skillset for Yarne sound for the maingame? Armsthrift/Lethality/Deliverer/Beastbane/Sol (in process of getting)?
His sister has better stats right now, but since I got her ealier her skills are worse (Str+2/Mov+1/Even Rhythm/Beastbane). I'm not too sure what I want to do with her since I'm not grinding in this run, so I changed her to Myrmidon so she could get Astra as Swordmaster at least :|
Also, spoilerish (main and technically post game) comic I found amusing :T