He is talking about arena. Starting Tuesday should have the dancers, black knight, random units and Al.
I thought Tobin and Clive were bonus units in arena.Why would Black Knight be an arena bonus unit? None of the other Tempest Trials reward units have been bonus.
I think BK will be bonus. He is the first TT reward that comes with the full set of kills so I thinki IS will treat him just like a GHB unit.
butwhy.gifGot Soren to 49, and now I'm 2912 in 20.
Just 1 more Soren to go
So many others got their wives/husbands to 50, I need one.butwhy.gif
why are there so many fucking memes, photoshops and fanart on reddit? nobody gives a shit god
Just stay here where it's complaint central and you'll be fine.why are there so many fucking memes, photoshops and fanart on reddit? nobody gives a shit god
why are there so many fucking memes, photoshops and fanart on reddit? nobody gives a shit god
why are there so many fucking memes, photoshops and fanart on reddit? nobody gives a shit god
Just stay here where it's complaint central and you'll be fine.
Can we have Warriors Anna in Heroes pls.
only if tiny arm anna gets in warriors
Hahaha, complaining about complains?Just stay here where it's complaint central and you'll be fine.
If that's how you interpreted it, I got nothing to say to you.Hahaha, complaining about complains?
why are there so many fucking memes, photoshops and fanart on reddit? nobody gives a shit god
I yolo'd 1 green orb and got another Azura. That's 2 Azuras, 5* Minerva and 1 Olivia in 10 summons. My luck is guaranteed shot after this
Wow dude that is insane. Grats!
I want to pull red for fodder but none of the current banners are good for it.
1st world problems lol.
The game is doing you a favour.>second Inigo
The game is doing you a favour.
Time to finish my leveling my Inigo because trying to go through arena with Catria and Clarisse will be a bit harder.no bk
no bk
Heroes with slaying weapons please.Anyone want to make some wild guesses on the new banner tomorrow (assuming we get one) when the deathblow banner expires?
My guesses (for skills):
1. Heroes with Brave Weapons (Cain/Roderick/Raven)
2. Heroes with Breaker Skills (Abel/Setsuna/Laslow)
3. Heroes with Drive Skills (Delthea/Roderick/B.Lucina)
4. Heroes with Teleporting (WoM) Skills (Palla/Frederick/Faye)
5. Heroes with Flier Skills (Hinoka/Caeda/Palla)
I actually thought we would be getting some banners to coincide with the release of FE:Warriors in JP but they are still nowhere to be found *__*a.