No CA or Firesweep, my MRobin laughs.
This is for the +10 meta
MRobin effectively does not exist
No CA or Firesweep, my MRobin laughs.
So I'm only now starting to get into builds and getting serious (after hitting a lunatic wall in the last few paralogues). I just pulled a B.Roy and my free was B.Lyn now I'm thinking about who to drop the feathers on to turn into a 5. I've got Reinhardt and Nomi. Assuming I'm using BRoy and BLyn who should I promote? For my other spot I have the following 5s.
Ninian, Marth, Chrom, Peri, Nowi, Camilla, Julia, Faye, Jeorge, Alm, Cain, Effie.
Any thoughts?
Not really sure what it is about my Arena team but it's been to be raking in a shit ton of defenses these last few weeks. I've already got 3
My core is Ryoma, Delthea and Julia and I'm running Brave Lucina with them this week which makes sense at least. I had them with Alfonse last season and they were still cleaning house.
Delthea + Lucina buffing Ryoma is completely bonkers by the way. I ran into an armor team with a hone armor on Amelia which is normally too fast to double and a giant pain in the ass to deal with. Not this time though. At first I thought, "Ah shit" then I got Lucina into postion and it was a massacre! Freaking 65 attack and 46 speed lmao. It would be 65/50 if I gave Lucina hone speed. A couple points shy of OHKO'ing her. Move over blade tomes. The time of blade blades is nigh.
Check the stats on that Reinhardt before you promote him. As long as he's not -atk, slap Death Blow on him (Klein has rank 3 at 4*) and promote away. Then give Hone Cavalry from Gunter to Roy and enjoy one of the most broken units in the game.
For your fourth unit, Julia is probably your best bet. She can handle enemy Reinhardts with no inheritance needed.
He's level 37+1 and currently
So I'm guessing he's -Spd?
No way to tell unless he's level 40 or level 1. Go into the promote screen but don't hit confirm - it will show you a preview of his level 1 stats as a 5*. Unequip his weapon or just subtract its damage from his stats. Then compare it to this:
I'd guess he's +RES, and there's no way he's -SPD. Maybe -DEF or HP.
What's the likely hood of Ike getting a multiplier next hour? I got 310 flags left and may save them for the next Camilla bonus if it seems like she will get another in another 90 minutes.
So -HP +Res
Not really sure what it is about my Arena team but it's been to be raking in a shit ton of defenses these last few weeks. I've already got 3.
This is for the +10 meta
MRobin effectively does not exist
Any reason why Mulagir instead of BB or Firesweep?
Arena score. Mulagir is worth 400 SP as opposed to Firesweep Bow's 300 SP.
Ike's turn for a multiplier.
Be interesting to see if Camilla can overtake him enough on her next multiplier to stall this out and win.
I don't think there is enough time for that. Camilla's win condition is to get a multiplier next hour and pass Ike by about 3+ billion and keep him from getting a multiplier and stall this out.What I hope happens is that Ike barely passes Camilla and then she gets another multiplier an hour before the gauntlet closes.
How did I not know of this blog.Going by the pattern established by Ike and Roy, a Brave Soren would be interesting...
Got my second Hector on the free roll, will use it for DC skill inheritance, but I am gonna hold onto it for now![]()
Take 5 mins to max him. With double XP, it takes little efforts.He's level 37+1 and currently
So I'm guessing he's -Spd?
Awesome, got a +atk Hector on my free pull! Is Zephiel any good? I might make an armour team since I already have 5* Amelia and Effie.
Also, who is the best red flyer to promote? Got Hinoka last week so I only need a red to complete my flier team.
8.4 Billion motherfuckers
Damn you salty Lyn fans giving your power to Ike!!
I foresee the scoring system changing after this. Camilla is the hero we need but perhaps not one we deserve.
I'm quite enjoying this myself. Two straight rounds of the winner being a tossup has been a lot of fun. plus the excitement of getting in and dumping flags on multipliers.I foresee the scoring system changing after this. Camilla is the hero we need but perhaps not the one we deserve.
I'm quite enjoying this myself. Two straight rounds of the winner being a tossup has been a lot of fun. plus the excitement of getting in and dumping flags on multipliers.
At this point I rather they overhaul the whole thing. It's not fun at all.
Zephiel is the defensive option for red armor, Draug the offensive. I think Draug might be the better option with Armor March reducing the movement restrictions.
Also Palla is better than Caeda out of the box, though if you're willing to invest in Caeda she's fine too.
Or maybe do like Splatoon and the winner is decided by counting Popularity/win percentage/points.I mean honestly the only other thing they can do it go back to the original version which is pure popularity contest which pissed people off too because the fight isn't even worth looking at if you see Lucina vs. Mist.
ok, so i am about to get my first units to lv 40, and wanted to know if this is only to allow me to unlock their potential if I want to or if there is something else I need to know.