What? I'm saying Halo 2 is best Halo.All this time... I thought I was alone in hating Halo 2 (outside of MP maps, the only good to come from it).
What? I'm saying Halo 2 is best Halo.All this time... I thought I was alone in hating Halo 2 (outside of MP maps, the only good to come from it).
That's probably because After 3 they didn't come close to the MP it offered. And going back to it but adding in new types of gameplay but offer more customization etc, but lose all forms of armor upgrades, perks or however you want to call them, that would bring back a big amount of the lost playerbase.
They are very seemingly interested in gaining new fans through implementing stuff that has been done in WORSE games like Call of Duty etc like join in progress, power weapons, loadouts, instant spawns ( gross ) etc.
This game might sell as much as Halo 3, but I doubt the oldschool Halo fans are gonna wanna play the MP much by the sound of things. In all honestly it sounds disgusting to me ( the MP that is ).
I actually REALLY enjoyed the Reach MP, i played a ton. But AA did not make the game better imo, and the endless forge maps goddamn. I also like knowing where the shotgun is on a map, or anything else that I can actually count on. More randomness in competitive games sucks.
reah was changed , that is why sales were down.
reah was changed , that is why sales were down.
Come on now. That is essentially a 100% straight denial. He wouldn't have said "lolwut" if it wasn't untrue. You've been beating this drum for quite a while now (ever since the game was first announced, IIRC), even after me explaining to you that, as a Spartan, it is not in John's character to romantically "love" Cortana. To do this would be out of character (which is something 343i can do, but from Frankie's statement, it's not happening).Honestly, I'll believe them when they give a 100% straight denial/make 100% completely unambiguous statements on both issues.
Come on now. That is essentially a 100% straight denial. He wouldn't have said "lolwut" if it wasn't untrue. You've been beating this drum for quite a while now (ever since the game was first announced, IIRC), even after me explaining to you that, as a Spartan, it is not in John's character to romantically "love" Cortana. To do this would be out of character (which is something 343i can do, but from Frankie's statement, it's not happening).
Time to move on.
I think Reach sold about the same as Halo 3 even though there was a much larger playerbase.reach sold nearly 10 million copies going up against Black Ops.
What? I'm saying Halo 2 is best Halo.
I don't usually come in Halo threads, or the Community thread, but what the fuck was wrong with Reach?
In this thread people hate change.
I admit some of the changes sound odd to me, the random weapon drops for one...that needs to be balanced perfectly or else you will have kids bitch about losing because one team got more weapon drops and what not.
Other than that I am excited, bring on the game!
He edited his. It used to say something along the lines of "Halo 1 was their only good Halo game"Then you are wrong.
Also just to clarify the miscommunication.
The end of the post you quoted.
"they were tired of Halo..."
Your post.
'Halo 2'
I thought you meant they were at the worst near the start, not the end.
PS Halo 2 blows.
In this thread people hate change.
I love change. I'm on of the few members of the Halo community who absolutely adores Reach, particularly the campaign.
But things can be changed in the wrong direction. See Ninja Gaiden 3 for example, they had good intentions at heart, but the oversimplification of the combat ultimately lead to it's downfall.
The fact that this game won't be having a Beta is extra worrisome since we can't keep them in line when it comes to what needs to be fixed.
I'm not going to be 100% a negative nancy however. Despite my grievances with the multiplayer issues and the new Elite model. I'm excited for the singleplayer based on what they have shown.
What? I'm saying Halo 2 is best Halo.
Singleplayer yes, multiplayer non.CE > 2
CE > 2
H1 = better gunplaySingleplayer yes, multiplayer non.
You guys are overreacting so much. You really think 343i will release a broken game?
H1 = better gunplay
H2 = better maps
map design peaked at halo 2 for sure.
why don't they just stop making new maps and put in H2 maps every game
why don't they just stop making new maps and put in H2 maps every game
If we're talking about PC. Maybe. But if we're simply talking about consoles. H2 was way better.
why don't they just stop making new maps and put in H2 maps every game
I can only judge what's been released. My opinions are capable of being changed about Halo. Lord knows it has. When I first joined NeoGAF, CE was my favorite campaign, then it was Reach when it came out, and now it's Halo 3. None of what I'm saying is set in stone.Thing is, we barely know anything here. Just bullet points with barely any context. I think we owe it to the guys at 343 to at least wait until we have a true MP unveil to where we can accurately judge the new additions' affect on multiplayer. From what I've seen they aren't "chasing cod" but adding some of the best things modern shooters have offered, while maintaining the look and feel of the Halo universe.
Like I said though, it's not worth it to have a meltdown (not you Dax, in general) until we at least get the full story.![]()
They'll just put a shit load of power weapons on them and ruin them anyway.why don't they just stop making new maps and put in H2 maps every game
They'll just put a shit load of power weapons on them and ruin them anyway.
CE > 2
But Reach![]()
Broken ≠ Flawed
Some did not like the addition of Bloom and armor abilites. At the same time while fun it does have some flaws. Vehicles are really fubar. Warthog able to be wrecked by DMR, Banshee with endless ability to do stunts hence breaking it, and other minor flaws. At the same time the DMR should have had a 2x scope because at 3x it does break the sandbox somewhat. Some blow it way out of proportion though and feel that it's the worst game on the face of the earth as a result of these things.
I myself love it but do hate the armor abilites and the vehicles being so useless and weak. I have no complaints about the story but some do also dislike the retcons that happened with the story of Reach's fall. It's by no means shit though like some like to say.
SP > MP anyway.
Yeah I don't mind the story since I was never a Halo geek.
I don't remember the armor abilities being weak? Anyway, that still doesn't constitute a broken game lol.
As I've gotten older I tend to agree. I just don't get that same drive to be super competitive anymore. People get too serious about the games these days and I just want to have fun. Oh well...
And no, Halo 2 and Halo 3 were no where even close to being as awesome as Halo CE MP.
I think Reach sold about the same as Halo 3 even though there was a much larger playerbase.
I liked Halo 3, a lot even. I was disappointed in it because it wasn't Halo CE, but that's not a fault with the game as such. It played like Halo and Halo plays damned well. But Reach actually got up to Halo levels of oohs and aahs at times. The ending cemented everything good about the game.
I think 3 wins best SP becuase of the others failings.
Reach didn't have a proper Scarab battle
ODST forced you to play FF in SP. (sticking you in a small area to fight waves of enemies for a set time).
CE has too many flood levels.
and 2... was top to bottom trash.
I think 3 wins best SP becuase of the others failings.
Reach didn't have a proper Scarab battle
ODST forced you to play FF in SP. (sticking you in a small area to fight waves of enemies for a set time).
CE has too many flood levels.
and 2... was top to bottom trash.
lol no
This man knows his stuff.
I will forever love to hate the flood levels in CE, some of my best and funniest gaming memories come from the Library.
I will forever love to hate the flood levels in CE, some of my best and funniest gaming memories come from the Library.
As I've gotten older I tend to agree. I just don't get that same drive to be super competitive anymore. People get too serious about the games these days and I just want to have fun. Oh well...
What Halo 4 is doing is taking EVERYTHING that made Halo what it was, and throwing it out the window to try and make it Call of Duty: Space. If I wanted to play CoD, I'd play CoD.
Oh well. I knew this day was coming. It was only a matter of time before Microsoft got jealous that Call of Duty dethroned it and would just make Halo a shit CoD clone.
What Halo 4 is doing is taking EVERYTHING that made Halo what it was, and throwing it out the window to try and make it Call of Duty: Space. If I wanted to play CoD, I'd play CoD.
Oh well. I knew this day was coming. It was only a matter of time before Microsoft got jealous that Call of Duty dethroned it and would just make Halo a shit CoD clone.