what did 343i give up for that graphical fidelity. Bungie made us believe it is impossible to do this what did they do different?
Corrine Yu brah.
Seriously these graphics+720p+FXAA=Amazing.
what did 343i give up for that graphical fidelity. Bungie made us believe it is impossible to do this what did they do different?
That's trueThose arn't really "scans" but yeah they are not allowed.
Those arn't really "scans" but yeah they are not allowed.
That's true![]()
imgur.. why? WHY?
what did 343i give up for that graphical fidelity. Bungie made us believe it is impossible to do this what did they do different?
Come on Game informer and 343I just give me a Multiplayer in a lossless compressed file so i can have something to drool over![]()
Corrine Yu brah.
Seriously these graphics+720p+FXAA=Amazing.
It's still copyrighted material, so yes I would argue that these are still technically scans. Even though they come from a digital edition of a mag.Hmmm if they are not magazine scans but pictures taken from a digital issue....does that still count?
what did 343i give up for that graphical fidelity. Bungie made us believe it is impossible to do this what did they do different?
It's still copyrighted material, so yes I would argue that these are still technically scans. Even though they come from a digital edition of a mag.
If that bothers you, there are other sources. If it's your destiny, you will find them.
Different people, more time to develop the tech from the already solid foundation that Bungie has built.
What's the point? The game is far from being finished and the visuals lack the final polish.
Bungie said they couldn't add the BR in because of RAM, lol
did they really say that? If so man Bungie lose some points for that.
did they really say that? If so man Bungie lose some points for that.
First world problems, eh?The new footage and details are great, but this game still has me super worried.
I don't know how I'm going to fit it into my Fall 2012 video game schedule with all the MechWarrior Online, Guild Wars 2, Planetside 2, and Borderlands 2 I'm going to be playing. TOO MUCH VIDYA!
The new footage and details are great, but this game still has me super worried.
I don't know how I'm going to fit it into my Fall 2012 video game schedule with all the MechWarrior Online, Guild Wars 2, Planetside 2, and Borderlands 2 I'm going to be playing. TOO MUCH VIDYA!
There is absolutely no way that Halo 4 will look that amazing.
No fucking way.
If it looks like that on release, then 343 are gods. On screens alone, that's the best looking console shooter I've seen. Be interesting to see in motion.
The lighting, the detail, FUCK FUCK.
Maybe they went back to a forward render path, or dialed down the lighting precision, or maybe they just found a more efficient way of doing Reach's deferred shading without having to reduce the horizontal res.they had to give something up. the game must not be a direct sandbox anymore. it has to be cut up sections. If they did what bungie did with those graphics I am beyond impressed. heck the multiplayer looks way better than i thought.
- Joining In-Progress Games: About damn time.[/INDENT]
Cortana looks so cute and vulnerable in those new screenshots.
lol they know the fanbase well.....
Its not Reach engine.Yep, looks great..but honestly should anyone be surprised at how good it looks?
A team like 343 building upon an already solid (Reach) engine would have to yield nothing but positive results...
Its not Reach engine.
Its says wrong. Frankie said they took Halo 3 engine and totally rebuild it. Anniversary is made on Reach engine.Yes it is. Says so in GI.
Yes it is. Says so in GI.
Its says wrong. Frankie said they took Halo 3 engine and totally rebuild it. Anniversary is made on Reach engine.
I don't know how I'm going to fit it into my Fall 2012 video game schedule with all the MechWarrior Online, Guild Wars 2, Planetside 2, and Borderlands 2 I'm going to be playing. TOO MUCH VIDYA!
Because they started development in 2008? Reach engine is overhauled Halo 3 engine (which is overhauled Halo 2 engine). So in time Reach development started, H4 was already in pre production. They got all engines because thats MS property, but Halo 3 is base.Where does he say? Why would they use the less optimised and generally ugly engine as a base? There's been more than enough time to incorporate the Reach upgrades.
ACIII IS NOT A LESSER GAME, MAN.I'll be playing Halo instead of lesser games, problem solved.
Its says wrong. Frankie said they took Halo 3 engine and totally rebuild it. Anniversary is made on Reach engine.
AFAIK there's only one Halo engine. Same engine through 3, Reach, and now on to 4, improved all the while.
So it's direct predecessor should be Reach.
Also 3 used some weirdass lighting system that really was cutting off the nose to spite the face imo. It looked harsh anyway, and sapped a ton of performance. 3 also was the most sub HD of the bunch. Reach closer to 720, now 4 is 720p.