4.5 but feels like 7
4.5 but feels like 7
That's something I don't understand either. 1.5 for the OS, cool. An additional 1 GB for 'additional features'. Ok... But then another 1 on top of that being blocked off for no apparent reason? If Sony was going to block off all this RAM, as much as the One, I wouldn't be as mad if they actually DID something with it. There's a reason the One has so much RAM blocked off such as kinect integration, all the TV functionality, 3 OSs, etc. I fail to see what feature on PS4 necessitates that potentially more is corralled off.
I know right! I will laugh my ass off when they try to re-order after this stupid comment/shitstorm and be denied because of no stock.
Can't wait to celebrate to those idiots.
Do we know how much of the 3Gb os for the xbone is for future proofing.
.Xbox One has close to 1 gig set aside that's to be used for future proofing. Pure OS is 2 gig, hypervisor is a miniscule amount. I expect PS4 to have the same amount if not more set aside for future proofing.
So from what I am understanding, devs can target their games to be built around 5.5GB of RAM but 1GB out of that can used to as a cache for other non-gaming functions while the game is in suspended state.
If that's the case then this "flexible" ram's function is one on system (most base) level that game devs would NOT have to worry about while developing their game.
This is strange because I remember an article posted here a while back which discussed PS4's ram. In it one developer said that the great thing about the set up is that they can NOT see the overall ram amount rather only what is available for development (as a hard limit). So, in essence, devs atm, should have access to the whole 5.5GB.
This whole entire situation now puts a greater emphasis on the quality of RAM and bandwith between GDDR5 and DDR3/ESRAM. The PS4 and Xbone might have similar numbers but the higher quality GDDR5 is going to make the difference and from what we are hearing from the insiders from people about it, most other devs agree.
Might want to chill out bro. You've been talking about Sony fanboys all day while looking pretty silly yourself.
This doesn't mean downgrade or anything like the one twitter guy implied though. Kind of hyperbolic.
I guess if some want to look at this as bad then power to them.
As for the faster RAM making a difference, could you clarify on that? Developers are being able to use more assets per frame? More bandwidth for transparency and other framebuffer effects? Both? That is comparing first time efforts on both machines or after a few optimizations attempts (meaning if they already tried optimize the code for esram on xbone)
Devs were happy when Xbox 360 had 512MB of Ram. Devs became sad throughout the years that the Xbox 360 only had 512MB of Ram.
I sense a pattern.
Yeah at ridiculous resolutions, with crazy amounts of AA. Problems that don't occur on consoles. Your concerns aren't valid.And those PCs can get maxed out as well.
Its never enough, so the more the merrier.Then no amount of RAM will ever be enough.
There's a lot more than this, but one of the things I'm made aware that the RAM in the PS4 makes a huge difference in computations for example. Can range from anything like permutations of AI behavior (open world games).
The difference between the types and speed of RAM in both machines will really only truly come to light in exclusive titles, unsurprisingly. Unsure about others, but at this particular (incredibly large) studio, the games are being developed to Xbox One specs, then ported over as required.
Yes when they confirm that announcing 8 GB for games was to make them look better than Microsoft infront of the world and that there is 4 GB alloted for OS instead of 3.5GB. Meltdown continues and Sony Fanboys continue to say. " THIS MUST BE FALSE" LMAO.
So if it is a non issue does this mean the amount of RAM the Xbox One has available is similarly not limiting at all?
There's a lot more than this, but one of the things I'm made aware that the RAM in the PS4 makes a huge difference in computations for example. Can range from anything like permutations of AI behavior (open world games).
The difference between the types and speed of RAM in both machines will really only truly come to light in exclusive titles, unsurprisingly. Unsure about others, but at this particular (incredibly large) studio, the games are being developed to Xbox One specs, then ported over as required.
The rumored amount reserved for the OS was much less than this...
Damn Sony.. your turn to do a 180...
My take on this is that the really graphically intense games will have 5.5 GB to work with on the PS4 and only 5 on the Xbox One. So how is Sony doomed?
“Be he foe or friend, be he foul or clean
Brood of Morgoth or bright Vala,
Elda or Maia or Aftercomer,
Man yet unborn upon Middle-earth,
Neither law, nor love, nor league of swords,
Dread nor danger, not Doom itself
Shall defend him from Fëanáro, and Fëanáro’s kin,
Whoso hideth or hoardeth, or in hand taketh,
Finding keepeth or afar casteth
A Silmaril. This swear we all…
Death we will deal him ere Day’s ending,
Woe unto world’s end! Our word hear thou,
Eru Allfather! To the everlasting
Darkness doom us if our deed faileth…
On the holy mountain hear in witness
and our vow remember,
Manwë and Varda!"
4s ram avaliable for games"
There's a lot more than this, but one of the things I'm being told is that the RAM in the PS4 makes a huge difference in computations for example. Can range from anything like permutations of AI behavior (open world games).
The difference between the types and speed of RAM in both machines will really only truly come to light in exclusive titles, unsurprisingly. Unsure about others, but at this particular (incredibly large) studio, the games are being developed to Xbox One specs, then ported over as required.
and pseudo-confirming 2 CPU cores reserved as well
So is Sony slated to comment on this sometime today? I remember reading that in the other thread last night.
I remember people saying that the reason for PS4 games not looking that much better than the xb1 games was that developers didn't have a chance to tap into the 8GB yet. This reasoning doesn't really hold up anymore.PS4 is still vastly ahead and games will reflect this, especially in comparisons.
Well, he admitted it so there we go, people troll - who'd have thought! (and now he or she is banned)cmon lol
Just curious but how much has the OS/reserved footprint for the 360 and PS3 changed since launch?
Anybody know?
Pretty bad news for Sony again.
+2 for MS
Just asked o_sharp, and he told me that Eurogamer might have some misunderstanding here.
1. The system OS will not use flexible memory.
2. Flexible memory is "heap"(Well, I don't know what's that, so probably DevGaf could help with this one.)
3. On DevCon, SCE said they will try to get more RAM for gaming from system OS. But it's quite hard, because PS4 should do multi-task like recording and live-streaming, etc.
4.According to his research for now, which he is not so confirm about it. So, probably, when you recording a 15 minutes video, the data is in ram. Only when Share is pressed, then data will flush into HDD. The game will need to pause for gpu suspension for throughput. live-streaming is in ram.
Wait...if anything wrong, will I get banned? X_X NooOooOoOooo