Broder Salsa
Please explain that line. I'm interested.
Just read the whole thread.
Please explain that line. I'm interested.
So a shitty indie dev doesn't care about how much RAM is in the system. That really shouldn't surprise anyone.
I would envisage the differences between the PS4 and Xbone will be greater than those depicted this generation. This is based on 'paper' however. Nevermind the RAM, the teraflop advantage the PS4 has is significant. There are really no two ways about it.much? We won't really see any differences between the platforms.
What is clear is that the difference between PC and consoles this generation is going to be bonkers.
Hope that helps.
Pretty much.
So fake...
Naughty Gods have spoken.
Pack it up folks. They made TLOU on 462MB of RAM.
And had to make all of Joel's animations work within 5MB of that.
Nothing to worry about.
If you think this is a "big deal," Naughty Dog just ethered you. Naughty Dog. They made a game called The Last of Us. You may have heard of it.
Devs already know and they are the ones that really need that info. If they never told devs about it I would agree with you.
much? We won't really see any differences between the platforms.
What is clear is that the difference between PC and consoles this generation is going to be bonkers.
The controversy is ridiculous, so the thread title is ridiculous.I'm all for humour, but the thread title change is stupid as hell and unnecessary.
If you think this is a "big deal," Naughty Dog just ethered you. Naughty Dog. They made a game called The Last of Us. You may have heard of it.
Our worst fears confirmed.
So fake...
You are wrong. PS4 is still way more powerful and still the console for "gamers". That's how it is marketed and how the features are integrated. The RAM allocation doesn't matter at all, as long as devs are happy. Which they are. If devs simply can't use the RAM right now, it doesn't take anything away from that if it is allocated for the OS for now.
So now the devs all come out and say we're idiots for caring about this. Nice.
If you think this is a "big deal," Naughty Dog just ethered you. Naughty Dog. They made a game called The Last of Us. You may have heard of it.
We haven't seen an official debunk yet? Christ. Hopefully this ends up not being true. If it is, Sony pretty much lost their last significant advantage over the XBONE. It'd be a really stupid move on their part.
If you think this is a "big deal," Naughty Dog just ethered you. Naughty Dog. They made a game called The Last of Us. You may have heard of it.
So now the devs all come out and say we're idiots for caring about this. Nice.
We haven't seen an official debunk yet? Christ. Hopefully this ends up not being true. If it is, Sony pretty much lost their last significant advantage over the XBONE. It'd be a really stupid move on their part.
I'm pretty sure a lot of people in here don't know how RAM works.
Last of Us had a lot of low quality textures and glitches. It was only really pretty for a console game.
Hell yeah they are.I believe I've heard of them, they're a first party studio right?
So now the devs all come out and say we're idiots for caring about this. Nice.
So fake...
It's reserved. If devs need it Sony will unlock it immediately through a firmware update. They don't right now. In the impossible case they never need it Sony can use it for the OS too.I really dont understand the 1 gig of "flexible memory".
So a gig of memory that isnt dedicated to the OS but isnt fully dedicated to gaming ether. Doesnt make much sense.
When that time comes Sony will unlock more RAM and get the OS footprint down. Sony is covering their ass, nothing more. Devs will get all the RAM they need.Yeah, since they seem to go down the same route as the XB1, loads of useless features that I will never use. In a couple of years more ram would matter for the exclusives.
Because Killzone is not the future. It is what devs need and can do right now. That's how Sony allocated the RAM. Devs mostly don't need more than 3.5 GB, Sony gives them 4.5 just to be safe. In the far future devs will need more and Sony will unlock more.Quite a while ago, I was cheerfully trolling and wrote, what if it was 4+4GB configuration, i.e. 4 for games and 4 for OS. Oh how prophetic that little joke turned out to be.
Makes me wonder, given what we've seen from cards with 2GB ram, why didn't Sony just occupy 5.5GB for features and 3.5GB for games given if what KZSF shown is the future, then 1.5GB being reserved for non-GPU related tasks ought to be plenty. Nearly a 7 times increase. Lest we forget, that was the original figure anyway.
Plus, there is nothing like future proofing your console for one that no one would dare to guess upon.
That confirms nothing. It could be true and he just sees everyone here as over reacting.
It pretty much dictates amount of AA and texture res.
Indie devs care about ram just as much as AAA devs.
Last of Us had a lot of low quality textures and glitches. It was only really pretty for a console game.
Trying to match features or something? No one wants Kinect or any of it's features so I don't even know why Sony are trying to play it safe if it's true after all the "console for gamers" talk.We haven't seen an official debunk yet? Christ. Hopefully this ends up not being true.
PS4 = Mr. Satan, Xbone = Broly