So we gonna mention how Em completely bit Masta Ace's flow?
Got Sittin' on Chrome about a week ago, never really checked out Masta Ace.
I'll listen to it soon
We're going to hear a full Dr. Dre OST tomorrow
What a time to be alive
A long hot summer is corny af tho
So we gonna mention how Em completely bit Masta Ace's flow?
So, yall think Meek sent shooters after Drake?
I doubt it but 2 people getting shot and killed with 3 more wounded at the OVOFest after party is crazy, considering Drake and Ye were there (at some point).
Meek really gonna drop a video for his struggle diss track
Maybe we'll get to hear the part that was cut off. Not that it matters, the damage has already been done.
So, yall think Meek sent shooters after Drake?
I doubt it but 2 people getting shot and killed with 3 more wounded at the OVOFest after party is crazy, considering Drake and Ye were there (at some point)."Its funny that Drake has doubled down on his anti-Internet thing, because Drake is the master of working your angles, the selfie strategy of the twitter honeys he takes arbitrary pot-shots at throughout If Youre Reading This Its Too Late. (And I absolutely think it is significant that, on this album, living this aspirational simulacrum Tumblr life, or whatever, is generally characterized as feminine.) Drake is no longer the living meme, the LOOK AT HIS SWEATER guy, that he was even two years ago. But he represents what the internet represents: the possibility to make yourself into whoever you want to be, if you stack your cards right. Drake is every NYC media bro who had an okay, if unremarkable, high school experience, didnt lose his virginity til he was 18, considers himself a nerdy underdog, moves to the big city, and undertakes a years-long personal brand makeover, in which he projects signifiers of cool for long enough and with enough study that one day, almost imperceptively, he becomes cooland once he realizes it, he is intoxicated with power.
And shytI can relate to that! But that does not make it any more interesting or worthy of further exploration than those Been Trill shirts with all the logos on them circa 2013, which is to say, a bunch of symbols stripped of the thing they symbolize. A bunch of womens names that you have woven into your story for the purpose of having a story to tell.
Drake used to pine for the 21st century Thot Pangaea that is Houstatlantavegas. Now he is Mr. Toronto and is making The 6 a thing and has, I guess, been that guy all along, he and his woes, since way before hashtags. Two years ago, we would have ripped him to shreds for this kind of thing, like we did when he said that he started from the bottom. Nobody cares anymore. Whatever man, just keep making great-sounding music (and If Youre Reading This is great-sounding, as a total package, there is very little denying this) and you can be whoever you say you are, 6 God.
But Drake, as a character, has become (or has revealed himself to have always been) one of the most boring types of people on earth: a composite of aspirational projections that has taken control of his host body. Dont get me wrong, this will in no way prevent me from stomping through Bed Stuy with 10 Bands on repeat with the thizz face on 1000. But lets stop conflating good and special. And lets stop entertaining dudes bizarre Neo-Luddisms that he has convinced himself are deeper than bytches be like [this] memes. And show me pictures of they frieeeends / Just to tell me they aint really frieeeends: kinda sounds like the Cliffs Notes version of a Drake song, now that I think about it."
But Drake, as a character, has become (or has revealed himself to have always been) one of the most boring types of people on earth: a composite of aspirational projections that has taken control of his host body.
Drake is every NYC media bro who had an okay, if unremarkable, high school experience, didnt lose his virginity til he was 18, considers himself a nerdy underdog, moves to the big city, and undertakes a years-long personal brand makeover, in which he projects signifiers of cool for long enough and with enough study that one day, almost imperceptively, he becomes cooland once he realizes it, he is intoxicated with power.
the irony of a pitchfork employee talking about the internet's ability to exert authority and nullify notions of authenticity
and other people having a constructed identity
a publication filled with people that probably started listening to rap in 2008
the irony of a pitchfork employee talking about the internet's ability to exert authority and nullify notions of authenticity
and other people having a constructed identity
a publication filled with holier than thou neckbeards that probably started listening to rap in 2008 and got beat up for wearing Animal Collective teeshirts
disposable acts came out a year after mmlp, so did em really bite ace or was it the other way aroundSo we gonna mention how Em completely bit Masta Ace's flow?
Damn this is ruthless.Some Pitchfork editor ethering Drake
What we've been saying for years lol. I give him his props for murking Meek but dude is still that insecure kid who no one gave a fuck about in HS and now won't let anyone forget it.
the irony of a pitchfork employee talking about the internet's ability to exert authority and nullify notions of authenticity
and other people having a constructed identity
a publication filled with holier than thou neckbeards that probably started listening to rap in 2008 and got beat up for wearing Animal Collective teeshirts
It's pretty early for me so I'm probably missing something, but I'm not really sure what she's saying that's a revelation. Part of Drake's persona is manufactured? Or changes to follow his career? That he didn't really start from the bottom? What a twist.
It's pretty early for me so I'm probably missing something, but I'm not really sure what she's saying that's a revelation. Part of Drake's persona is manufactured? Or changes to follow his career? That he didn't really start from the bottom? What a twist.
I guess I can see that. Though it seemed like she was trying to dig something up and present it as new. I mean the guy was wheelchair Jimmy before any of his music...anyone paying attention knows all this. Not that there aren't fans who buy into all of it wholesale, but practically every major entertainment star ever was idolized by a certain subsection of fans.Maybe it's just that no one seems interested in actually discussing it? This whole beef just shows how little anyone seems to truly give a damn about his persona outside of the "drakethetype" crowd.
this is the person talking about constructed identities and drake's image reinvention![]()
a gunplay burzum shirt![]()
Meaghan Garvey gave DS2 BNM so it's all good.
Garvey's Barter 6 Review said:More than anything, Barter 6 feels like a 50-minute performance of what rap, as a form, can do: rap that need not transcend itself, towards High Art on one hand or commercial art on the other, in order to succeed in 2015. Thugs rapping itself, known for its unpredictability, is sharper than ever; his voice feels clarified, strengthened. Take "Halftime", the most thrilling technical display here, on which Thug seamlessly snaps into a dozen different flows: casually extending the second syllable of "re-cy-cles" so that it threatens to throw the song off track entirely, pausing a beat, unleashing a quick guffaw, snapping back on beat. It's an almost-reckless balance-beam routine. He pauses only for an ingenious vocoder breakdown that melts his cries of "Havin the time of my muhfuckin liiiiiife" into semiotic ooze, suddenly giving the blood-red backdrop of the cover art an almost Lynchian cast, like the velveteen Black Lodge interior.
Goodness gracious.Meaghan Garvey is one of their worst reviewers.
let em live Esch lmao. just for today.
meaghan cacvey said:“bound 2” as a song alone, in the context of “yeezus” is a beautiful dark twisted track in addition to being a total troll move. it’s “they say they miss the old ‘ye, girl don’t tempt me” but, because he is kanye and not drake, he sees it through: “oh you like humble soul-sample kanye? lol, here.” “bound 2” is many things: it’s hugging it out after the crazy when the drugs are wearing off; it’s a winking, back-handed gift to those who turned away after “graduation”; it’s a pure expression of love; it’s a fucked up expression of how love isn’t pure.
so OBBBBBBVIOUSLY this video was gonna be sly as fuck, that much was a given. and especially given kanye’s recent confederate flag merch stunt, this seems stunningly obvious: “bound 2” appropriates american romanticism in the same way that yeezus tour shirts appropriate (which, here, is too gentle of a word i think—pillage, really) the confederate flag. (i find the flag thing genius, for what it’s worth, if a bit clumsier in actuality than it is in concept.) there’s this awful trend that’s become really prevalent in recent years—of which i’ve totally been guilty, many times, i’m embarrassed to admit—of white people distancing themselves from the “really white” white people by identifying so-called “white shit”: you know, pumpkin spice lattes, uggs, whole foods. not only this abhorrent by assuming that god knows a black person would never have an interest in bourgie organic food (thus further “other”-ing the “other” from afar), but the “white shit” is always so fucking benign; it’s a lot harder to self-identify, even deprecatingly so, with idiotic redneck kitsch (to which the “bound 2” video is clearly nodding) than with a fucking seasonal starbucks muffin. the video is a representation of yeezus’ most powerful ideals—he’s already fucked your hampton’s spouse, and now he’s cumming on your suburban ass spouse’s precious moments figures and thomas kinkade lighthouse collection coasters and apple pie scented yankee candle. it’s jeff koons if jeff koons had anything socio-politically relevant to say beyond pointing at kitsch (which is cool too). and what’s most hilarious is that by and large, viewers are immediately revolted by the crass imagery they’re seeing, not recognizing it as their own. in a way, the video is more anarchist than “yeezus” altogether because it presents itself as harmless.
Meaghan Garvey is one of their worst reviewers.
Meaghan Garvey is one of their worst reviewers.
Reading through that chick's tumblr... Disgusting. Feels like i just dived into a pool of organic free-range egg mayonnaise poorly disguised with Crystal hot sauce. Like someone served me fried chicken with a side of pureed kale. Like I walked into a Kanye giftshop in Williamsburg.
Holy fuck. 💀💀this is rap in 2015. people stumbling over themselves to put the cape on for a fraud nickelodeon rapper, said fraud nickelodeon rapper using internet memes during his live diss track performance, and people like this chick standing on a ground to speak publically on him being a fake cornball.