Yeah I noticed that late, yesterday was the first time I actually took a good look at the box art and saw that it was Woody Woods. It surprised me. I like that map, and I never realized how good the theme to Woody Woods is until yesterday either. Mario Party 3 has some top tier maps so no matter which one or two ends up being a part of the five maps, I will be fine with MP3's representatives. And since there will be changes made to the maps, they'll probably be even more fun to play on
Which maps do you think make the roster? We have Peach's Birthday Cake (confirmed), Space Land (confirmed), Woody Woods (confirmed basically), and I'm going to say these two are the final boards
My reasoning is that Horror Land will be selected because it has the most potential for fun with just a couple to a few minor adjustments. I always felt like Horror Land was almost a stellar map, it only needed a little bit more to be on par with Western Land. And I think Western Land will be omitted because Chilly Waters will be the map to take its place. Chilly Waters sort of resembles Western Land except it's more complex and trickier to navigate, and less luck is involved. You aren't forced to go to the top left of the map if somebody wants to buy a round of milk for everyone. You aren't being hit by a train but instead have a choice to jump over snowballs or get chased down by a snowballs
It wouldn't be a bad idea having three MP3 maps either but I'm assuming they'll be going with a 1-2-2 split. Maybe there will be an unlockable sixth board? Hopefully