Yeah F Zero will be back. Nintendo don't completely give up on their historical IPs. If Kid Icarus or Punch Out got new games after 20 years F Zero will eventually get one too.Any hope for F-Zero to come back?
I feel with Advance Wars getting a remake and Nintendo seemingly being okay with bringing back low selling series for a second chance is a good sign for F-Zero
I only ever played the first one and Captain Falcon is very cool imo, would love to play a new game staring him.
I think budget is really a big problem.Yeah F-Zero will be back at some point. It was an important franchise one point, and I am sure there are plenty of fans of it within Nintendo themselves. They just have to find a stable dev for it, like Mercury Steam or Next Level, who are willing to take on an build the franchise again. I don't think Nintendo are interested in one and done games these days.
I think budget is really a big problem.
The difference between RDR2 and Cyberpunk is that, in my opinion, Rockstar has the budget to match ambition and CDPR does not.
How much can Nintendo invest in a game that might not sell very well? As great as F Zero was it doesn't have the popularity. You'll get something that is smaller scale. Around Fast RMX levels in terms of content and quality.
I've been thinking this since seeing Mario Golf reviews. It's very obviously not a premium game. Of course, it doesn't have a premium budget.
I think if we are going to see franchises making a comeback it's all going to look a bit like an indie games. Meteoid Dread looks indie. It looks GOOD, don't get me wrong, but it's not a high budget title.
I'll play. With every single game I'm appreciating Super Mario Party more and more. I would say let's eventually go all out and try 30 turns on Kamek's Tantalizing Tower but Nintendo's servers are likely to let us down. Maybe not if we go in with 3/4 though....That's the only thing, the online is very unreliable. Even if we all have great connections going in, I don't trust Nintendo's netcode here. Just to give you an idea, the last two games I've played online, both 20 TurnsWe still need to get a Mario Party game going at some point.
In that case, the rated E gangbang will just have to commence. If Shaq joins then the 1-2 punch will be ran through the triangle offense, and there is a high % chance you get dunked on but if you select any of these (the top tier characters with the best dice block) you might have a chanceLet's set a dateCutty Flam for you to take my Mario Party v-card. Anyone else interested in some fresh meat?
In that case, the rated E gangbang will just have to commence. If Shaq joins then the 1-2 punch will be ran through the triangle offense, and there is a high % chance you get dunked on but if you select any of these (the top tier characters with the best dice block) you might have a chance
Here is a tip that I doubt is posted anywhere else on the web. The tricky part about Super Mario Party, and I just realized this recently, is capitalizing on the beginning turns as best you can. There are certain bonus stars you’ll need to elect to go after and with these bonus stars in this game it’ll always just be up to a guess as to which ones you think will appear at the end. But the best time to make the most of which spaces you’ll aim for, is in the beginning turns before you acquire an ally. You’re more likely to land on the spaces you aim to land on when you are without an ally. It becomes increasingly more difficult to plan your turns and calculate the probability of your dice rolls as you gain allies, naturally because each ally will roll a dice block after yours, adding to your roll either a ‘1’ or a ‘2’. So even if you remain without an ally, even for as long as 10 turns while everyone else has one or more allies, I think it’s important for players to realize that they have a unique advantage in their lack of allies. But ultimately, it’s important to also know that you do eventually want to gain allies, and as many as possible. I would argue as early as possible too. But it’s all dependent on the player’s specific strategy and game plan, a lot of different things may work
So it’s definitely advisable imo to not take the turns you have without an ally for granted. Gaining allies is a sound strategy to boost your chances of not only reaching stars, but they even help you in select minigames. Not to mention, they allow you the use of a new dice block. Honestly, the more I play, the more I am learning that this is a very balanced Mario Party game with way more to it than meets the eye. There is a lot you can think about to maximize your chances of winning, and that’s what the hardcore fans of the series have always wanted
That is the game I will recommend to any newcomer of the Mario Party series. I couldn’t be more excited for the release of Mario Party Superstars. The fact that it is all N64 boards? And they even added some of the great minigames from Gamecube Mario Party games? It’s pretty much a dream come true for longtime fans
Odyssey is my favorite 3D Mario, just controlling Mario feels so good, it has a lot charm and in general I really love exploration and the non-linearity. The endgame is definitely my favorite part, had me smiling the whole way through. Your in for a good time.I just got my Switch and I'm 30 minutes into Mario Odyssey.
I'm in awe of how magical this shit is. It feels a bit like playing through Homer Simpson's psychedelic chili experience. It knew it'd be delightful but you have to play it to feel it. Then again, honeymoon phase and all.
I was planning on starting Breath of the Wild tonight but I'm thinking it might feel stif in comparison. This is so breezy and light. I don't know if I can stop playing.
Last time I bought a Nintendo console, I started with 3D world and Wind Waker HD. This already feels like a better start.
Awesome. What are your thoughts on BOTW?Odyssey is my favorite 3D Mario, just controlling Mario feels so good, it has a lot charm and in general I really love exploration and the non-linearity. The endgame is definitely my favorite part, had me smiling the whole way through. Your in for a good time.
Fake Edit: Sorry for the wall of text, I had quite a bit to say about BotW.Awesome. What are your thoughts on BOTW?
I just got my Switch and I'm 30 minutes into Mario Odyssey.
I'm in awe of how magical this shit is. It feels a bit like playing through Homer Simpson's psychedelic chili experience. It knew it'd be delightful but you have to play it to feel it. Then again, honeymoon phase and all.
I was planning on starting Breath of the Wild tonight but I'm thinking it might feel stif in comparison. This is so breezy and light. I don't know if I can stop playing.
Last time I bought a Nintendo console, I started with 3D world and Wind Waker HD. This already feels like a better start.
Ys 9 is out now for Switch. I guess since these games aren't visually too spectacular, people tend to sleep on them. But the gameplay is always fun. In fact, I haven't played even one where I came away thinking it was a waste of time. Think of it like being more of action RPG with a little Zelda sprinkled in there. Ys 8 Lacrimosa of Dana is already going up in price fairly hard so you'll suffer if you wait for these games to show up in some sort of "hidden gems" list and decide to get it a few years down the line. Just sayin'!
Many people have been thinking the next Mario will be similar to Bowser's Fury. Haven't played it myself but I get the impression it's a mix between Odysseys open world and 3D Worlds more focused linear levels.Now I’m wondering what the next big Mario game will be. Odyssey is pretty much perfect for me, but I’m sure they’ll want to do something different.
They should just rip off bits of Mega Man Legends, keep it open world, and give it a “Mario Blaster” theme or something. That’s what I want. Let us upgrade cute Mario armor with classic power ups. New locations open up as we acquire them, in classic metroid fashion.
Theirs around 900 in the game and the bonuses levels that you get are at 300 and 500 I think, so probably not worth unless you want to see everything in the game.I completed the main portion of Mario Odyssey this morning. What a joy that whole thing was. 3D world was okay but this really shows how far Mario has come.
I'm loving being back at Peach's castle. I think I'll continue to hunt down moons and buy outfits. Anyone think it's worth it to hunt down every moon, or is it just busy work?
This is a game that can easily be played four years, five years plus after its release. I'd say that you're in the perfect position to play BOTW given the time frame we have until its sequel releases. Everyone's playthrough is going to be exceedingly different in various ways, because the exploration can lead you anywhere. The Wii Zelda games didn't impress me. BOTW did, and it even knocked off The Wind Waker to claim the third spot on my personal top 3 Zelda games which I was never expecting to happen. There was a NeoGAF Game of the Decade tournament thread hosted by a poster here last year and BOTW won 2nd place only behind The Witcher 3. It's a spectacular game and even if you play nonstop until the day of release of its sequel, I'm willing to bet that you'll have a lot to do and discover still within the gameBOTW
I think it's worth mentioning and something that I haven't heard being brought up, but Woody Woods is the only Mario Party 3 board that doesn't really have an action event happen on the board, maybe it's just a coincidence that they choice it of all maps but to me it sort of points to them possibly excluding those types of boards and I can see a couple reasons why. Those events were pretty slow, happened frequently since you could just get them to happen outside a happening space and pretty much all of them allowed for extremely broken strats just like reverse mushroom from MP3 that hasn't made a single return since that entry because it was so broken. They already have a slow dice that can up to 10 in Superstars which is good enough so I'm thinking they'll want to avoid completely breaking the meta by keeping the MP3s insane positioning strats. I'm really thinking MP3 only gets one board.I'm tempted to say that the right choice would be Spiny Desert because the upper right quadrant of the board - as well as path leading back to the starting point are both very exciting to reach and navigate. That, and the theme for Spiny Desert is very fitting. It opens up with a tone that sort of resembles or matches that of the lighter side of the board and about 30 seconds in you hear a more mysterious tone that might resemble the night; I always liked how the track would transition like that. Going from traditional desert theme type sounds that are fairly stimulating and could become tiresome if left on too long, and switching to something a bit more ambient, mysterious yet sort of soothing all in one theme was a great idea by Hudson Soft's team
Very solid call outs, pretty keen observations in your post tbh. I hope it's just a coincidence. Mario Party 3's boards are so amazing, easily the best in the entire series. NDcube would be able to assess them and make them even better than they were. You mention the action events taking a bit of time and I agree, those could take up a minute extra and add up quickly within the span of a 50 Turns game. The action events that take place on Spiny Desert and Chilly Waters are ideal though. Those two simple moments where you can choose to jump (once, twice, not at all) add so much strategy to the game. You really have to pay attention and be alert at all times when playing those maps with others. I do sort of wonder if Hudson Soft anticipated players being very keen to the action events though and where they can place you...or if they thought all players were just going to try to succeed in the action event every time? They have spots clearly designated for each outcome during the action events. But you're right, there were definitely some hardcore strategic elements at play in MP3; something you may be right about not returning to the series - but I still hope that's not the case. And there's like a 1% chance the Reverse Mushroom makes its way back into the game, but personally, I would love to see it again. Instead of 5 coins, price it at like 15 coins, 20 coins, or 25 coins because it can be a game decider, just like a Magic Lamp can be a game decider. If it has an appropriate price point, the player will have to make a judgement call, weigh their options more closely; and the choice will require some foresight whereas before it was a no brainer you'd simply buy one for 5 coins every time it was available. Reverse Mushroom is way too dynamic of an item to be throwing away, I hope the team at least considered it during the game's development even if the item does not returnI think it's worth mentioning and something that I haven't heard being brought up, but Woody Woods is the only Mario Party 3 board that doesn't really have an action event happen on the board, maybe it's just a coincidence that they choice it of all maps but to me it sort of points to them possibly excluding those types of boards and I can see a couple reasons why. Those events were pretty slow, happened frequently since you could just get them to happen outside a happening space and pretty much all of them allowed for extremely broken strats just like reverse mushroom from MP3 that hasn't made a single return since that entry because it was so broken. They already have a slow dice that can up to 10 in Superstars which is good enough so I'm thinking they'll want to avoid completely breaking the meta by keeping the MP3s insane positioning strats. I'm really thinking MP3 only gets one board.
Another thing I don't think people have noticed, is that Woody Woods was redesigned so that the skeleton door interactions are more like Mario Party 2 instead of 3. Look at the original Woody Woods and then look at the boxart for Superstars. In the top left corner of the original their was a split in the path and going down lead to a door, on the boxart that's no longer the case and instead you seem to enter from the opposite direction. This is also true for the door in the bottom right close to the starting position, even though Peach is standing on where the door should be, the spaces around that part has seen a similar redesign. This kind of supports my idea that they're gonna avoid including MP3s crazy positioning strats.
Just something to think about, since I don't think anyones taking these into account.
Finished Mario Golf Super Rush's Golf Adventure mode. The game has almost no character and feels sterile.
Mario vs Rabbids is a legit top five game on the system. It’s on sale for $15 on the eshop.
Just say no to Ubisoft and Rabbids.
Is it better than Super Mario Odyssey in your opinion?Mario vs Rabbids is a legit top five game on the system. It’s on sale for $15 on the eshop.
I’d put Odyssey as better along with BoTW.Is it better than Super Mario Odyssey in your opinion?
Recently finished it myself and yeah it's a no brainer at that price.Mario vs Rabbids is a legit top five game on the system. It’s on sale for $15 on the eshop.
The complete edition is up for $20 with the Donkey Kong expansion.
Super Monkey Ball remaster incoming.
Cool I guess. I never played the first.
Yesterday I tried to play Mario Sunshine... I can't. Too old and it looks horrible. Plays horrible as well, something doesn't feel right with it.
I guess I bought the All Stars Collection only for Mario Galaxy.