I didn’t. But modern Fire Emblem is a terrible game for weebs.
Look, there will be a place for you in the new world. If you admit Fire Emblem is a really unpolished dating/tea party simulator for weebs, dragging the mutilated, now casual friendly corpse of classic Fire Emblem battles behind it, in an attempt to excuse itself for its misdeeds.
This is all I ask, my child.
Down with your tyrannical rule, long live Dimitri!
Seriously though, I truly do think that Dimitri is Fire Emblem's best character. His arc is extraordinary, and his supporting cast bounce off each other spectacularly well. I keep trying to get into the Golden Deer, and while I do like most of the characters, the story honestly feels more hamstrung with them, being more based on giving background information than having any emotional weight or relevancy, as the actual chapters are the exact same as the Blue Lions. Thus, Claude doesn't really flow with the actual ongoings of the story, which, while it goes with what I suspect is his central arc, makes this path feel like a gaiden rather than a central story.
Now, the maps themselves... actually are quite good at the base design of them, if too repeated between all the paths of the game. But, it just offers too many methods of breaking them, so it's rather pointless to even bother talking about them.
Now, the monastery activities at first seem expansive and nearly overwhelming... but I'm here to help. Here's the list of stuff worthwhile:
1. Garden time for easy teacher points
2. Fish time for easy teacher points
3. Run around the monastery to throw owl feathers/lost items at random students for support points to recruit them
4. Stuff students with food to boost motivation (this is actually the most benefitual thing to do, as you can also eat with potential recruits, hence killing two birds with one stone)
5. As soon as the students ate, waste the rest of your activity points on teacher training.
Everything else is pointless. Especially tea time. Dear god do I despise that activity.
The teaching component is actually quite fun to play with, allowing for a vast variety of playstyles and creativity. But... the movement options with this game make everything about this mute and void, especially when you realize that making every non-mage character a wyvern lord is the best choice, thus making most other options pointless if you don't play games for fun.
Yeah... it's unpolished. It's a lot of fun, but heavily unpolished. Fates/Awakening are still far more weeb trash than this game though. And Dimitri is still the best Fire Emblem character.