Ranger X said:Any chances for an english PC version or something? Maybe DS?
I'd really like to play this (I tried it on a friend's Iphone and it's fantastic) but there's no fucking way I am buying a cellphone for this.
Knux-Future said:This game man...this fucking game.
Dear god it's awesome.
jvalioli said:How many people can you have on your team at a time at the max stage?
parasight said:Isn't it a bit weird that you can sell more copies of a game on your console than consoles sold to the market? I just sold 16 million copies of my latest game on my own console and I only sold 12 million consoles. :lol
EDIT: Didn't even notice the post above me!
No, this is.Shaneus said:The game Recettear is basically the PC equivalent.
Tunesmith said:Picked this up during it's .79 sale and holy shit this is addicting! It's quickly become my most played game on iPhone.!
Are there any other offices beyond the 8-man one? I'm raking in the millions (~500), on year 27 and counting but with no space to expand.
Also have a Hacker turned everything lvl5 turned Hardware Eng. with a salary of 10 million which is rather hilarious.
Biggest hit being Ravenous Romp, a Romance Sim RPG that sold 40 million units :lol
Ranger X said:I am SO addicted to this game right now...
But I have a question for you experts!!
How do you get an hardware engineer? I have a writer, a sound engineer, a designer, a coder, a producer and a director. They are all level 5. Everytime I use the "change job" item, I never get to have "hardware engineer" in the list. When I try to hire, there are never any hardware engineer either...
dogmaan said:You have to level up a character in every skill/job.
Ranger X said:oh snap. I see. This is not the way I saw it at first. I was keeping my research points more for boosting than leveling. Looks like leveling and develloping games in "research" mode is a must!
Kaizen said:hot springs story is now available in english (appstore, dunno about android)! I'm going to try it now. hope it's as good as game dev story
Sure is. Started playing it again yesterday and suddenly an hour had gone by.03sho said:I bought this this morning for 59p on iPad and holy shiz. It's addictive!