Hardware itself is no longer a priority. No longer a necessity. Doing something different when the previous decade and a half's tactics failed seems reasonable.
- Hardware innovation... is the priority.
It used to be the line that a self-sufficient Game Pass would do this single-handedly. That obviously wasn't happening when xbox exec compensation had a line put through GP sub growth and instead focussed on revenue. Easiest path to larger revenue is sell software on every viable platform.
- Revenue from other platforms supplements Xbox’s income, ensuring sustainable game development.
- He explained that the 70% revenue from other platforms helps fund "larger and more diverse game portfolios.

Nobody believes game Pass is growing, fast, slow or otherwise. Last figure we had was a year ago when Gold had been folded in was 34M. If the only stat they're willing to share a year later is that PC GP (the are with apparent massive growth potential in the shorter term, to lead subs to 100M+ by 2030) grew a pitiful 40%, then, given the trend over recent years and factoring in the usual churn and with new hardware sales falling off a cliff, overall growth is no doubt a red figure - has to be. It's not a positive number, it's a decline.
- However, challenges remain, such as... slower Game Pass growth.