Handy Fake
Contender for Thread Title of 2018.
If you already feel the constant negativity and bullshit (which is how they do political activism it seems) is overwhelming you, then keeping it up is dangerous for you as the more clicks you give to articles designed to be clickbait, the higher their metrics are even with adblock on, and the longer they can carry on their usual business.It's like rotten.com, you know it's gonna be repulsive and gross, but you still browse it from time to time. My question - is this dangerous to my brain
Why is cosmic horror laid at the feet of Lovecraft when it is convenient to cry about ancient racism?
Why is cosmic horror laid at the feet of Lovecraft when it is convenient to cry about ancient racism?
I know he was a major contributor but there were plenty of others who contributed to that constellation of stories. Does Jorge Luis Borges no longer count? What about Mary Shelley? What about Ray Bradbury? What about August Derleth?
And does the game itself affirm and promulgate his "racist views"? Because that's kind of the only part that should matter to the player. Since it clearly does not -- otherwise that would be the headline -- what's the point of complaining about it?
This would be like grousing about the "white male dominated roots of FPS gaming"... oh wait, I'm sure such an article already exists.
What a fucking pretentious title.
What a fucking pretentious title.
Thank fuck there is no girls with big breasts for Mr. "Rape Time" Klepek to shield his frail little eyes from. He may have not been able to see anything he was writing.
The necromancer has come !
The necromancer has come !
people like him deserve 0 respect.![]()
And there it is. Living rent-free in their head for 4 years.
The necromancer has come !
He reminds me of the smelly basement dwellers that used to come into my games shop once a month when their government benefits cleared to get their anime/games fix. Because it was their sole social outing, they would hang around the counter like aids, just droning on and on about nothing and I’d basically have to tell them to fuck off eventually so I can help normal customers.>trump-esque
people like him deserve 0 respect.
And there it is. Living rent-free in their head for 4 years.
And there it is. Living rent-free in their head for 4 years.
A wild Randy Pitchford appears.Jason "Being attracted to big boobs makes you a pedophile" Schreier may be the most thin-skinned person on the planet.
The necromancer has come !
I don’t think that applies to Jason and a bunch of others. If the clicks and attention wasn’t there, they wouldn’t be doing it.These people are not journalists. They are activist. They wouldn't know what the hell journalism is even if it hits them in their faces. They are activist and nothing more.
As for Shreier. In my language we would call him a "Dom poes"
Gaming journalism is dead to me.
Game Informer is the only outlet I follow since I'm a suscriber for a long time and I find their content to be gaming focused without pushing any political agenda. In this day and age, I found them pretty brave for doing that. Other than that, I follow some YouTubers and some random blogs about specific stuff like history of western RPG's.
Most game journalists attack on a daily basis a whole Community on the fact that a very few pourcentage of people in it are conducting themselves like assholes and whining about the backlash. Never once they ask themselves if it was legit to come lecture us the way they did with no respect at all, like we are a bunch of stupid illiterate people. The joke's on them. They came full throttle at a Community who spent years during the 90's and early 00's dealing with outside attacks on video games (about are violent we are, how antisociable we are and how video games culture like anime was stupid) and expect us to sat down, listen to their good words, and take the blame. They didn't see it coming but they unleashed the beast, it's on them. Sure it led to some awful things (I can't tolerate death threats and stuff like that).
Before all this nobody had a problem with minorities or women. When GTA SA was released I Don't remember any gamer going ape because the character was black. When TR released in 96, nobody went crazy on Eidos and Core because the main character was a woman. Women working in the industry like Amy Hennig were respected and she said so herself. Again, if a very few assholes did Something, it was peripheral. The Community as a whole wasn't racist nor sexist, journalists rewrite history to fit their narrative.
I began being active on the internet late 96 and I remember discussing the first TR extensively with other fans, never once I cross some anti-women comments, sure we made of fun of Lara when she was going "Haaaaa" everytime she took a medkit or her spiky boobs but that's it, that was harmless, it was just fun because, well, it was fun. Everybody loved the game and the character and she quickly became an icon. A woman couldn't have been an icon if the Community was deeply sexist. GTA SA couldn't have sell 20 millions copies on PS2 alone, if the community was deeply racist. It's bullshit. Sure, some people on the Community are sexists and racists but like in every other human Community, we are not living in a vacuum, but that Doesn't give them the right to call all of us toxic and talk to us like we are brainless.
I have a feeling that being so closely tied to GameStop/EB Games is the reason there isn't any political horseshit in Game Informer. I can't imagine GameStop wanting to incite anything so they just play it safe and stick to games. No matter what political position you take you're gonna get shit on, why bring that on themselves?
I'm actually tired of them being called games journalists, I doubt such a thing exists. They're game bloggers who occasionally do journalism, imo.
I'm suspecting the same thing but in that case, I'm pretty pleased about that.
In France, I read some stuff by local game journalists about the fact that The Division is a fascist game based on the notion that you kill looters who came from underprivileged social classes and that's fascist (according to the journalist). I think it's beyond stupid because the game show you plenty of other underpriviled people from any gender/race (since it's a quarantine area pretty much everyone is underprivileged anyway) who scavange to survive but stay civil at the same time (all the people you meet/see in the street who Don't shoot at you) so your duty is to protect theses persons not to engage in a debate, you're military, you're not a social worker if you see a dude Killing innocent people in the streets you Don't sit there and talk to the guy about his childhood traumas. There's Nothing fascist, it's just what's wrong and what's right, there's no other logical way to look at it. It's an emergency situation and you're playing a military-like character, you can't Apply real life here, you can only analyze the situation in the context of the game. There's no need to be political. Now if the journalist can't stomach games with a "realistic" military content, fine, but then Don't play it, Don't write about it, Don't give us your opinion because we don't care, move on to a type of game you like but stop the lecturing.
They’re getting few and far between.Are there any other good gaming podcasts that are free from political crap besides Game Informer? I used to listen to the Roundtable podcast and really liked that those guys kept things focused on games rather than pop-culture, wrestling, anime, and politics but haven't been able to find something similar since they stopped recording.
I'm suspecting the same thing but in that case, I'm pretty pleased about that.
In France, I read some stuff by local game journalists about the fact that The Division is a fascist game based on the notion that you kill looters who came from underprivileged social classes and that's fascist
And here is me while reading that sentence
It gets worse. Fringe 'journalism' - as in gaming - is where no-hopers who *wish* they could work for the NYT or the BBC are employed. These losers have massive chips on their shoulders- honestly think one day they'll get out of their journalistic ghetto, and go work for one of the 'respected' media giants. Mr chippy will thus be thin-skinned and highly defensive - in other words will look like an even bigger pathetic loser when pushed.
So is the short mexican woman. Forgot her name. She's like the only woman there though lmao.I’ve been listening to the Game Informer podcast (never read the magazine) for about a year now because, yes, it’s mostly free of political bullshit, which is hard to find nowadays.
They occasionally have this annoying little dork on called Imran Kahn who is a flaming SJW fairy (better suited toWaypointVICE) and trying real hard to inject his virtue signalling verbal faeces into the podcast at every occasion.
Now. If they are smart, they will nix this post haste if they value their bottom line. But, I’m not holding out hope.