Given how lithium batteries work, that's unlikely. Older nickel based batteries can be trickle charged or top up charged (this sounds like a confusing conflation of the two) but lithium batteries will explode if you try that, and have built in circuitry to prevent it. Won't hurt if you leave it plugged in, but once the battery is fully charged it's cut off from the charging current.
Craigslist in Australia is kind of shit.
But yeah, I usually check it once a day.
That's really the best advice I could give someone in regards to looking for something specific on craigslist. I've found some great deals on sometimes really rare items just by getting in the habit of checking it daily if there's something specific I'm looking for.
I actually bought this copy brand new and sealed from GAME back when it came out.
zelda wink waker
blitz 2003
madden 2005
ghost recon
dark summit
top gun sealed
street hoops
metroid prime
mickey mouse
baten kaitos
a series of unfortunate events
dragon ball z
carmen sandiego
skies of arcadia
beach bandits
resident evil
tales of symphonia
lord of the rings
In 1989 we saw the birth of one the most famous gaming devices that has graced gamers. The Gameboy line was famous for being one
of the greatest portable gaming machines with an extensive library that has been around longer than most consoles could even dream
hope for. With the whole line selling over 200 million units it has become one of the greatest achievements from Nintendo.
In this thread we will look at the history of the Gamboy and how this tiny device flourished to what it is today.
Please use this thread to list your memories of the system and the games you have played on it...........
Picked up this SWEET multicart this weekend at a convention. I know it's a pirate but it was too cool to pass up. When you load it up, it has Goomba Color on it and because the Zelda games need a battery you have to manually save to the flash memory by holding L+R before you turn it off. Games run flawlessly though and it's really cool having both games on one cart.
I've never seen this planet logo on any games before and haven't even been able to find any existence of this cart online. If anyone has some information please pass it along.
How much was it?
Goomba Color is a GBC emulator for the GBA, and I'm wondering if what you bought is a cheap bootleg/pirate, or a custom-made flashed cart. Can you open it up?
$20 which seemed fair being that each game is around that for GBC alone. Yeah I know Goomba Color is a GBC emu for the GBA. If I can remember I'll open it up and posts some pics. I can tell that the board inside says "nintendo" I don't know if that helps or anything.
Zelda: Wind Waker (aka Wink Waker) CIB, good condition - $25
Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light CIB - $15
Scribblenauts CIB - $7
Zelda: Phantom Hourglass CIB - $20
Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber (cart only) - $12
GBA (all cart only):
F-Zero: Maximum Velocity - $7
Final Fantasy V - $15
Mario Tennis Power Tour - $7
Megaman Zero 3 - $10
Metroid: Zero Mission - $25
Namco Museum - $7
Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee - $7
Zelda: Link to the Past & Four Swords - $17
Zelda: Minish Cap - $25
Rayman 3D (cart only) - $12
Not to be too much of a shill, but I'm selling/trading several GBA/DS games if anyone is interested. Happy to negotiate and to reduce prices for multiple games. Feel free to PM me. Thanks!
so i just got back from a used retro games shop i went to and...i spied Harvest Moon Friends of Mineral Town in their GBA selection for 16 bucks...
Decided to NOT grab it right away since i wasn't sure whether it was worth it or not(or a good game in general) but i think i read somewhere it's supposed to be pretty good right?
Should i have gotten it for that price?
Least i didn't come home completely empty handed, found a copy of Bruce Lee Return of the Legend for 6 bucks so there's that![]()
That's a good price, especially if it's CIB, but even if it's not. It's actually one of my favorite HM games and I believe it's widely considered one of the best. I'd especially recommend it if you haven't played BTN on PS1 as it's kind of similar in a lot of ways. It's a terrific game, though, and a bargain at that price IMO.
tx for the feedback, i just checked amazon and i guess the price isn't all that special, you can get them (non boxed of course) for around the same price...
I might go back and get it regardless though... been having a lot of fun recently with Rune Factory 3 for DS so this looks to be similar
Just got a CIB Magical Quest 2 for the GBA in the mail. Everything looks great. Fire it up and it's all in French? I don't see any language options in the menu...
The weird thing is that there's an ESRB rating on the sticker and the code is AGB-AQME-USA.
someone swapped the pcb on you or it's possible a canadian release
Yup, I'm betting it was a Canadian cart myself...
Yup, I'm betting it was a Canadian cart myself...
I thought all Canadian releases needed to have English and French text on the box itself. Maybe not. Someone else suggested there may have been a language selection on first boot that no longer appears after the initial choice is made... has anyone had that happen with a GBA game?
It does have a language selection on first boot with options for choosing between English, French and German. Check the manual and see if there's a button combination you can hold down at startup to erase the save?
I thought all Canadian releases needed to have English and French text on the box itself. Maybe not. Someone else suggested there may have been a language selection on first boot that no longer appears after the initial choice is made... has anyone had that happen with a GBA game?
I've gone crazy. Got my silver Micro in March, since then have acquired blue and hot pink. Then the pearl blue posted above yesterday and today ordered the Famicom one from Arcade Shock. Still absolutely need a green one and a purple, FFIV and black are looking great too. Mother 3 is probably too pricy to justify the money.![]()
Yeah, I'm selling my Mother 3 GBM if you are interested. I'm asking $300 which I'm assuming is too pricy for you but I originally bought it for $400.
Games Quest Direct reprinted Ninja Five-O? Why the hell is the game so expensive?
I think it's so expensive because it had a really small print run and GBA games are small and I bet people tend to lose them if they aren't careful.
Not to be too much of a shill, but I'm selling/trading several GBA/DS games if anyone is interested. Happy to negotiate and to reduce prices for multiple games. Feel free to PM me. Thanks!
gah, figures you'd sell some zelda when i'm broke. lol.
Picked up a couple GB/GBA games in New Brunswick this weekend:
Chief among them is this copy of Final Fantasy VI for my GBA, brand spankin' new and still sealed...
Price? As marked...Basically NOS, still priced as it was on release in 2007...
The faceplate and back will also have some custom skin/sticks on them.
Damn, I really want to play Final Fantasy VI, but the prices are ridiculous.