aw nooooo
I will still hold out hope
heh yeah, but it won't
if anyone can do it, Krikzz can. man's a genius.
Quick question for GBA owning GAF - does this look alright? And is that a glass screen?
Just need a second opinion on it before I buy.
It's not as if the 101 screen is actually all that good, you know.Can one of you kind souls link me to a legit (proper ASG-101 screen not custom) backlit GBA (preferably the original design not the 'flipper') on Ebay UK. There are lots available but the ones i've checked say it has a custom screen, and I don't want to spend money on one only to find i've bough one with a poor quality custom screen and not 101 original.
Also, I want to mention my bad experience with Rose Colored Gaming. I bought one of their Game Boy Color's (ones that were modded with a backlight and new casing). When it arrived I had to be $50-$60 in import fees (higher than usual, but probably not their fault) and the "new" screen was coated in deep, deep scratches. I'm assuming they used really cheap (soft) plastic. Then when I turned it on I saw what could possibly be the least appealing screen ever (not sure if it's due to the scratches or if the backlight is bad). The worst part is that the actual unit turns off if it gets tilted while on. Even just lifting it off a table causes the power to turn off. Basically not only if the outside pre-scratched, the internals are fucked up too.
Absolutely infuriating, especially since I'd probably need to pay similar import fees + shipping fees if I wanted to make a fuss and get a replacement. I'm not even going to attempt to replace it knowing the trouble it'd be. Isn't worth the time nor money. From what I hear their GBAs are much better (presumably because they use glass instead of plastic on the screens), but I'm not even going to risk it.
It's not as if the 101 screen is actually all that good, you know.
It's still a very sluggish LCD with a very poor response time (ie - heavy ghosting). It's bright, though, but so are the custom screens. Also, the front lit GBA-SP actually destroys the AGS-101 screen when it comes to motion handling. The AGS-101 is very bright and it's true that the 001 is quite dim in comparison (due to front lighting) but it handles motion remarkably well. It's very clean and looks much better than most backlit LCDs I've seen. It's actually something I've been rather curious about as it almost suggests that the backlight is responsible for some of the response time issues.
It would be so amazing if someone engineered a low resolution OLED replacement screen for a GBA system.
It depends how much you notice this stuff. I've had a 101 for years and don't notice it at all. Also prefer it so much more over the original SP's frontlit screen.I'd heard the 101 doesn't handle motion that well, and an original SP would certainly be cheaper, hmm. Now i've no idea what to get!!
Decisions decisions........
I'd heard the 101 doesn't handle motion that well, and an original SP would certainly be cheaper, hmm. Now i've no idea what to get!!
Decisions decisions........
Can one of you kind souls link me to a legit (proper ASG-101 screen not custom) backlit GBA (preferably the original design not the 'flipper') on Ebay UK. There are lots available but the ones i've checked say it has a custom screen, and I don't want to spend money on one only to find i've bough one with a poor quality custom screen and not 101 original.
The 101 definitely has the upper hand when viewing them both side by side, it's colors are more vibrant by far and in comparison the Micro's screen looks slightly washed out.
Make no mistake the Micro's screen is still great and it's never something I've thought about or even noticed while actually playing on it, this observation comes purely from comparing them together at the same time with the same games.
The AGS-101 is the clear winner in this contest unless you're explicitly going for the smaller form factor or better pixel density.
Well I think I'll take my chances then, can't stand playing it without the clock, fucking OCD would never let me.It's easy to replace if you can solder or know someone who does.
Well I think I'll take my chances then, can't stand playing it without the clock, fucking OCD would never let me.
Thank you btw!
So, those of you have put new screens in your OG GBA. What does the little knob do on the back? The white one on the inside I mean that you have to reach through the back of the case to get to. I haven't touched it yet as my screen looks good to me and I don't want to fuck something up. But, I am curious.
So, those of you have put new screens in your OG GBA. What does the little knob do on the back? The white one on the inside I mean that you have to reach through the back of the case to get to. I haven't touched it yet as my screen looks good to me and I don't want to fuck something up. But, I am curious.
So, those of you have put new screens in your OG GBA. What does the little knob do on the back? The white one on the inside I mean that you have to reach through the back of the case to get to. I haven't touched it yet as my screen looks good to me and I don't want to fuck something up. But, I am curious.
If it's what I'm thinking of, it adjusts the voltage for the screen. Messing with it can significantly lower your screen's life expectancy or even blow it out right away.
Our good friends at the big house of N have relayed an official comment about the contrast control that was discovered earlier this week. It's not a contrast control at all. It's a flicker control! Here's the official Nintendo statement about this...
"A positive and negative voltage controls Liquid Crystal Displays (LCDs). The "contrast control" that you are referring to is actually a flicker control. The adjustment is used to synchronize the positive and negative voltages. If these voltages are out of adjustment then the LCD will no longer respond correctly. The result will be an excess charge built up in the liquid crystal and permanently damage the LCD. The excessive charge gives the appearance of a brighter screen because the liquid crystal is not reacting properly to the voltages applied. When the adjustment of the voltages is correct the changing polarities will not allow a charge to build up, which prolongs the LCD life.
This adjustment is set by the manufacturer or must be performed by a qualified Nintendo Technician using proper equipment (Proper lighting, special tools, test equipment and software). Adjusting the flicker without the proper tools and lighting will put the voltages out of sync and may cause damage to the unit."
You're probably ok if it was just a tweak. Probably bad if you had to turn it all the way.
Uh oh... :/
That's a good price considering what it goes for. I would get it for $30 too if I could.Just bit the bullet on an FF6 Advance.
Someone raised me to my max, last second, so I ended up paying $30. It's more than I'd hoped, but not as high as the Buy It Now prices.
No complaints though, I'll def. get my money's worth out of the cart.
That's a good price considering what it goes for. I would get it for $30 too if I could.
My Game Boy Color came today! Looked great - started up a game....and none of the buttons worked. A and B worked if you pressed into them EXTREMELY hard, and Start and Select refused to work at all. For a moment, I was pissed off that I had received yet ANOTHER faulty GBC (my first one if you remember was in a shitty third party replacement shell, and had issues with a scratched screen and broken power switch).
So I opened it up, washed the buttons and membranes, rubbed the contacts with cleaning alcohol...and voila! it works perfectly - and it's in mint condition! Not bad for £9.
Wanted a decent transparent GBC since 1998! Just waiting for my Everdrive GB now!
That looks excellent! Your thumb makes it look small, how are the ergonomics? I have massive hands.
I appreciate the help, but I'm actually European so the shipping would probably be more than that.I can't remember if it goes for $17 or $20 around here. I can go see if they have any copies in tomorrow if you really want one. Throw $3.00 more on top for shipping. Last time I was there they had a couple. I think they do $6-7 for Part Four, $12-13 for Five, $4-6 for 1-2.
went to the goodwill today to look for a genesis game and ended up leaving with a gba sp (001, no charger) and pokemon emerald (dead battery) for 7.99. also got mario kart ds for 4.99.
is the 001 screen worth putting in an original gba?
It's the same pretty much, unless you mean putting the front light in too?