Just any four games?try loading up 4 games. 360BC/arcade titles work too like Doom and SOTN
Christ this Swarmak battle is dull. Having to work your way around him to shoot the scabs while playing solo is such a chore.
Holy shit the hitching just got me killed.
Just any four games?
Awesome. Thanks for letting me know! I redeemed the code last Saturday so hopefully I get the messages soon.Welcome to the franchise, its one of my favorites!(Except for the Windows 10/Gears 4 gong show I'm experiencing.) The game itself is great so far on Xbox One, but I cannot get the PC version to work.
You should receive the free game codes in 2 Xbox Live messages, most likely a few days after you buy the game. You should get Gears 1 & 2 codes in one message, 3 and Judgment in the other. At least that is how it worked for me for both Gears 1 and 4 Ultimate Editions.
I haveplayed 3 hours daily if multi-player since Tuesday and no lags whatsoever
so asking the same question of the friend above, better to buy one elite pack or 3 regular ones?
I'll have to give this a go then. Crazy how a small 200mb something update can screw with the game. Hopefully they fix that going forward.just did it, it totally fixes the hitchesso weird
I'll have to give this a go then. Crazy how a small 200mb something update can screw with the game. Hopefully they fix that going forward.
Is Reclaimed the only god damn map in the game!?!!
It's a good map but JFC, I swear to god it's the only map I play.
Play anywhere is Digital onlyIf I buy a retail xbone copy does that I mean I can play it on windows 10?
Thanks. Ill give it a go tomorrow.apparently the XB1 has a cache system like 360 that is separate from updates. the console allows 4 games to be saved in memory (VS the 360's 1).
why there is no way to manually clear it is beyond me.
that feeling when 3 packs in a row only contain emblems and no skins of any kind
disappointment is real. I've yet to get a colorful shotgun or any shotgun skin >:|
all I get are skins for guns I never use and emblems... mostly emblems. I have SO many emblems
Dude this game is full of shit players. Playing KOTH and people and just treating it infinite live TDM.
It's basically like playing Overwatch any day of the week. But Gears has always been like this, so, eh.
Problem right now is that there's not much you can do by yourself. In Gears 1 at least you could carry a whole team. Not here.
Every horde game I literally have triple the amount of kills and like 5x the score as the 2nd place guy, with most revives too...Idk what it is I thought long time fans bought this game...
Well if nobody is responding it's probably because no, it's not an issue for others. I played today and had zero issues with horde. Check the Gears forums and see if anyone is complaining about it there. Maybe reinstalling the game?***
Ok, is ANYBODY experiencing connection issues while playing horde? I've asked 3 times now and no one will answer me directly.
I can't play the game I just bought and it's extremely frustrating. I've had to resort to messaging random people that I play with and asking if they have problems, but no one responds.
Is this a documented issue? Frequent and extreme lag while playing horde?
For everyone still having trouble with hitching on Xbox One: the solution they provided with starting 4 different Xbox One games and then Gears 4 WORKS. Did it last night and no more hitching in multiplayer, also the menus became butter smooth. How this actually helped is beyond me.
Also, dat feeling when 4 team mates quit horde at level 30 and you find yourself all alone...... Why do people do this sort of stuff?
Can it literally be ANY games?
360 games and XBLA games included?
You can also try reinstalling the game. It worked for me and it's been amazing since.Can it literally be ANY games?
360 games and XBLA games included?
I think they said Xbox One games, so I did it with the following: Forza Horizon 3, Doom, Titanfall and Halo 5. Just get to the main menu of the games, quit and start another. It's kinda crazy but sure works.
You can also try reinstalling the game. It worked for me and it's been amazing since.
So I want to reach wave 50 in Horde tomorrow night. So I am looking for a group to play with and with the same goal. Anyone interested?
How is the 4 player coop campaign handled in Act 3where there's only 3 of you?.
How is the 4 player coop campaign handled in Act 3where there's only 3 of you?.