I like my 100 point pink gnasher skin more than any of the super glow in the dark ones. ¯_(ツ

_/¯ So it's cool I could get that without relying on chance.
I just wish there was a way to get a character skin I liked. I want girl v-day gear and I'm starting to think it'll never happen because I'm not going to drop $200 into this
I also don't understand why Coalition treated Hammerburst as if it's not a core weapon. All the other core weapons have lots of skin variety. I have tons of cool Lancer skins and I never use Lancer. There's one neat Hammerburst skin (the same one that's available for every weapon) but it's so expensive there's really no practical way of getting it outside of extreme, extreme luck.
Also I strongly prefer playing COG because I prefer the narrower female skin that's available on COG side characters. They should either offer this form factor on Swarm or let me state a preference for COG so it'll shuffle me into a COG team if it can.