Danis Saur
After almost a week, I hit Gears Nirvana... I know how to play the game. I'm decent at it now. I know my movement, tactics and shotgun plays... Its enjoyable now.
Don't do it... >_>
Got a link to the guide? What does it involve doing?
What's the best pack to buy with in game cash? The one for $3500?
YupAnyone interested in getting a group together for horde?
Anyone interested in getting a group together for horde?
Depends what you are looking for in the packs
Just saw someone with the esports Kait
got me so tempted to waste $10 but I know I won't get her.
Anyone interested in getting a group together for horde?
Love the game. Only gripe is Horde matches collapse quickly from players leaving.
I'm down
GT is A3OLIAN. I have a level 2 Heavy I'm trying to level up.
Anyone?Wait, there is an ingame chat during matches like on PC?
Ho do I use it?
So that's 4
I'm sure it's bound to a key like "t" or something. Check the key bindings in optionsAnyone?
Im inSo that's 4
Ah, gotta love to get players on my team who can't down someone who is stuck in a 3 second animation executing me. I see him spraying with his lancer like a mad man, only half the bullets even hit.
Next game I get the same guy on my team, he went 0-11 and got 230 points in total and we lost because of him alone. He would've been more useful just hiding somewhere.![]()
I'll invite u to my party and I guess we'll wait for others to give me their GTsGot the game open now just waiting on an invite. Playing on PC so I'm assuming I'll just get a pop up asking me to join once I get an invite but not sure lol.
I'll invite u to my party and I guess we'll wait for others to give me their GTs
Customization items, versus. I figured everyone wants to play dress up!
Gridlock has been out since 2006, if you don't know how to stop one guy from getting the sniper that's on you.
I'll invite u to my party and I guess we'll wait for others to give me their GTs
It requires a keyboard or the chatpad. Don't have them. Damn.I'm sure it's bound to a key like "t" or something. Check the key bindings in options
My GT is Iceman829. I'm switching over now from FH3
I would say go with the elite pack then. I mostly buy horde packs myself since I play a bunch of that mode, but the few elite packs I bought seemed worth it for the skins I got
What's your gtI need 4 commited gaffers who like horde.
Sick of these bounty quitters
I need 4 commited gaffers who like horde.
Sick of these bounty quitters
I need 4 commited gaffers who like horde.
Sick of these bounty quitters
Everybody starts somewhere.
Anybody want to play online that can teach me the ropes
it is just practice, keep playing
I just don't feel like I have a grasp on the mechanics.
Maybe there's some video on YouTube.
GT is o EVA UNIT O1 o
Horders invite me
Invite sentGT is o EVA UNIT O1 o
Horders invite me
This one teaches some basic techniques
But keep in mind you don't have to wall-bounce much at all. Using it only once in a gun fight can be enough to get the edge. Another tip is ALWAYS active reload your shotty before engaging enemies. Also, don't spam the shot gun blasts. It's better to pace the shots and shoot when you know you will hit. For example, if someone accidentally rolls, track them with your reticle and fire when the roll ends
We could not find that person. Check the gamertag and try searching again.
We invited youWUT
Also the post below yours lol
o EVA UNIT 01 o
Send me a messageWUT
Also the post below yours lol
o EVA UNIT 01 o
"A member of your squad is still in-game. Wait for them to quit before starting matchmaking."
What. I play solo.